Saturday, August 17, 2019
School Uniforms
Why School Uniforms? School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems.It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Students’ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms. Clothes are an expre ssion of a student’s personality. By suppressing their opportunity to show their unique personalities, schools are teaching that uniformity is more valuable than individuality. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is not†(youdebate. com). Geeks, for example, might express themselves by wearing thick glasses, suspenders and long socks. On the other hand, outgoing students might wear vibrant colors and outlandish fashion. Then, there are shy children, who might choose to wear long clothing and mostly black. These are just a few examples of students dressing according to certain categories with which they might identify themselves.The possibilities of individually expressing oneself through clothes are infinite. However, uniforms stifle these possibilities; they keep students from expressing their personality. Uniforms also can cause an undo financial burden. Parents have to buy uniforms for when students are in school and street clothes for when they are not. Angelfire. com says uniforms ultimately cost more. Students change into street clothes after school, and they wear them on weekends. During summer months, students will revert to traditional street clothes.Additionally, students will prefer designer street clothes when not in school. Therefore, parents purchase two sets of clothing, and many families cannot afford this. It is cheaper for the parents to buy only regular street clothes. Despite claims uniforms are worth a little extra money to eliminate issues such as bullying and social cliques, putting children in uniforms does not resolve social issues in school. It only treats the symptoms. â€Å"Cliques will still form,†and students will still make judgments on each other based on hair styles, height, weight, and odor (www. angelfire. com).The only true way to resolve such problems is to teach tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Instead of forcing students to we ar uniforms, educators should teach students how to respect and accept each other, despite their differences in body type, fashion, hair style, color, or any other thing that might otherwise divide the student body. This would bring an end to many social problems that develop in schools and also make students more productive members of society when they finish school. While schools hail uniforms as making school safer, it could cause a safety problem in the event of a security breech.In an event of an emergency, it will be hard to identify a certain student because they will all be dressed the same. Randy from youdebate. com states the following: â€Å"I am totally against school uniforms! One reason, of many, is safety of the students. For example: During a natural disaster (God Forbid) Earthquake, Tornado, etc,†¦ How would a parent i. d. their child? By the clothes that they are wearing, when they left home. What if a senior decided to attack a 9th or 10th grade student. How would the victim describe the attacker? Let’s see, Khaki Pants- Navy Blue Shirt- Brown Shoes. You get the picture.This was, is and will ALWAYS BE A VERY BAD idea. †No school can prevent 100 percent of security breeches. â€Å"It is impossible to prevent all outside intrusion†(angelfire. com). However, uniforms can make it easier for outsiders to enter a school campus. If an outsider is dressed in the traditional school uniform, teachers and administrators might overlook them as a member of the student body. Uniforms are touted as a solution to security problems when they actually can add to the problem. Schools have no valid reasons to put students in uniforms, and commonly cited reasons for uniforms are invalid.While proponents of uniforms argue they resolve social problems, they can contribute to social problems in that they take away students’ ability to express their individuality through clothing. Encouraging such conformity over individuality duri ng school years is a mistake. Also, parents have to shoulder the financial burden of buying uniforms in addition to street clothes, which they will also have to purchase. School districts may tout uniforms as a safer alternative to students wearing street clothes, but the uniformity can make it easier for outsiders to infiltrate the school and also can cause confusion in the event of an emergency.School districts present an impressive argument for school uniforms, saying they can decrease bullying, save parents money and heighten security. However, when the facts are considered, these arguments do not hold true. Preserving parents’ pocket books and students’ right to self expression by allowing them to wear street clothes to school and teaching tolerance are a much better alternative to the conformity and expense of school uniforms.Works Cited â€Å"School Uniform Debate and Poll. †7 Sept 2010. www. youdebate. com. WEB. â€Å"Arguments about Uniforms. †7 Sept 2010. www. angelfire. com . WEB. School Uniforms Is it better to let things continue in their horrible condition or change them for the better? The issue of school uniforms has been argued for decades with many different ideas and no final conclusion. However, school uniforms would reduce some major problems such as the school district’s budget problem, school bullying, and gang-related violence. The addition of school uniforms would benefit the school of San Jacinto High School. California’s bad economy affects the school district and everyone in it.Hundreds of dollars are wasted, when parents and students buy school clothes, it would be better to buy more affordable school uniform. Many people fall deeply into debt because they overspend on clothes, but if school uniforms were made available, that problem would be eliminated. The uniforms could also be passed down from sibling to sibling if needed. Right now, the school is not even able to give teachers enough paper, it would benefit them to sell school uniforms to make some money.So why not just make school uniforms mandatory and save tons of money? Another problem that school uniforms would eliminate is bullying based on appearance. Every day someone is discriminated due to what clothes they wear. Some people can afford to spend money on nice clothes and some cannot, but people should not be harassed for it. Everyone wearing the same clothes would promote equality, something that schools desperately need at the moment. With fashion out of the way students could better concentrate on their studies.While school uniforms may reduce individuality, in the long run it would benefit those on the receiving end of bullying. Perhaps the best outcomes school uniforms would create is that of gang violence. Gangs usually identify themselves and other gangs by what they wear. However, if everyone happened to be wearing the same thing, it would be harder for gang fights to take place. In 1994, California’s Long Beach Unified School District started requiring the use of school uniforms. In the following decade, gang violence and school crime in that area had dramatically reduced by 76%.To cap it all school attendance had even reached its highest point. More schools should follow their example and end school crime. The school district is now one step away from greatly improving school life for everyone. All in all school uniforms would greatly benefit the school district and everyone in it. Saving money, stopping bullying, and getting rid of gang violence and inappropriate clothing are definitely things the school needs right now. So don’t just stand there, make your voices heard and support school uniforms! School Uniforms â€Å"School uniforms are one step that may help the cycle of violence, truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts is what kind of people they are. †This quote was made by former president Bill Clinton. In the article ‘Should kids wear school uniforms? ’, talks about how school uniforms can benefit students and how some think school uniforms are irrelevant. There are many benefits of wearing school uniforms; they increase students’ self-esteem, improve discipline, and save families time and money.School uniforms can increase a student’s self-esteem, which veers attention upon learning and away from such distractions as fashion competition and gang intimidation. With a student having confidence of what they are wearing improves behavior and increases school attendance. It is also more economical and convenient way to avoid discrimination and teasing within the school for who dress better or worse. A child who is not able to use higher-quality clothing will not feel different or inferior to others. The uniform, as the name says, unifying models and styles and can even encourage self-esteem and help everyone feel equal.Dress affects attitude and behavior. Children generally act the way they are dressed. Children with uniforms come to school to work. School is then seen as a workplace for teaching and learning. It is not seen as a battleground, playground, or fashion stage. On the other hand, some argue and say it violates the right to freedom of expression and does not create diversity. Uniforms restrict learners are that â€Å"without the outlet of expression in their clothes, students may turn to inappropriate hair styles, jewelry, or makeup†(Public School Uniforms).So by restricting students of their clothing choice, they will still find a way to show their personality in their hair, jewelry, and hairstyles. Although a uniform can get boring with the same clothes and same color every d ay, uniforms have proven to lower hostility in many schools. Uniforms have reduced tardiness, skipped classes, suspensions, and discipline referrals. According to the Public School Review, in the Long Beach school district within one year of launching uniforms, fights and muggings had seriously dwindled by fifty percent. While committed sexual offenses were massively diminished as well by a vast seventy-four percent.Uniforms reduce violence is that if an outsider were to enter a school, the intruder would be spotted immediately, as teachers and police would arrive to dispose of the stranger that might be a harm to the students. One may argue and say school uniforms merely put a Band-Aid on the problem of school violence and fail to address the real issues behind it. Also, it won’t matter what you are wearing, people are still going to be judged and bullied. Most bullies believe they can have power over a weaker, smaller, younger, and less confident person.Bullies will be ther e regardless of fashion. School uniforms are a bargain. They are becoming far less expensive than many other clothes. Schools argue that school uniforms are economical, especially compared to designer clothing, and parents agree given school uniform durability. Some say school uniforms last longer because they are made for repeated wash and wear. Many schools capitalize on this by starting used school uniform stores or swap meets. Parents can get used school uniforms at discount prices, or just use them as hand-me-downs between siblings.Many will argue with this. Some will say that uniforms can cost more than regular, everyday clothing. Also, uniforms can be uncomfortable to wear outside of school. Meaning, parents have to buy separate clothes for outside of school. By having to buy two different wardrobes costs families more money and time. All in all, while children believe that the school is trying to control their freedom of speech by enforcing uniforms, a school is not a fashio n show. It is there to educate children and help them get into a college and a worthwhile future career. School Uniforms Why School Uniforms? School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems.It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Students’ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms. Clothes are an expre ssion of a student’s personality. By suppressing their opportunity to show their unique personalities, schools are teaching that uniformity is more valuable than individuality. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is not†(youdebate. com). Geeks, for example, might express themselves by wearing thick glasses, suspenders and long socks. On the other hand, outgoing students might wear vibrant colors and outlandish fashion. Then, there are shy children, who might choose to wear long clothing and mostly black. These are just a few examples of students dressing according to certain categories with which they might identify themselves.The possibilities of individually expressing oneself through clothes are infinite. However, uniforms stifle these possibilities; they keep students from expressing their personality. Uniforms also can cause an undo financial burden. Parents have to buy uniforms for when students are in school and street clothes for when they are not. Angelfire. com says uniforms ultimately cost more. Students change into street clothes after school, and they wear them on weekends. During summer months, students will revert to traditional street clothes.Additionally, students will prefer designer street clothes when not in school. Therefore, parents purchase two sets of clothing, and many families cannot afford this. It is cheaper for the parents to buy only regular street clothes. Despite claims uniforms are worth a little extra money to eliminate issues such as bullying and social cliques, putting children in uniforms does not resolve social issues in school. It only treats the symptoms. â€Å"Cliques will still form,†and students will still make judgments on each other based on hair styles, height, weight, and odor (www. angelfire. com).The only true way to resolve such problems is to teach tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Instead of forcing students to we ar uniforms, educators should teach students how to respect and accept each other, despite their differences in body type, fashion, hair style, color, or any other thing that might otherwise divide the student body. This would bring an end to many social problems that develop in schools and also make students more productive members of society when they finish school. While schools hail uniforms as making school safer, it could cause a safety problem in the event of a security breech.In an event of an emergency, it will be hard to identify a certain student because they will all be dressed the same. Randy from youdebate. com states the following: â€Å"I am totally against school uniforms! One reason, of many, is safety of the students. For example: During a natural disaster (God Forbid) Earthquake, Tornado, etc,†¦ How would a parent i. d. their child? By the clothes that they are wearing, when they left home. What if a senior decided to attack a 9th or 10th grade student. How would the victim describe the attacker? Let’s see, Khaki Pants- Navy Blue Shirt- Brown Shoes. You get the picture.This was, is and will ALWAYS BE A VERY BAD idea. †No school can prevent 100 percent of security breeches. â€Å"It is impossible to prevent all outside intrusion†(angelfire. com). However, uniforms can make it easier for outsiders to enter a school campus. If an outsider is dressed in the traditional school uniform, teachers and administrators might overlook them as a member of the student body. Uniforms are touted as a solution to security problems when they actually can add to the problem. Schools have no valid reasons to put students in uniforms, and commonly cited reasons for uniforms are invalid.While proponents of uniforms argue they resolve social problems, they can contribute to social problems in that they take away students’ ability to express their individuality through clothing. Encouraging such conformity over individuality duri ng school years is a mistake. Also, parents have to shoulder the financial burden of buying uniforms in addition to street clothes, which they will also have to purchase. School districts may tout uniforms as a safer alternative to students wearing street clothes, but the uniformity can make it easier for outsiders to infiltrate the school and also can cause confusion in the event of an emergency.School districts present an impressive argument for school uniforms, saying they can decrease bullying, save parents money and heighten security. However, when the facts are considered, these arguments do not hold true. Preserving parents’ pocket books and students’ right to self expression by allowing them to wear street clothes to school and teaching tolerance are a much better alternative to the conformity and expense of school uniforms.Works Cited â€Å"School Uniform Debate and Poll. †7 Sept 2010. www. youdebate. com. WEB. â€Å"Arguments about Uniforms. †7 Sept 2010. www. angelfire. com . WEB. School Uniforms Is it better to let things continue in their horrible condition or change them for the better? The issue of school uniforms has been argued for decades with many different ideas and no final conclusion. However, school uniforms would reduce some major problems such as the school district’s budget problem, school bullying, and gang-related violence. The addition of school uniforms would benefit the school of San Jacinto High School. California’s bad economy affects the school district and everyone in it.Hundreds of dollars are wasted, when parents and students buy school clothes, it would be better to buy more affordable school uniform. Many people fall deeply into debt because they overspend on clothes, but if school uniforms were made available, that problem would be eliminated. The uniforms could also be passed down from sibling to sibling if needed. Right now, the school is not even able to give teachers enough paper, it would benefit them to sell school uniforms to make some money.So why not just make school uniforms mandatory and save tons of money? Another problem that school uniforms would eliminate is bullying based on appearance. Every day someone is discriminated due to what clothes they wear. Some people can afford to spend money on nice clothes and some cannot, but people should not be harassed for it. Everyone wearing the same clothes would promote equality, something that schools desperately need at the moment. With fashion out of the way students could better concentrate on their studies.While school uniforms may reduce individuality, in the long run it would benefit those on the receiving end of bullying. Perhaps the best outcomes school uniforms would create is that of gang violence. Gangs usually identify themselves and other gangs by what they wear. However, if everyone happened to be wearing the same thing, it would be harder for gang fights to take place. In 1994, California’s Long Beach Unified School District started requiring the use of school uniforms. In the following decade, gang violence and school crime in that area had dramatically reduced by 76%.To cap it all school attendance had even reached its highest point. More schools should follow their example and end school crime. The school district is now one step away from greatly improving school life for everyone. All in all school uniforms would greatly benefit the school district and everyone in it. Saving money, stopping bullying, and getting rid of gang violence and inappropriate clothing are definitely things the school needs right now. So don’t just stand there, make your voices heard and support school uniforms!
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