Saturday, May 23, 2020
The President Of Arkansas, Bill Clinton Essay - 1330 Words
The governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, was the first Democratic candidate in the election of 1992, becoming the first Democratic president since 1976. He was the president number 42 and occupied two presidential period between 1993 to 2000. When he was nominated to the presidency in 1992 by the Democratic party, Clinton centered his campaign in creating jobs, focusing on the image that is close to ordinary people because he does not come from an elite of millionaires like his challenger George W. Bush. Clinton was favored with the career of three rivals counting Ross Perot. In fact, he won with the 43 percent of the votes, while Bush won only with the 37 percent. Consequently, the Democrats retained their majority in both chambers of government. Bush, acting as President in functions, proceeded to sending 20.000 American soldiers to Somalia under the auspices of the ONU to keep the peace and help to support the humanitarian aid. This action received the support of the President-ele ct Clinton, like the signing in January of 1993 of Start II Treaty related with the nuclear disarmament between Bush and the Russian President Boris Yeltsin. During the first month of his mandate, Clinton introduced many reforms initiatives related with foreign polity, also remove legal barriers to abortion, and attempted to end the ban on entry of the homosexuals in the military. Unfortunately, his last plan was modified after encountering with an strong opposition in the Congress and theShow MoreRelatedLife History of Bill Clinton Essay1735 Words  | 7 PagesBill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re-elected to a second term as President. Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in office. They liked what he was doing for the country andRead More President Bill Clinton Essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesBill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re-elected to a second term as President. Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in office. They liked what he was doing for the country andRead MoreEssay on William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton: A Brief Biography1270 Words  | 6 PagesBill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946 to William Jefferson Blythe and Virginia Dell Cassidy. His grandparents were Edith and Eldrige Cassidy. Bill Clinton was born at Chester Hospital in Hope, Arkansas. As a young boy, Clinton lived with his grandparents while his mom was in New Orleans, Louisiana attending nursing school. While Clinton was with his grandparents, he learned to read and write before he was thre e years old. When Clinton was three, his mom finished nursing school. She married RogerRead MoreEssay on Bill Clinton: 42nd President of the United States690 Words  | 3 Pagesof my President is Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States of America. Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. Bill was named after his father, William Jefferson Blythe II, who had been killed in a car accident just three months before he was born. Bill’s birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III. His mother, Virginia Cassidy Blyth, moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study nursing and find a way to support herself and Bill ClintonRead MoreU.s. Presidential Election : Presidential Elections1079 Words  | 5 Pagespresidential era was considered nothing more but a job. The presidents was not held to the same standards as he (or she in the future) is in this day and age. Little effort was made in regards to publicly addressing an audience or making the general public happy. The president was merely seen as a civil servant. Congress was considered the most important part of the government’s because it controlled the federal budget and legislation. , the president is considered the voice of our country and is equippedRead MoreBill Clinton : William The American Legion Boy s Nation Program1128 Words  | 5 PagesWelch1 Rook Welch Mrs. Coker English III 31 March 2016 Bill Clinton William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe IV was born on August 19th, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. His father died three months before his birth. When he was only two, his mother left him to live with his grandparents. When she remarried, the family moved to Hot Springs, Ark. In his younger years,, Bill was determined for success. He earned academic honors. This gave him the nomination as a delegate to the American Legion Boy s Nation programRead MoreBill Clinton : William Shakespeare1142 Words  | 5 PagesRook Welch Mrs. Coker English III 31 March 2016 Bill Clinton William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe IV was born on August 19th, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. Three months before he was born his father tragically died. When he was only two, his mother left him to live with his grandparents. When she remarried, the family moved to Hot Springs, Ark. In his younger years,, Bill was determined for success. He earned academic honors. This gave him the opportunity to go as a nominee to the American Legion Boys NationRead MorePresident Of The United States860 Words  | 4 PagesA president of the United States must perform various roles such as, Chief Legislator, Commander in Chief, Chief Executive, Chief of State, Chief of Party, Chief Administrator, Chief Diplomat, and Chief Citizen. As the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton was a great president because of his performance in presidential roles and policies put forth during his presidency. According to Compton’s Encyclopedia, Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas. He attended several universities includingRead MoreThe Presidency Of William Bill Clinton926 Words  | 4 Pagesof William (Bill) Clinton began in 1993 and ended in 2001 after two terms. There is no doubt that he President Clinton was one of the most likeable of the President’s. His ‘loveable rogue†image would be needed to help him through scandals that would occur throughout his Presidency. Even before President Clinton would become president the first of his cheating scandals would hit the press in January of 1992 the tabloid magazine The Star would break the story of Gennifer Flowers and Bill Clinton’sRead MoreHillary Clinton : Candidate For President 2016872 Words  | 4 PagesMrs. Hillary Clinton: Candidate for President 2016 Born October 26, 1947, in Chicago, IL; daughter of Hugh Ellsworth and Dorothy Rodham; married Bill Clinton (U.S. president), October 11, 1975; children: Chelsea Victoria. Education: Wellesley College, B.A. (with high honors), 1969; Yale University, J.D., 1973. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Methodist. Memberships: American Bar Association (chair of commission of women in the profession, 1987-91); Arkansas Bar Association, National Democratic Party
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis Of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - 1303 Words
As once said by Professor John P. Kotter, tradition is a very powerful force (qtd. in AZQuotes). In Shirley Jacksons chilling story The Lottery, a town celebrates a special custom of stoning people to death every year. Jackson perfectly depicts a possible event that may occur from blindly following tradition without evaluating the purpose or usefulness of it in the first place. Jackson’s use of plot, theme, and symbolism reveal the evil reality of blind faith, tradition, and their consequences. Initially, Jackson’s twisted plot reveals the infinite, vicious cycle that a tradition can become. In the exposition of the story a boy by the name of Bobby Martin collects rocks and â€Å"other boys soon followed his example†(Jackson 1). In the†¦show more content†¦This proves the difficulty of bringing change and the actuality of the consequence of trying to fight a tradition. Everyone including Tessie’s family and friends turned their back on her. Through the use of themes, Jackson demonstrates that blind faith creates oblivious and scared communities who rather follow and obey a belief instead of respecting their own morals. Hence, Mrs. Hutchinson is stoned to death without a vindicated reason. The line, â€Å"although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones,†is evidence that the town has lost itself in something that has no meaning to them, but that has sovereignty over the m (7). Proof throughout history supports the idea of repetition of events in which people will innocently pay the price for their lives for a crime they did not commit. Barely three years before the appearance of The Lottery, the world was horrified to learn of the extent to which Hitler and his followers had gone in their persecution of Europes Jews, Gypsies, and other victims, the scapegoats for what some perceived to be the evils of Europe. By their deaths Germany was to be purified (Bogert 1985). In addition, custom is one of the most prevalent themes in this short story. One of the characters Mr. Summers talked about making a new box, but a modification never occurred because â€Å"no one liked to upset even as muchShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery841 Words  | 4 PagesSecond World War. In the short story â€Å"The Lottery†, Shirley Jackson used persecution and tradition to demonstrate how scapegoating justified unfair killing. Both of these a spects relate to the World War that preceded only a couple years before the story was written. The persecution was blind and done once a year as a tradition that everyone expected to happen. Therefore, the story’s main idea was to let the reader imagine what the real meaning of the lottery was. At first, Jackson described the townRead MoreAnalysis of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery490 Words  | 2 Pages In Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery,†the theme of the story is dramatically illustrated by Jackson’s unique tone. Once a year the villagers gather together in the central square for the lottery. The villagers await the arrival of Mr. Summers and the black box. Within the black box are folded slips of paper, one piece having a black dot on it. All the villagers then draw a piece of paper out of the box. Whoever gets the paper with the black dot wins. Tessie Hutchinson wins the lottery! Everyone thenRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery954 Words  | 4 Pagesthe authors message. Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†displays a masterful usage of literary elements to better convey Jackson’s general purpose, such as through the deep symbolism and underlying theme; however, Jackson’s true provocation of emotion is accomplished through her quintessential use of point of view. The objective point of view is indispensable within â€Å"The Lottery†because of the creation of suspense, drama, and irony. To begin with, the first reason why Jackson’s objective point of viewRead MoreAnalysis of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essay776 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery†is a short story by Shirley Jackson, first published on June 26, 1948. The story was initially met with negative critical reception due to its violent nature and portrayal of the potentially dangerous nature of human society. It was even banned in some countries. However, â€Å"The Lottery†is now widely accepted as a classic American short story and is used in classrooms throughout the country. Jackson’s story takes a critical look at what can result when the customs and laws that governRead MoreAnalysis of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essays4601 Words  | 19 Pages Shirley Jackson’s famous short story, â€Å"The Lottery,†was published in 1948 and remains to this day one of the most enduring and affecting American works in the literary canon. â€Å"The Lottery†tells the story of a farming community that holds a ritualistic lottery among its citizens each year. Although the text initially presents audiences with a close-knit community participating in a social event together on a special day, the shocking twist at the work’s endâ€â€with the death of the lottery’s â€Å"winner†Read MoreAnalysis of John Steinbecks Chrysanthemums and Shirley Jacksons The Lottery1500 Words  | 6 PagesExamining The ChrysanthemumS The Lottery Examining The Chrysanthemums The Lottery In the WWII period, women entered the workforce is massive numbers a statistical anomaly that had never existed in American society or hardly any other modern society, ever. They became empowered and more women realized a wider range of their capabilities. A few decades after WWII, the feminist movement would rise to change the course of womens history again. The success and fervor of the feminist movementRead MoreAn Analysis of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery and Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find1360 Words  | 5 PagesShirley Jackson The Lottery Shirley Jacksons short story The Lottery depicts life in a provincial American town with rigid social norms. Mr. Summers symbolizes everything that is wrong with the town; he represents blind adherence to ritual, social rigidity, and resistance to change. His name corresponds with the seasonal setting of The Lottery, too, drawing attention to the importance of his character in shaping the theme of the story. Summers is in charge of the central motif of the storyRead More Shirley Jacksons The Lottery 946 Words  | 4 PagesShirley Jackson is said to be one of the most â€Å"brilliant and influential authors of the twentieth century.†â€Å"Her fiction writing is some of the most important to come out of the American literary canon.†( Jackson wrote many short stories and even some books. They are more on the dark, witchlike side, however. Kelleher explains that Jackson stated in some interviews that she practiced magic. No one re ally knows if she was serious while practicing witchcraftRead MoreUse of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson1146 Words  | 5 Pagesbulb represents ideas that just sparked into a character’s head. In the short story, â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, a village has just entered the month of June, meaning that the lottery is to begin. When everyone was present, the heads of the households’ names were called one by one to pick up a slip of paper. It was then discovered that the Hutchinson family was the chosen family to participate in the lottery again. When Mr. Hutchinson, Mrs. Hutchinson, Bill Jr., Nancy, and Little Dave each gotRead MoreSymbolism in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson Essay example1173 Words  | 5 PagesWhen most people play the lottery today, they think about having wealth. Generally, people who win are happy about it whether they win one dollar or a million. The lottery in our society has grown to support education and it is often worth several million dollars. Usually, the winner of the lottery gains a lot of recognition for the money they win. But what would happen if there was a small town where people held a yearly lottery in which the â€Å"winner†was the member of the town who was not sacrificed
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Defining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism - 875 Words
1. Define the terms Renaissance and humanism. As mentioned in the New World Encyclopedia article â€Å"Renaissance†, the Renaissance or â€Å"Rebirth†showcased a cultural shift exhibiting both scientific and artistic transformation and advancement between the Middle Ages and the early stages of the Modern age in Europe (2014). In the New World Encyclopedia article â€Å"Humanism†, Humanism’s scope primarily focuses on human beings: human being s place in relations to nature, human potential, human beauty, etc. etc. etc. (2014). 2. Who were the Medici’s? The Medici family dynasty comprised of former bankers and commerce men who became powerful rulers (four members of the Medici family went on to become pope) of Florence, Italy for nearly three centuries, as stated in the History article â€Å"The Medici Family†(2009). Additionally, the article mentions the Medici family also served as patrons of many great artists and scientists, such as Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Galileo Galilei (2009). 3. Identify several of the works by each these painters of the Italian Renaissance: Donatello: St. Mark, Mary Magdalene, The Madonna (Youtube, 2007) Paolo Uccello- The Battle of San Romano, The Nativity, The Flood (Uccello, 2016) Verrocchio- Tobias and the Angel, Baptism of Christ, Madonna and child with Saints, Putto with Dolphin (Passavant, 2016) Da Vinci: The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man (Youtube, 2007) Michelangelo: David, Moses, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, TheShow MoreRelatedDefining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism854 Words  | 4 Pages1. Define the terms Renaissance and humanism. The New World Encyclopedia article â€Å"Renaissance†states the Renaissance featured scientific and artistic discoveries and transformations that propelled a cultural shift in Europe after the Middle Ages (2015). The New World Encyclopedia article â€Å"Humanism†indicates that Humanism primarily focuses on human being s place, potential, beauty, and so forth (2014). 2. Who were the Medici’s? The Medici family, comprised of former bankers and commerce men, becameRead MoreThe Renissance was a Cultural Movement of Humanism718 Words  | 3 PagesThe Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term renaissance came from the French word meaning rebirth. The defining concept of the Renaissance was humanism. Humanism was a distinct movement because it broke from the medieval tradition of having pious religious motivation for creating art or works of literature. The Renaissance humanism was a collectionRead MoreHumanism : Leonardo Da Vinci And The Renaissance1459 Words  | 6 PagesHumanism is the belief that man has dignity and worth, therefore, the life on Earth should be cherished rather than just simply endured. This philosophy or intellectual movement initiated the Renaissance. During the middle ages, elements of daily life we re strictly structured around the church and religion. However, toward the beginning of the 14th century, the power of the Church began to significantly decline. This was sparked by the Bubonic plague. The plague was viewed as a punishment fromRead MoreHumanism and the Renaissance + Protestant Reformation = Scientific Revolution3038 Words  | 13 PagesHumanism and the Renaissance + Protestant Reformation = Scientific Revolution Kelly McCabe CCM Summer Session III Professor Pilant Term Paper CCM Summer Session III 2012 Early Modern European History Term Paper The later Middle Ages is characterized as a time of great transition and advancement, especially pertaining to areas of politics, economics, art and intellect. A new trend towards the pursuit of new knowledgeRead MoreDa Vinci : A Genius And The Definition Of A Renaissance Man1326 Words  | 6 Pagesdefinition of a Renaissance man. â€Å"Renaissance man†as â€Å"A man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences.†This is a term still used today, and its derivation is obvious. Many people in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries were skillful artists and scientists, but Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential Renaissance man†. His talents without a doubt extended far beyond his artistic works. Like many leaders of the Renaissance humanism, he did notRead MoreEnlightenment, Realism And Literary Periods Before The 1850s1810 Words  | 8 Pagesbefore the 1850’s contain Renaissance Literature, The Enlightenment, Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Victorian Literature, and Realism. These periods show evidence of their impact on America because American literature periods before the 1850’s contain similar traits. They are The Colonial Period, The Revolutionary Period, The Era of National Expansion, The Early Writers/Concord Writers, and Literature in the Cities. The beginning few periods, in particular The Renaissance Literature and Colonial PeriodsRead MoreThe End Of The Medieval Period Essay1947 Words  | 8 Pages There are many factors that led to the end of the medieval period and brought about the emergence of the Renaissance period, otherwise known as, â€Å"the age of rebirth.†Some of these factors would have a devastating impact on Europe, which we can still see to this very day. During the Medieval period, the feudal aristocracy and the Catholic Church emerged as the dominant political forces and were instrumental in imposing social and economic order on the people. Peasants were organized within theRead MoreMachiavelli: The Renaissance’s Anti-Humanist2452 Words  | 10 PagesBy the turn of the sixteenth century, the Italian Renaissance had produced writers such as Dantà ©, Petrarch, Boccaccio and Castiglione, each with ideas rooted in the revival of Greek and Roman Classics, localization of the Christian traditions, idealistic opinions of women and individualism. From these authors spread the growth of the humanistic movement which encompassed the entirety of the It alian rebirth of arts and literature. One among many skeptics, including Lorenzo Valla, who had challengedRead MoreThe Council of Trent: The Thirteenth Session Essay example2467 Words  | 10 PagesThe 16th century was an exciting time of economic and political growth and exploration. The Renaissance, which sparked Humanism, prompted intellectual growth, which stimulated critical questions on topics such as the church fathers, and scripture that gave a completely new approach to looking at the Bible. The birth of the European Reformation (or Protestantism) is often marked by Martin Luther’s posting of The Ninety-Five Theses on October 31, 1517 protesting the Catholic Church’s sale of indulgencesRead MoreWalt Whitman: An Omnisexual Poet2586 Words  | 11 Pagesin the evening. As the practice of homosexual love became more widespread, poetry became more erotic, celebrating beautiful boys. A similar erotic theme was then seen in the homoerotic â€Å"friendships†developed between males during the Italian Renaissance and spreading throughout Europe. Homosexual themes arose in Asian literature, depicting romantic love between samurai men and boys as well as monks and boys (The Homosexual Theme, 2005). Walt Whitman’s poetry is sometimes seen as a continuation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parents Are Responsible For Their Child s Well Being
Parents are responsible for their child’s well-being, however, what situation should allow for others to step in and enforce this responsibility? Divorce can create a situation where parents no longer are able to work together and every member in that household is affected. Each situation of divorce is different and every family needs help in a different way. Too often, the people who are forgotten during the divorce are the children. These children go through the same five stages as their parents would when responding to the divorce. These stages include: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Hozman, 1977). Counseling can be a solution to preventing a negative impact to the children involved in the divorce and also help the parents learn how to become more effective in creating a stable environment. For the counseling to be a successful solution, all family members must be willing participants and when this is not the case, it may need to be mandated by the court. Also, before the counseling begins the parents would need to explain the situation to the children and reassure them that it was not their fault. Counseling should include parent to parent, parent and child, and individual sessions for each family member. Divorce is essentially is decided between the two parents, however, the children become caught up in it. The situation would never improve if the two parents involved do not work out their problems. The first step of the counseling wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Parental Parenting On Children1089 Words  | 5 Pagesthere is no such thing as a bad child, just a bad parent who did not teach their child to be a respectful person. Strict parenting is essential to having a mature and respectful child. For instance when a child is misbehaving towards the parent. Authoritative parents raise independent children, as the child grows the parents teach them have self-control when it comes to making decisions. Opponents of extre me parenting argue that aggressive parenting affects the child and can damage their characterRead MoreCrimes Committed By Children Are Becoming More Heinous And Frequent1247 Words  | 5 Pagespresent and controversial question associated with these crimes is, â€Å"Who is responsible?†. Parents have a duty to raise and monitor law abiding citizens, and, if they fail to do so, they are responsible for the actions of their child. It is becoming more common to see minors being tried as adults and serving life sentences for crimes they committed that occurred while they were supposedly under the care of their parents. The importance of effective parenting, close monitoring, and the statisticsRead MoreChild Neglect Within The United States1707 Words  | 7 PagesChild neglect refers to the continued failure to offer a child with the necessary protection, and care. Such protection and attention involve the necessities such as food, medical care, clothing, as well as shelter (Conte 7). In addition, lack of proper supervision for the young children for an extended duration of time is also child neglect. There are various signs of possible neglect. These include; inconsistent school attendance, evidence that health care is not being provided for in a child,Read MoreAlcohol And Substance Abuse : An Individual Behavior That Reflects Underlying Dysfunction921 Words  | 4 Pagespsychological well-being, stress and social support. It was also found to be a predictor of antisocial behaviors and substance abuse (Velleman, Templeton Copello, 2005). A child s family is responsible for the socialization process. It is important that the family helps the child socialize in a way that helps them adjust to the demands and possibilities of their environment and social circle. However, if the family does not succeed in this task, it can have a negative effect on the child s developmentRead MoreEducating Students With Their Learning And Development Needs1064 Words  | 5 PagesPeople-Our Human Capital: The people employed at this daycare will be well trained in providing daycare assistance, and also child care development to effectively help our students with their learning and development needs. Our culture will foster a loving and caring environment that our people will display to help stimulate students openness to to learn and develop. In addition, with this type of culture our students will feel comfortable with the teachers and will trust them. The staff will beRead MoreThe Aggregate Group: Children and Adolescents Essay1122 Words  | 5 Pagesobjectives to be achieved for Healthy People 2020; is to increase the amount of children and adolescents who have a positive connection with an adult (Burrus et al, 2012). Optimum health can be better achieved when children are under the care of a responsible adult. There are over 160 objectives directed towards adolescent health; from wellness checkups to serious violent incidents in pub lic schools ( website, 2013). Community health professionals have a unique opportunity to improveRead MoreParental Responsibility, a Deterrent to Juvenile Crime821 Words  | 4 Pagesa family where both parents have thirty years experience working in the juvenile justice system, I have learned to value and respect parental responsibility for their children and their childrens behavior. In 1995, a small community in the Willamette Valley, passed an ordinance which held parents responsible in just this way. The ordinance (No. 94-132) that was adopted in Silverton OR, in 1995 charged parents with the misdemeanor of failing to supervise a minor when a child under the age of 18Read MoreRebellious Children By William Shakespeare937 Words  | 4 Pagesseen disrespectful to talk to your parents unless you were spoken to and to have rebellious actions as a child. I would think that in the Shakespearean time these ideals were extremely unacceptable. Although I have reason to believe that rebellious children were not an issue during that time period I have been given reason to believe otherwise; based on The King James Bible. There is a story within this bible that tell of a rebellious son that demands his father s inheritance, the father sure enoughRead MoreParents Should Be Held Responsible For Their Childrens Actions1075 Words  | 5 PagesAs a parent, I have spent a great deal of time observing the behavior, motivation, and thought processes of my children. As they mature these processes have changed, and it has been fascinating to watch. I have learned a great deal on the limits of self control in the adolescent mind during this time, and I believe that families should be held responsible for crimes committed by their teenagers. I understand that there is a great deal of opposition to this position, and the opposing viewpoint makesRead MoreSex Education Is Not Just About Sex1620 Words  | 7 Pagesreproduction, sexuality and others that parents often feel uncomfortable talking with their children†(Sex Education in Schools Pros and Cons). Sex education does not start when someone is sexual active, but mostly in Elementry School when the students have no idea what the teacher is saying. However, in today’s world sex is all around from movie posters to magazines. Perhaps teaching children how to protect themselves early is not a poor idea. In addition, too many parents live in denial that their children
Survival Guide Hari Raya Free Essays
Personal Trainer Nutritionist have been a personal trainer and nutritionist for over 6 years. I got my certification from A. F. We will write a custom essay sample on Survival Guide Hari Raya or any similar topic only for you Order Now T. A in the USA Speaker conduct various health and corporate wellness seminars. Some of my clients include Nestle, Node’s, Bank Engage, Patrons Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and other clients in both the private and public sector TV Host am a regular TV guest on various talk shows discussing health, diet, nutrition and other wellness topics. Brand Ambassador As part of my job, have been fortunate to represent brands such as Aids, Nestle and Fitness Concept. Web Entrepreneur love the web. We launched Cooked. Com, a Malaysian calorie database, eBooks and are very active in providing tips on our website – Shakespearian. Com, Backbone and Twitter Shakespearian. Com 0 201 0 4 WEIGHT LOSS FAQ Shakespearian. Com 0 201 0 General Hair Array FAQ 5 Before share my 20 hair array weight loss survival tips, lets look at some general FAQ How much to eat during array? Totally up to you but try to follow some of the 20 tips I am going to share with you Nina bit. Will you gain weight over hair array? Most probably. Its opposite to Ramadan. Where 90% lose weight during Ramadan, 90% of you will gain weight during the first few days of seawall. All I can say is that it is K to indulge and reward yourself after a long month of fasting. But, don’t worry. Your goal this array should be to minimize weight gain! If you have lost egg during pupas, keep weight gain below egg. But how can I lose weight during hair array? Yes, you don’t want to be in the 90% group. In fact, everyone who reads and understands my eBooks should be in the 10% â€Å"l am going to lose weight this array†group. K there are two parts to this: ; First 10 days: These are the hardest as festivities are at their peak and everyone is in the leaps germ mode. During this period, your AOL (if any) should be to minimize weight gain. ; Last 20 days: Again since open houses are mostly limited to the weekends, you MUST make sure that your week days are as healthy as possible. If you have 5 good days and 2 bad days, you should be K. Get back on t rack! So in combination, to lose weight over the 30 days of array, make sure your exercise diet routine get back on track, especially during weekdays as weekends are filled with tempting open houses. Make me proud! Should you exercise during array? Totally up to you but not very convenient when you are on the road and everyone else is indulging In Megan and shakeups. So for me, I don’t exercise during the first week. Once I return to work, it is a good time to restart my exercise program. That said, there is no need to reward your self for 30 days. 10 crazy days and 20 healthy eating days is fine with me. Can start the â€Å"How to lose egg in seeks†program during array? Yup, but would advice you NOT to start it until you are back into your normal routine. The â€Å"How to lose egg in 5 weeks†program requires you to have control over your day. When you Bali camping or are in the midst of hair array, you probably lose control! But hey, if you feel you are ready and motivated, oh can get started anywhere, any time! Any guidelines before I start to exercise again? If you have not been exercising throughout Ramadan (like me), you can’t continue where you left off. The lack of exercise during Ramadan has affected your strength and cardiovascular fitness. Here are some guidelines to help you get back on track: ; Start slow! Keep the intensity within moderate levels. ; Make sure to eat your pre and post exercise meals (a must for weight training) ; Pace yourself. It will time to rebuild your fitness and strength. ; your body. If you can’t cope, stop. You don’t want to get injured now, do you? Arrival Guide: 20 Hair Array Tips to Keep That weight Off Listen to 6 20 HAIR ARRAY TIPS TO KEEP THAT WEIGHT OFF! Celebrate Array! Don’t be one of those people who bring you. Hair array is a celebration. A reward for all the fasting you have committed yourself to for 30 days. Reward yourself. Its K to let go for a few days. 7 Yes, the first few days are special and all the great food is just too tempting but hey, after a few days its time to head back to reality and keep your intake in check. My advice, take it easy. Pace yourself. 8 Do you know how many calories are in leman, longing or all those shih-Mimi? It takes 20 minutes Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for you to feel full. Never start with desserts! Always start with a proper meal. Go for rice, meats, vegetables or whatever makes up a balanced meal. 9 â€Å"Stretch†Your Buffet. Opposed to a served meal, buffets allow you to control your portions and choices BUT some relative will nag you for not eating enough or making enough â€Å"rounds†. My tip: Take small portions and frequent trips. This gives people the impression that you are eating a lot. 10 Never start with desserts. They are packed with sugars and fats. If you want desserts, reduce the calories from your main course. Milk before you hit the road. What? More food? Well yes and no. During this festivity, most of you will be hitting the road when visiting friends and family but with all the traffic delays, its important to keep your hunger in check. A quick glass of low-fat milk (or any other balanced snack) before you leave home keeps your cravings in check. This helps you to avoid unnecessary calories. Know your r ay calories. If you are serious about keeping your array weight gain in check, make sure that you are aware of all your array-food calories. Well you should! Otherwise, you lose control over your weight. How many cookies do you need? Ah yes, the humiliation cookies or biscuit array. They are everywhere you go and loaded with sugar (calories). Do the math: Lets say an average cookies packs some 35 calories. If you eat 10 cookies per open house and visit xx houses per day, that works out to be a whooping 21 ,OOH calories or 2. Egg! How to reward? By enjoying all the delicious leman, rending and other yummy but know your limits. You don’t need 30 day of feasting! Yes idolatry is 30 days long but that doesn’t mean you have to eat-all-you-can every single day. Stick to 10 vs. 20 days. If you need to indulge in array food and o all out, stick to 10 out of the 30 days of seawall. Example: First 2 days of array + weekends. Its K to say â€Å"No†. As a guest, we always feel obligated to well eat. How to cite Survival Guide Hari Raya, Papers
Love4 Essay Research Paper Ernest J Gaines free essay sample
Love4 Essay, Research Paper Ernest J. Gaines # 8217 ; s award-winning novel is set in a little Louisiana Cajun community in the late fortiess. Jefferson, a immature black adult male, is an unwitting party to a spirits shop shoot out in which three work forces are killed ; the lone subsister, he is convicted of slaying and sentenced to decease. Grant Wiggins has returned place from college to the plantation school to learn kids whose lives promise to be non much better than Jefferson # 8217 ; s. As he struggles with his determination whether to remain or get away to another province, his aunt and Jefferson # 8217 ; s godmother persuade him to see Jefferson in his cell and leave his acquisition and pride to Jefferson before his decease. In the terminal, the two work forces forge a bond as they come to understand the simple gallantry of defying # 8211 ; and withstanding # 8211 ; the expected. In a narrative whose fluency, thematic profusion, and moral resonance have called forth comparings to the work of Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and William Faulkner, Gaines summons the reader to face the full acrimonious history of black people in the South # 8211 ; and, by extension, America as a whole. We will write a custom essay sample on Love4 Essay Research Paper Ernest J Gaines or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A Lesson Before Dying is about the ways in which people declare the value of their lives in a clip and topographic point in which those lives apparently count for nil. It is about the ways in which the imprisoned may happen freedom even in the minute of their decease. Gaines # 8217 ; s fresh transcends its minutely elicited fortunes to turn to the basic quandary of what it is to be a human being, a animal endeavoring for self-respect in a existence that frequently denies it. The universe into which Ernest James Gaines was born # 8211 ; on January 15, 1933 # 8211 ; is basically the universe which he has distilled into the dense and complex universe of his six novels and his narratives. The land around River Lake Plantation # 8211 ; near New Roads, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana # 8211 ; is the land around the Pichot plantation, near Bayonne, St. Raphael Parish, presented in A Lesson Before Dying. The black community in which Gaines grew up became # 8220 ; the one-fourth # 8221 ; of this 1993 novel, every bit good as supplying the scene and societal matrix of his old plants. The writer # 8217 ; s vision of Henri Pichot # 8217 ; s cane Fieldss stems straight from the Fieldss in which Gaines himself worked as a kid. As Gaines has said: # 8220 ; Though the topographic points in my narratives and novels are fanciful 1s, they are based reasonably much on the topographic point where I grew up and the environing countries where I worked, went to school and traveled as a kid. My characters speak the manner the people speak in that country. They do the work that the people do at that place. Since most of my authorship is about rural Louisiana, my characters are closely attached to the land. # 8221 ; And that land provides the bedrock of a plantation universe that is genuinely microcosmic, bing in and of itself # 8211 ; through the power of Gaines # 8217 ; s originative power # 8211 ; and representing southern Louisiana, the South, and the state itself. Gaines # 8217 ; s assumed universe and specific proficient facets of his plants have been compared with those of William Faulkner, resemblances being remarked between the latter # 8217 ; s Yoknapatawpha County and Gaines # 8217 ; s plantation state. Comparisons have besides been made between Gaines and other Southern authors. Gaines has insisted, nevertheless, that his presentation of his characters owes much more to Tolstoy, Turgenev, and the other great nineteenth-century Russian authors. To whatever extent Gaines # 8217 ; s complex societal hierarchy and his portrayals of those who benefit from and fall quarry to that hierarchy may be compared with either Faulkner # 8217 ; s or Tols toy’s, he has created a universe and characters that are entirely and gloriously his. Gaines besides has drawn well on the mores of black civilization and the storytelling traditions of rural Louisiana. The consequence is a prose that is at one time exact, idiomatic, stately, and true to the spoken linguistic communication of existent people. The repose and heroic beat of Gaines # 8217 ; s prose contain and highlight the frequently tormented experiences and emotions of his characters. Of peculiar note in Gaines # 8217 ; s novels and narratives is his fidelity to a community # 8217 ; s ( black and white ) shared ways of speech production and believing in response to a steadfastly rooted history, prevailing conventions, and the menace or promise of alteration. A Lesson Before Dying won the 1993 National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction, the most recent of legion awards that Gaines has received. A Wallace Stegner chap in 1957, a receiver of a National Endowment for the Arts grant ( 1967 ) , a Guggenheim chap ( 1971 ) , and a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation chap ( 1993 ) , Mr. Gaines has steadily been recognized for his accomplishment as a maestro of the novel and short narrative. In add-on, one of his novels, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman ( 1971 ) , has become an unchallenged classic of twentieth-century American literature and gave rise to the vastly popular, award-winning TV-movie version starring Cicely Tyson. Fixing to read To an interviewer # 8217 ; s inquiry about the audience that Gaines hoped to make, the writer responded, # 8220 ; I write for the Afro-american young person in the state, particularly the South, so that they can cognize who they are and where they came from and take pride in it # 8230 ; . [ And for ] the white young person of this state, and particularly the South, because unless he knows his neighbour of three hundred old ages, he merely knows half his history. # 8221 ; The inquiries and subjects that follow are designed for in-class treatment and written or unwritten assignments, to steer your pupils through A Lesson Before Dying and to assist them near the novel as a to the full realized work of fiction that presents characters and subjects recurrent in American literature and, at the same clip, of intense relevancy in the universe of the ninetiess. How can we continue what is good of the yesteryear while destructing or transforming all that is evil, unfair, and take downing? How do we equilibrate the demands of society, household, and self? Can one individual consequence alteration in a society in which traditional ways of behaviour are steadfastly entrenched? How does one balance conflicting truenesss? How does one preserve one # 8217 ; s strong beliefs and personal beliefs in the face of changeless onslaught and battle? While racism and the go oning debasement of bias are clearly at the novel # 8217 ; s head, pupils should besides be encouraged to see the book # 8217 ; s other issues and concerns: love and salvation ; the chase of personal felicity ; community values ; the nature of spiritual belief ; societal kineticss and conventions ; justness and the decease punishment ; familial relationships ; familial and societal duty, for illustration. They should besides be encouraged to analyze their ain lives and society with a critical oculus tempered by the carefully balanced amalgam of compassion, credence, and committedness to alter that informs A Lesson Before Diing. They should maintain diaries in which they record their responses to the novel, their responses to specific inquiries in this usher, and their observations on their ain lives, those of their households, and their communities.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
VoIP †Understanding threats and security measures-Free Samples
Questions: Explain what VoIP is and how it works. Describe the general security problems associated with VoIP. Include enough of the underlying technology to explain why these problems occur. Discuss which of these security problems would be of particular concern to the organisation. Indicate which, if any, of these problems can be overcome by appropriate hardware, software or staff training solutions, and what these solution are. Include in your discussions any on-going developments in technologies, in particular IpV6, and whether this may have any influence on the organisations decision. Answer: Defining VoIP VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is basically a technological innovation that offers the option to carry out voice calls over the internet (preferably broadband service) instead of using the analog phone connectivity (Huang, Zhang and Tang, 2011). There are some types of VoIP services that offer the option to call only those people using similar service. At the same time, there are also those types that allow the option to call their telephone number. In the latter case, VoIP services need not have to be present at the recipients end. There are some VoIP services that work perfectly fine with traditional telephone devices. Only a simple VoIP adapter needs to be connected to the telephone device to make and receive calls over the internet (Brasch, 2011). However, there are also those VoIP services that work only with special devices or through the computer. VoIP Technology The Working Process The VoIP technology allows the voice to get communicated through a certain set of internet protocols. These protocols are commonly referred to as VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocols. The concept is different for voice transmission carried out through traditional telephony networks where Circuit Switching is widely used. In case of Circuit Switching, the entire set of resources is perfectly reserved for the total call duration along the communication channel (Ibrahim and Abdulghani, 2012). Speaking about VoIP technology, the concept of packet switching is used where information is transferred digitally in the form of packets. These packets are well versed about their destination point and they tend to arrive through different paths. When one plans to implement the VoIP technology, there would be requirement for a series of protocols with the ability to signal correctly for call establishment. These protocols should be able to carry out real time voice transport through and across the network. Additionally, it should have the ability to carry out QOS aware routing and network management as well resource reservation and billing (Nunn, McGuire and Crowe, 2010). The responsibilities are many; the situation can be tricky. But then, with tremendous technological advancement, even the hardest of problems can be cracked down into pieces. 3 Ways to Enjoy VoIP Services PC to PC - The easiest of all, this process allows the users to enjoy long distance calling facility, totally free of cost. Both the receiver and caller needs to have fully functioning computer, active broadband connection, microphone or headset, and some kind of free or low cost VoIP calling software installed in both the devices (Nunn, McGuire and Crowe, 2011). IP Phones - These are specialized phones that come with RJ-45 Ethernet connector along with the necessary hardware along with pre-installed software to carry out IP calling. These phones connect directly through the router or via Wi-Fi for internet connectivity. ATA - Analogue Telephone Adapter is another method of enjoying VoIP calling facility. ATA is basically a device to connect the telephone to the internet connection. ATA converts the analogue data into digital format. Image 1: The basic working process for VoIP (source: Soomro and Asfandyar, 2010) Security Concerns How Secure is Communication using the VoIP Technology With VoIP technology becoming more widespread and popular by the day, the concern for security issues is starting to cover the mind. Remember, VoIP functions through the concept of internet. Protecting the data over the digital network is an area of concern ever since the internet has established its base. Voice phishing, spam attack, service denial, or privacy issues are serious areas of concern for anyone who would try to communicate via the internet (Park, 2010). The major point of concern primarily occurs due to the fact that every voice network service available presently follows the IP route. Well, no harm in taking this route; but, what makes scenarios worsen is the fact that not a single IP protocol that sends voice traffic works in a flawless manner. Not a single internet protocol for voice transmission purpose is flawless. Internet environment would face hostility against VoIP deployments. There are strong logics to prove the part. The entire internet network is open (read, prone) to sniffing and spoofing. More importantly, the sources for such attacks are mostly untraceable. The preventive measures are not sufficient enough that can be claimed as SAFEST. Also, there lies the vulnerability in devices security measures communicating through the virtual network that makes the situation more difficult to handle. Naturally, VoIP based communication devices remains sources for security breaches (Politis, Hilas and Papatsoris, 2014). Unencrypted Information Results in Eavesdropping Almost, if not all, every information material passed through VoIP network is unencrypted. This opens the chances for anyone with access to that network to get hold to the information. Eavesdropping is highly possible in such scenarios. Conversation passing through vulnerable VoIP network would allow the eavesdropper to easily tap the conversation audio and decode the signaling messages (Soomro and Asfandyar, 2010). There are lots of Packet Capturing tools available through the internet. Eavesdroppers use these tools to capture voice traffic occurring through unsecured VoIP network. The captured file can be saved in .wav format for future hearing purpose. Image 2: The eavesdropping scenario through Man in the Middle attack (source: Whitlock, 2011) The above image represents Man in the Middle Attack scenario. In this kind of a scenario, one may end up having conversation with a fraudster instead of the actual business official or client. Highly classified information gets leaked and theres nothing that one can do. One might think that the information was provided to the actual concerned person, but it ended up being acquired by some organized crime syndicate (Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Based IP PBX System Design, 2016). Denial of Service Through Flooding the Server with Spam Content It is quite possible for the attacker to make the VoIP server overcrowded with inauthentic packets. These are primarily spam contents that would flood the server while making its services temporarily unavailable to the actual users (Whitlock, 2011). The end result: it becomes practically impossible to receive or send calls. How could it be when the SIP server gets flooded with so much spam content? Ways to secure the VoIP communication process Authorization Authentication Transport Layer Security (TLS) Media encryption (SRTP) Proper Authentication and Encryption can Secure the VoIP Communication Network There are primarily three kind of VoIP traffic: Call signaling Call controlling Media communication The communication process can either be single channel or multiple channels. It all depends upon the different VoIP policies and protocols being incorporated for the process. However, the connection type followed between two networks is usually TCP/UDP. These connections need to be properly authenticated and encrypted to ensure maximum level of protection (Yang and Pitts, 2010). With certain types of VoIP call signaling and call control can be secured by implementing some form of Authorization, Authentication or Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) mechanism. It is possible to secure the VoIP based call controlling and call signaling communication process through certain layers of authorization and authentication security measures. Necessary mechanisms of TLS/SSL are also used for additional security measure (Huang, Zhang and Tang, 2011). The Evolution of IPV6 Earlier, VoIP data transmission used to be carried out through IPV4. However, researchers have found out that IPV4 is vulnerable to several security threats, most notably Phishing and Denial of Access. The introduction of IPV6 has changed the scenario and has created a tremendous positive impact on the VoIP communication process. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses that promise higher scalability along with additional security measures. It introduces certain effective security procedures like host identification and scanning to make the scenario more challenging for the attackers (Ibrahim and Abdulghani, 2012). Be it the overall performance or data integrity and security, IPV6 promises to deliver the best services with suitable designing, set-up, and implementation. Security Benefits That IPV6 Offers IPv6 offers the option to run End-to-End encryption process. Every VPN available presently that follows the IPV6 route comes with strict encryption along with detailed integrity-checking mechanism. In fact, these components are available for every IPV6 based connections. It should be noted that IPv6 comes with SEND (Secure Neighbor Discovery) protocol that ensures highly secured Name resolutions. SEND protocol has the ability to identify the host as it claims to be through specially secured cryptographic confirmation. This makes it difficult for different naming attacks like ARP Poisoning to grab hold of the VoIP traffic (Nunn, McGuire and Crowe, 2010). References Brasch, N. (2011).The Internet. Mankato, Minn.: Smart Apple Media. Huang, Y., Zhang, Y. and Tang, S. (2011). Detection of covert voice-over Internet protocol communications using sliding window-based steganalysis.IET Communications, 5(7), pp.929-936. Ibrahim, Q. and Abdulghani, N. (2012). Security enhancement of voice over Internet protocol using speaker recognition technique.IET Commun., 6(6), p.604. Nunn, L., McGuire, B. and Crowe, B. (2010). Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VOIP) Cost Efficiencies And The Decision To Implement.RBIS, 14(1). Nunn, L., McGuire, B. and Crowe, B. (2011). Measuring The Benefits Of Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VOIP).RBIS, 13(4). Park, N. (2010). Adoption and Use of Computer-Based Voice Over Internet Protocol Phone Service: Toward an Integrated Model.Journal of Communication, 60(1), pp.40-72. Politis, A., Hilas, C. and Papatsoris, A. (2014). Optimising no acknowledgment policy on WLANs supporting voice over internet protocol.Electronics Letters, 50(1), pp.51-52. Soomro, T. and Asfandyar, D. (2010). Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): UAE Perspective.Asian J. of Information Technology, 9(3), pp.170-178. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Based IP PBX System Design. (2016).IJSR, 5(2), pp.1380-1385. Whitlock, M. (2011). Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) And One University Application.RBIS, 9(4), p.1. Yang, Q. and Pitts, J. (2010). Scalable voice over Internet protocol service-level agreement guarantees in converged transmission control protocol/Internet protocol networks.IET Commun., 4(8), p.1026.
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