Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parents Are Responsible For Their Child s Well Being
Parents are responsible for their child’s well-being, however, what situation should allow for others to step in and enforce this responsibility? Divorce can create a situation where parents no longer are able to work together and every member in that household is affected. Each situation of divorce is different and every family needs help in a different way. Too often, the people who are forgotten during the divorce are the children. These children go through the same five stages as their parents would when responding to the divorce. These stages include: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Hozman, 1977). Counseling can be a solution to preventing a negative impact to the children involved in the divorce and also help the parents learn how to become more effective in creating a stable environment. For the counseling to be a successful solution, all family members must be willing participants and when this is not the case, it may need to be mandated by the court. Also, before the counseling begins the parents would need to explain the situation to the children and reassure them that it was not their fault. Counseling should include parent to parent, parent and child, and individual sessions for each family member. Divorce is essentially is decided between the two parents, however, the children become caught up in it. The situation would never improve if the two parents involved do not work out their problems. The first step of the counseling wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Parental Parenting On Children1089 Words  | 5 Pagesthere is no such thing as a bad child, just a bad parent who did not teach their child to be a respectful person. Strict parenting is essential to having a mature and respectful child. For instance when a child is misbehaving towards the parent. Authoritative parents raise independent children, as the child grows the parents teach them have self-control when it comes to making decisions. 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