Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Family Systems Therapy And Structural Family Therapy
Historically, the field of social work and its practitioners have been concerned with the welfare of families and their functioning. When dysfunction is present, families often seek guidance through family therapy, which has become a strengths-based approach to intervention that emphasizes families’ resiliency and capacity to solve their problems. Within family practice, practitioners implement diverse theoretical approaches and practice models, which function as a foundation for family assessment and intervention methods. This paper seeks to explicate two family intervention models, Bowen family systems therapy and structural family therapy, and utilize the most effective approach to develop a treatment plan for a family seeking therapy. Family Intervention Models Bowen Family Systems Therapy Rooted in systems theory, Murray Bowen’s Bowen family systems therapy acknowledges the family as a multigenerational emotional system (Nichols, 2013). This model perceives the family as an interconnected network of emotional reactivity that shapes family dynamics and interaction patterns. Bowen proposed eight interlocking concepts to elucidate familial patterns: differentiation of self, triangles, nuclear family emotional system, family projection process, multigenerational transmission process, emotional cutoff, sibling position, and societal emotional process (Nichols, 2013). It also views families through an individual and collective lens, assessing how members’ emotionally drivenShow MoreRelatedFamily and Multigenerational Family Therapy860 Words  | 4 PagesFamily Therapy and Multigenerational Family Therapy Family Therapy and Multigenerational Family Therapy The idea of working with a family as a unit versus individuals was innovative and throughout the years became a significant enhancement to family system therapy. 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