Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nobel Prize Winner: James Watson
Among the most notable and controversial Nobel Prize recipients is James Watson. He, together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, was awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1962 in the Physiology or Medicine category. He is one of the scientists who discovered the molecular structure of the DNA which is hailed as one of the great breakthroughs in the field of Sciences.James Dewey Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. In his early life, he was said to be fond of bird-gazing together with his father. When he was 12 years old, he was part of the famous radio show entitled Quiz Kids, a game which challenged young students to a quiz contest. At the age of 15, Watson entered the University of Chicago with the help of the then liberal policy of Robert Hutchins, the University president. In 1946, his interest in the field of science changed from his former concern on ornithology to genetics after he had read What Is Life? by Erwin Schrodinger. In 1947, he received his Bache lor’s degree in Zoology from the same university.Among Watson’s foremost influences was Salvador Luria, also a Nobel Prize winner. He was engrossed to the latter’s work which exposed him on the nature of genetic mutations. In the first months of 1948, Watson started to pursue his Ph.D. research at Indiana University at Luria’s laboratory. He was able to meet with another Nobel Prize recipient Max Delbruck. Delbruck and Luria were the pioneers of the Phage Group, a movement of geneticists who underwent studies and researches on microbial genetics.Eventually, Watson was also able to work with the group as a working scientist. His experience with the Phage group opened up his scientific knowledge on the nature and structure of genes. In order to develop his knowledge about the components of a gene, he took a course with another scientist Feliz Haurowitz in 1949 in which he was able to gain the conventional views on genes such as genes were proteins and vice versa; that genes have the capacity to replicate themselves; and other scientific data about the DNA.But through with all those knowledge, Watson was also fascinated with the work of Oswald Avery explaining that DNA was indeed the genetic molecule. Towards his doctoral studies, he underwent X-rays researches which attempted to de-motivate bacterial viruses. In 1950, he received his Ph.D. in Zoology at Indiana University.To be able to enhance more his knowledge on genetics and genetic composition, Watson went to Europe to pursue a postdoctoral study. He stayed at the laboratory in Copenhagen owned by a biochemist named Herman Kalckar whose studies were also linked with the nucleic acids. Through his stay with Kalckar’s laboratory, he was able to conduct experiments with another member of the Phage group, Ole Maaloe.The latter’s studies and researches were concerned on the DNA and the earlier supposition that it is the genetic molecule. In a meeting in Italy where he acc ompanied Kalckar, he met Maurice Wilkins who was also a devoted geneticist. In an event, Wilkins had shown Watson an X-ray diffraction data for DNA (which was originally worked out by Rosalind Franklin). After seeing the X-ray, he came to a conclusion that DNA had a distinct structure. Watson attempted to discover this through his experimental research done in different universities.Watson came to a decision to be familiar with performing X-ray diffraction experiments for the reason that such undertaking would lead him to a more probable and easier discovery of the DNA structure (He was inspired by Linus Pauling who was able to publish the protein alpha helix model with his unremitting efforts in undergoing X-ray experiments on molecular model.In 1951, Watson, together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, started to work out a series of experimental researches using Franklin’s X-ray findings on DNA structure. A controversy was said to occur during the period of experimenta l researches among Watson, Crick and Wilkins for the reason that they were using Franklin’s data and findings without the latter’s knowledge and consent.To further study Franklin’s X-ray findings, Watson attended one of Franklin’s seminar by which she explained how she obtained her findings on the DNA structure. Originally, Franklin claimed that the DNA was structured in helix-form. With this, Watson had started again to construct a molecular model but in the end it was criticize by Franklin by saying that the phosphate backbones must not be in the inside but on the outside.Eager to finish their attempt, the two used Franklin’s observations in their ultimate attempt to arrive at the DNA structure model. However, 1951, the absolute details of the chemical structure of the backbone of the DNA were identified by Alexander Todd, a biochemist. With that, Watson and Crick were asked to stop working with the DNA structure in 1952. Yet the two had never co mpletely put aside their desire to come up with the DNA structure model.After numerous trips which exposed Watson and Crick to different methods and experimental systems that could help them in their account on DNA structure model, they were again asked to continue working on the DNA structural model by the then laboratory director Maurice Wilkins. Through the years, Franklin’s findings progresses and even developed. The two, again, used Franklin’s findings in their experimental research on the DNA structure.The most outstanding contribution of Watson in the entire pursuit of the structural model of the DNA was his discovery of the nucleotide base pairs. These base pairs are said to be the chief answer in solving the structure and function of the DNA. Watson used the Pauling tradition, which he was formerly exposed.On February 1953, Watson worked out a molecule model which used a straight periphery, and exacto blade, white cardboard and adhesive. He made the molecu les flat in their loop so that he could slide the cardboard models and inspect how they work. Through such improvised models, Watson saw that the bigger two ring (A and G nucleobase; also referred as the purines) could be matched with a lesser one ring (T and C nucleobases; also referred as the pyrimidines).Watson hypothesized if the tow pairs could be paired through a hydrogen bond which he discovered possible. He then observed that the two pairs could be placed over on each other with alike general configuration. To elaborate, the hexagonal rings were central and the comparative courses of the five-member rings of A and G were the identical. Watson perceived that numerous members were falling into place such that he regarded it as the answer. He was right for formulating such conclusion. Watson’s discovery of the base pairs was unswerving with what Chargaff, also a biochemist, had already worked out.Not so long that Watson and Crick had completed their experimental rese arch on the structural model of DNA by concluding the double helix form of the DNA. They presented their findings through a journal entitled Nature. With this great discovery, Watson and his co-scientists Crick and Wilkins were given the Nobel Prize in 1962 for their discovery of the structure of nucleic acids.Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier the controversy involving the original works of Franklin had put the three Nobel Prize Awardees in so much criticisms primarily with their failure to acknowledge the contribution of Franklin. But Watson took the courage to clarify the issue and appraise Franklin’s involvement in the discovery of the DNA structural model. In 1968, he published a book entitled The Double-Helix which explained his team’s side regarding the controversy with Franklin.He clarified that it was not intentional to bypass Franklin all throughout their achievements. He said that Franklin was really one of the persons who gave him the impetus to strive hard er and make him more careful in analyzing his experimental research on DNA structure. In the end, his team included Franklin as one of the most important persons behind the success of their structural model of DNA.Watson’s published book made the public realize how scientists like him undergo so much hardships for the sake of scientific discoveries which can really aid the entire mankind in uplifting the quality of their lives. He had proven that with great effort and outstanding sacrifice, anyone could victoriously achieve his or her goals.Watson did not stop his scientific endeavors with his Nobel Prize award. He worked with the Genome Project in 1988 which he held up until 1992.References:Hamilton, J. (2004). James Watson: Solving the Mystery of DNA (Nobel Prize-Winning  Scientists). Enslow Publishers.Watson, J. D. (2001). The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the      Structure of DNA (First ed.). Touchstone. Nobel prize winner: james watson Among the most notable and controversial Nobel Prize recipients is James Watson. He, together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, was awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1962 in the Physiology or Medicine category. He is one of the scientists who discovered the molecular structure of the DNA which is hailed as one of the great breakthroughs in the field of Sciences.James Dewey Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. In his early life, he was said to be fond of bird-gazing together with his father. When he was 12 years old, he was part of the famous radio show entitled Quiz Kids, a game which challenged young students to a quiz contest. At the age of 15, Watson entered the University of Chicago with the help of the then liberal policy of Robert Hutchins, the University president. In 1946, his interest in the field of science changed from his former concern on ornithology to genetics after he had read What Is Life? by Erwin Schrodinger. In 1947, he received his Bache lor’s degree in Zoology from the same university.Among Watson’s foremost influences was Salvador Luria, also a Nobel Prize winner. He was engrossed to the latter’s work which exposed him on the nature of genetic mutations. In the first months of 1948, Watson started to pursue his Ph.D. research at Indiana University at Luria’s laboratory. He was able to meet with another Nobel Prize recipient Max Delbruck. Delbruck and Luria were the pioneers of the Phage Group, a movement of geneticists who underwent studies and researches on microbial genetics. Eventually, Watson was also able to work with the group as a working scientist.His experience with the Phage group opened up his scientific knowledge on the nature and structure of genes. In order to develop his knowledge about the components of a gene, he took a course with another scientist Feliz Haurowitz in 1949 in which he was able to gain the conventional views on genes such as genes were proteins and vice versa; that genes have the capacity to replicate themselves; and other scientific data about the DNA. But through with all those knowledge, Watson was also fascinated with the work of Oswald Avery explaining that DNA was indeed the genetic molecule. Towards his doctoral studies, he underwent X-rays researches which attempted to de-motivate bacterial viruses. In 1950, he received his Ph.D. in Zoology at Indiana University.To be able to enhance more his knowledge on genetics and genetic composition, Watson went to Europe to pursue a postdoctoral study. He stayed at the laboratory in Copenhagen owned by a biochemist named Herman Kalckar whose studies were also linked with the nucleic acids. Through his stay with Kalckar’s laboratory, he was able to conduct experiments with another member of the Phage group, Ole Maaloe.The latter’s studies and researches were concerned on the DNA and the earlier supposition that it is the genetic molecule. In a meeting in Italy where he ac companied Kalckar, he met Maurice Wilkins who was also a devoted geneticist. In an event, Wilkins had shown Watson an X-ray diffraction data for DNA (which was originally worked out by Rosalind Franklin). After seeing the X-ray, he came to a conclusion that DNA had a distinct structure. Watson attempted to discover this through his experimental research done in different universities.Watson came to a decision to be familiar with performing X-ray diffraction experiments for the reason that such undertaking would lead him to a more probable and easier discovery of the DNA structure (He was inspired by Linus Pauling who was able to publish the protein alpha helix model with his unremitting efforts in undergoing X-ray experiments on molecular model.In 1951, Watson, together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, started to work out a series of experimental researches using Franklin’s X-ray findings on DNA structure. A controversy was said to occur during the period of experiment al researches among Watson, Crick and Wilkins for the reason that they were using Franklin’s data and findings without the latter’s knowledge and consent. To further study Franklin’s X-ray findings, Watson attended one of Franklin’s seminar by which she explained how she obtained her findings on the DNA structure.Originally, Franklin claimed that the DNA was structured in helix-form. With this, Watson had started again to construct a molecular model but in the end it was criticize by Franklin by saying that the phosphate backbones must not be in the inside but on the outside. Eager to finish their attempt, the two used Franklin’s observations in their ultimate attempt to arrive at the DNA structure model. However, 1951, the absolute details of the chemical structure of the backbone of the DNA were identified by Alexander Todd, a biochemist. With that, Watson and Crick were asked to stop working with the DNA structure in 1952. Yet the two had never completely put aside their desire to come up with the DNA structure model.After numerous trips which exposed Watson and Crick to different methods and experimental systems that could help them in their account on DNA structure model, they were again asked to continue working on the DNA structural model by the then laboratory director Maurice Wilkins. Through the years, Franklin’s findings progresses and even developed. The two, again, used Franklin’s findings in their experimental research on the DNA structure.The most outstanding contribution of Watson in the entire pursuit of the structural model of the DNA was his discovery of the nucleotide base pairs. These base pairs are said to be the chief answer in solving the structure and function of the DNA. Watson used the Pauling tradition, which he was formerly exposed.On February 1953, Watson worked out a molecule model which used a straight periphery, and exacto blade, white cardboard and adhesive. He made the mole cules flat in their loop so that he could slide the cardboard models and inspect how they work. Through such improvised models, Watson saw that the bigger two ring (A and G nucleobase; also referred as the purines) could be matched with a lesser one ring (T and C nucleobases; also referred as the pyrimidines).Watson hypothesized if the tow pairs could be paired through a hydrogen bond which he discovered possible. He then observed that the two pairs could be placed over on each other with alike general configuration. To elaborate, the hexagonal rings were central and the comparative courses of the five-member rings of A and G were the identical. Watson perceived that numerous members were falling into place such that he regarded it as the answer. He was right for formulating such conclusion. Watson’s discovery of the base pairs was unswerving with what Chargaff, also a biochemist, had already worked out.Not so long that Watson and Crick had completed their experimental re search on the structural model of DNA by concluding the double helix form of the DNA. They presented their findings through a journal entitled Nature. With this great discovery, Watson and his co-scientists Crick and Wilkins were given the Nobel Prize in 1962 for their discovery of the structure of nucleic acids.Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier the controversy involving the original works of Franklin had put the three Nobel Prize Awardees in so much criticisms primarily with their failure to acknowledge the contribution of Franklin. But Watson took the courage to clarify the issue and appraise Franklin’s involvement in the discovery of the DNA structural model. In 1968, he published a book entitled The Double-Helix which explained his team’s side regarding the controversy with Franklin. He clarified that it was not intentional to bypass Franklin all throughout their achievements. He said that Franklin was really one of the persons who gave him the impetus to strive h arder and make him more careful in analyzing his experimental research on DNA structure. In the end, his team included Franklin as one of the most important persons behind the success of their structural model of DNA.Watson’s published book made the public realize how scientists like him undergo so much hardships for the sake of scientific discoveries which can really aid the entire mankind in uplifting the quality of their lives. He had proven that with great effort and outstanding sacrifice, anyone could victoriously achieve his or her goals.Watson did not stop his scientific endeavors with his Nobel Prize award. He worked with the Genome Project in 1988 which he held up until 1992.References:Hamilton, J. (2004). James Watson: Solving the Mystery of DNA (Nobel Prize-Winning   Scientists). Enslow Publishers.Watson, J. D. (2001). The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the      Structure of DNA (First ed.). Touchstone.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Internet Article Review “When to call the organization doctor†Essay
Summary In the article, When to call the organization doctor by Robert N. Llewellyn discusses many techniques that are available for an organization and managers to use in determining how to properly identify organizational problems, or resolve current problems within the organization. Llewellyn’s article briefly describes eight-elements in accomplishing organizational effectiveness: Strategic Direction, Goal Alignment, Work Process and Projects, Organizational Structure, Performance Management, Rewards, Cultural Support Systems and Infrastructure. The article further points out that after a manager have identified the elements for effective organizational management than they should apply these elements to diagnosis problems within the organization. Furthermore, â€Å"When a fit problem is identified†¦ one must use not only simple deductive thinking, but inferential thinking as well.†(Llewellyn, p.79, 2002) Following this step â€Å"†¦puts management in charge of where the organization is going, strategically and systemically, and avoids the management-fad phenomenon.†(Llewellyn, p.79, 2002) Effective Management In week, one Professor Sowunmi asked the class to explain, â€Å"How does effective management impact organizational success?†(Main newsgroup, February 4, 2004 DQ 2) In answering the question I stated, â€Å"Effective management can have an endless impact upon the success of an organization. Interview Article 3 The main goals of any business are to make sure that its organization and its employees perform proficiently and productively. Any company can accomplish these goals if the employees are provided with appropriate guidance, enough flexibility, and supplied with the necessary information about what the organization is trying to accomplish. Moreover, a company that is successfully managed has a vision and knows how to make decisions that are consistent with the company’s vision. In addition, an organization that has good management can make good decisions that not only improve the profits of the company, but also give the employees a sense of pride in their company. A company that is managed successfully recognizes and appreciates its customers and will go all the way in making sure the customer is place first.†(Easter-Brown, DQ 2, February 7, 2004) This statement helps support the fact that if an organization fails to properly diagnosis problems within the organization they are most probably committing a form of â€Å"organizational malpractice.†In other words, thinking about the many ways organizations try to change and make themselves healthier makes it nearly impossible if they are unwilling to remember that prescription without diagnosis is malpractice, whether in medicine or management. On the other hand, the self-medication approach can sometimes have limited impact and can even lose headway. Without any external help or ideas, the side effects or self-treatment can be limited management thinking, stubborn devotion to traditional and comfortable viewpoints. Self-medication can work well, but management must be well informed about the range of effective remedies. Interview Article 4 Take the statement made by Kevin O’Connell, one of my fellow classmates,†Effective management uses mistakes as opportunities for learning and is able to recover and quickly adapt to changes in the business climate. Ineffective management points the blame on others and never learns nor takes ownership for mistakes.†(Main newsgroup DQ2, February 5, 2004) Furthermore, preferring the self-medication approach, many organizations continually engage in various processes aimed at self-change. They may purchase current management books, videos and training materials  the counterpart of over-the-counter medications  but in general, they prefer to figure things out for themselves. Many firms are simply more comfortable with this â€Å"do it yourself†approach and have little attraction to the idea of bringing in outsiders to deal with their change agenda. Internal task forces, special initiatives, campaigns and focused training programs can be effective forms of self-treatment. If they have a core team of bright, well-qualified internal change agents, they could make great progress. Llewellyn states, â€Å"†¦managers should first correctly diagnosis organizational problems first, then, if needed, search for a consultant that has the experience needed.†(pg. 79, 2002) Changes for SHS If I could make changes or recommendations for my own organization, they would defiantly be built around the guidelines of organizational effectiveness. Interview Article 5 The Stamford Health System is currently under new management and many of the guidelines stated in Llewellyn’s article are exceptional steps for improving the effectiveness of my company’s organizational structure, for example, Performance Management, Rewards, and Cultural Support Systems are some good suggestions for improvement. In my recommendations for Performance Management, I would like to see a centralized scheduling streamlines access to the hospital’s services that satisfy physicians and patients, for example, a Centralized-scheduling staff of stationed in close proximity to the Admitting office, increasing their efficiency due to the high volume of walk-in patients. The average 95 faxes and 30 calls received each day from physicians’ offices will be reduce to approximately 15 minutes to schedule. The training process for central scheduling staff is broader so that they can schedule all procedure/visit types Specific IT systems can now facilitate c entral scheduling by being â€Å"smart†about scheduling. If my organization wants to be competitive and increase their nurse retention, they need to provide major stimulus to restructure the hospital and organization. There needs to be an improvement in our internal reform strategy as well as a market alliance strategy. In order to be successful in the market environment of managed care and managed competition, my institution needs to expand market share through superior quality service; reduce management overhead with flat structure; increase productivity with self-directed teams; control expenses within budget; reinforce innovation and performance with incentives; and reinfuse employees and medical staff with a sense of shared optimism about the future. Interview Article 6 I believe the result will be a sweeping overhaul in organizational culture, driven by a radical shift in management philosophy and a permanent commitment to seek continuous improvements at all levels. Conclusion It is evident from my evaluation and the article When to call the organization doctor by Robert N. Llewellyn that careful evaluation and diagnosis of the central problems in an organization can help avoid †¦Ã¢â‚¬ expensive, disruptive, and often unnecessary intervention†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg.79, 2002) Overall, through a conservative position an organization can develop the capability to evaluate and diagnosis effective organizational skills to improve the many problems that may arise in the organizational structure. Fundamentally, as long as the organization is willing to strive for organizational effectiveness, they have a greater chance of solving problems within the company. Interview Article 7  References Easter-Brown, D. (Feb. 7, 2004). MGT 330 Main Newsgroup. How does effective management impact organizational success? Retrieved from MGT 330 Main Newsgroup on February 16, 2004 Llewellyn, R.N. (Mar. 2002). When to call the organization doctor HR Magazine. Vol. 47, Iss. 3, pg. 79. Retrieved from ProQuest database on February 2, 2004. O’Connell, K. (Feb. 5, 2004). MGT 330 Main Newsgroup. How does effective management impact organizational success? Retrieved from MGT 330 Main Newsgroup on February 16, 2004 Sowumni, A. (2004). Overview of The Concepts of Management: Week I Lecture. Retrieved from MGT 330 Course Newsgroup on February 13, 2003. University of Phoenix (Ed.). (2002). Management: Theory, Practice, and Application [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Custom Publishing Retrieved February 13, 2003.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Current patterns of ill health Essay
Describe the current patterns of ill health and how they are monitored In the UK patterns of ill health are identified and monitored through the use of statistics which may be viewed on the National Statistics website. Responsible for producing statistics to be put together by our UK National Statistics organisation to illustrate patterns of ill health in the UK are government statistical departments. Government statistical departments that are major contributors to identifying and monitoring patterns of ill health in the UK include: the Department of Health, the Health and Safety Executive and the NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care. Although statistics do provide a clear picture, they are not totally accurate for what they represent because there will always be information on illness that is not reported so statistics can only give us an idea of what ill health in England is really like. Here are some of the descriptions of the current patterns of ill health in the UK Lung cancer: Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in one or both lungs but is usually in the cells that line the air passages. The abnormal cells do not develop into healthy lung tissue, they divide rapidly and form tumours. It is health concern as â€Å"Doctors in Britain are ‘missing opportunities’ to spot lung cancer at an early stage,†BBC News reports. A study found around a third of people with the condition die within 90 days of their initial diagnosis. and because there are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer it is hard to diagnose so more people are dying from this cancer. Lung cancer is on the increase especially in women because of the sharp decrease in the incidence of male lung cancer over the past two decades reflects the decline in smoking prevalence among men. ‘Female smokers are also twice as likely to develop lung cancer as male smokers’ it is on the increase becuase Women aged between 25 and 34 are more stressed than anyone else in Britain, a new study has found. At that age, women are typicall y climbing the career ladder at work, caring for demanding young children at home and paying a mortgage meaning they are smoking more because of the stress. Diabetes type 2: A person with type 2 diabetes has insulin resistance, meaning their pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or the body doesn’t react properly to insulin. Insulin is used by the body to manage glucose, or sugar, levels in the blood and to convert glucose into energy. ‘Type 2 diabetes occurs mainly in people aged over 40. 5 million people have diabetes but is more common in older people The rapid rise in the number of adults developing type 2 diabetes is due to, increasing levels of obesity, a lack of exercise, increase in unhealthy diets and an ageing population. The first-line treatment is diet, weight control and physical activity.’ it becomes a concern as that person is causing it themselves because of their diet , or lack of exercise ect and can only help themselves Cystic fibrosis- Cystic fibrosis affects over 7500 people in the UK and over 2 million people in the UK carry the gene that causes it. It affects the internal organs, especially the lungs and the digestive system, by clogging them with thick sticky mucus. This makes it hard to breathe and digest food. It is a progressive disorder and currently there is no cure, an average life expectancy is 31 years, although improvements in treatment mean a baby born today could expect to live for longer. Cystic fibrosis is increasingly being diagnosed through screening but some babies and older children (and even adults) are diagnosed following unexplained illness. Treatments available include eating a healthy diet, exercising, physiotherapy treatment and medicine treatment. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder. This means that in order to develop cystic fibrosis you need to inherit two cystic fibrosis genes, one from your mother and one from your father, and this is why it is on the increase as people who have the gene are having children. Coronary heart disease – (CHD) is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle. When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis. It’s responsible for around 74,000 deaths in the UK each year. About 1 in 5 men and 1 in 8 women die from CHD. CHD generally affects more men than women, but from the age of 50 the chances of developing CHD are similar for men and women. â€Å"That number of people get CHD looks likely to rise if we allow complacency and inactivity to ruin our lives.†Professor Sir Charles George blamed people’s increasingly unhealthy lifestyles to cause this. Std- sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. these diseases can cause serious harm such as getting HIV is a virus most commonly caught by having sex without a condom.The virus attacks the immune system, and weakens your ability to fight infections and disease.At the end of 2012, there were an estimated 98,400 people in the UK living with HIV. The majority were infected through sex (41,000 gay and bisexual men and 53,000 heterosexuals).Although there is no cure for HIV, treatments are now very effective, enabling people with HIV to live long and healthy lives.You will be encouraged to take regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking. the reason why it is on the increase is because of sexual activity at a young age, having lots of sexual paretners are more at risk and having unprotected sex, many young adults are not using condoms meaning that diseases like chylamida are increasing and more sexua l diseases are being spread around as there are also not really any symptoms to suggest you have a std. liver disease. There are over 100 types of liver disease, which together affect at least 2 million people in the UK. the most common are alcohol-related liver disease, where the liver is damaged after years of alcohol misuse, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, usually seen in people who are overweight or obese and hepatitis, which is inflammation (swelling) of the liver caused by a viral infection or exposure to harmful substances such as alcohol. the deaths becuase of liver disease has increased by 40% in the last 12 years due to alcohol. Regional study shows significant variations in mortality across country, and men twice as likely to be diagnosed as women, studies have shown that this is becuase young men are more likely to drink more on a night out also when they are stressed and angry they turn to alcohol. â€Å"men and women have different types of stress-related psychological disorders. Women have greater rates of depression and some types of anxiety disorders than men, while men have greater rates of alcohol-use disorders than women†breast cancer- Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. In 2011, just under 50,000 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Most women who get it (8 out of 10) are over 50, but younger women, and in rare cases, men, can also get breast cancer. there are many factors as to why breast cancer is increasing some are, alcohol can cause breast cancer, and even drinking small amounts can increase the risk of this disease. After the menopause, women who are overweight or obese have a higher breast cancer risk than those who have a healthy weight. The Million Women Study also looked at body weight, and calculated that obesity accounts for 7 per cent of the UK’s breast cancer cases. women who work night shifts are also at a higher risk.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Apollo Program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Apollo Program - Research Paper Example Subsequent to the takeoff of Sputnik II wherein Laika, the first animal to orbit the Earth, was on board, then President Eisenhower informed the country that he was making ‘Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology,’ a new position in the government. This would play a big role in the formation of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the administration that would send the first men to the Moon in 1969. President Eisenhower took the first step to strengthen the objective of launching men to the Moon. John F. Kennedy who took the place of presidency after Eisenhower thrust those objectives even further. It took only several months for Kennedy to convene a special session of Congress to deliver his speech in which he necessitated America to launch the first moon landing in history by the decade’s end. After a couple of years, in 1967, the United States of America has just planned Project Apollo also known as the Apollo program and Apollo I would be its very first mission. By January, tests was started to be able to know how the craft would operate and function on its interior power, and just as with the other tests that were conducted on previous crafts, numerous problems and complications came to view. However, in spite of all the problems that came out, the test was still pushed through that same day. By night, only eleven minutes into the start of the mission, an ignition occurred within the walls of the craft cabin and all the astronauts that were on board the craft yelled for help and assistance. Unfortunately, everything was too late. The rest had already evacuated, leaving the astronauts inside, trapped. After the incident, NASA discovered that the men were al severely burnt but had died by inhaling toxic fumes caused by the burning of artificial materials inside. In a matter of eight seconds, three heroes died. Indeed, all were shock at the terrible tragedy that ensued. â€Å"With the first manned, e arth-orbit Apollo flight scheduled for mid-February, all seemed on target to make Kennedy’s vision a reality. But one evening late in January, that soaring optimism suddenly, terribly feel to Earth.†(Chaikin 11) The rebuilding of Apollo immediately followed. Apollos 4, 5 and 6 were launched earlier testing the launching capabilities of an unmanned mission. However, after almost a year since the combustion of Apollo I, NASA was prepared to restart all over again and try once more. This time, Schirra headed Apollo 7. He nicknamed this craft "Wally’s Ship" to make it known to all that he was in charge and that all courses of action taken are all approved by him. According to NASA, on October 11, 1967, the craft was launched and everything went smooth, almost perfect except for a slight insignificant delay. Apollo 7 was able to orbit around the Earth for an hour and a half. Schirra told Mission Control that was located in Houston, Texas, that the entire crew was â⠂¬Å"having a ball.†This mission indeed had put the Apollo program back on its feet after the tragedy that broke the hearts of the people from Apollo I. Apollo 7 came back to Earth successfully after almost two weeks. This mission was able to complete every single goal they had and it was known to be a national success. As the United States was celebrating its accomplishment that helped them recover from Apollo I, the Russians, who were gathering funds for a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Christian Tradition Course Paper Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Christian Tradition Course Paper Two - Essay Example Christians believe in the existence responsibility as a service to Christ. Therefore, they need to identify religious beliefs of people around them, whether Christians or non-Christians as this will help in solving significant issues in life because people are able to understand their religious differences. This can be achieved through discussion of the spiritual lives of those people. He encourages Christians to participate actively in such discussions. In order to demonstrate the compassion as that of Christ, Christians ought to go down to the level of those people, rather than hope that they will grow to their (Christians) level (Millard 220). 2. The church is one aspect of what Christians understand to be the work of Jesus. Describe what Christians believe about the church and show in what way this belief leads to a view of how humans ought to live together in community. Christians believe that since Jesus founded the church, he came on earth as the son of God to save humanity from sins. In his quest to rescue human race, he was killed as a religious heretic but rose from the darkness of death and eventually ascended to heaven. Since Jesus came for everybody in the world, Christian’s belief people ought to live together in unity as described in the book of John 17: 21. The core aspect to people living in unity is the attachment to the Apostle creed or structures, which stipulate significant values and doctrine that Christians, need to follow. In addition, Christians understand and believe that the church is the body of believers called by God to live as his children under the power of Jesus Christ. The book Ephesians (1:22) asserts that all believers are bound and protected by the blood of Jesus (Millard 243). 3. Christians call the various ways they talk about who Jesus is â€Å"Christology.†Talk about at least three ways that
Mosque being built by 911 sight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mosque being built by 911 sight - Essay Example The panic created by the 9/11 incident was slowly disappearing at present. However, reports about the construction of a mosque at ground zero are causing disturbances to the Americans at present. Chelsea Schilling (2011) has pointed out that â€Å"a new Islamic mosque will open its doors just steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah on Sept. 11, 2001 (Schilling). There are different opinions about the construction of a mosque near ground zero. This paper argues against the construction of a mosque at 9/11 site. Supporters of mosque construction at ground zero argue that since America is a secular democratic country, Muslims have the right to construct a mosque anywhere in America. They are of the opinion that building a mosque at 9/11 site will improve the credentials of America as a secular nation. The above argument seems to be illogical. America’s secular credentials are already established since Americans shown no hesitatio n in electing a president of Muslim origin even after the 9/11 incident. The current president Obama has Muslim origins. It should be note that the in India which is believed to be one of the largest secular democracies in the world, the Hindu fundamentalists opposed the election of Sonia Gandhi as their prime minister. It should also be noted that the â€Å"leading imam, who conducts sensitivity training sessions for the FBI, has reportedly blamed Christians for starting mass attacks on civilians†(Schilling). In other words the Muslim community in America still has no regards to the victims of 9/11 incident and it is difficult to expect mercy from them in future also. The second argument in favor of constructing of a mosque at ground zero is that a Mosque at ground zero will help America to regain the lost confidence of Muslim community in America. Many people believe that a mosque at ground zero is the positive sign in strengthening America’s relations with the Musl im world. The above argument is also meaningless. It should be noted that there are many mosques functioning at different parts of America. Moreover, none of the mosques in America suffered any damages even after the destruction of world trade centre and the killing of thousands of innocent people. â€Å"Many have complained that it would be insensitive to have a huge mosque two blocks from the site that became the burial ground for victims of the 9/11 terror attack by Muslim militants of Al Qaeda†(Sanchez). Nothing more can be done to the relatives of the victims of 9/11 incident as a harassment, if the authorities go ahead with the construction of the mosque. According to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg â€Å"the mosque will help to bring our city even closer together and help repudiate the false and repugnant idea that the attacks of 9/11 were in any way consistent with Islam" (Loffee). American leaders are trying to strengthen the relationships with the Islamic communit y in a diplomatic manner. However, they are forgetting the fact that diplomacy will never win over fundamentalism. Strengthening Islamic culture in New York like big city will make different citizens in New York. Muslims will try to enforce their religious beliefs even in their social life which may create problems to other religions. Shariah laws, which are the fundamental laws of Muslim belief, will be enforced in Islamic culture and the effects of these laws may reflect in the life of other people as well. In
Monday, August 26, 2019
Biofuel Synthesis Project Proposals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biofuel Synthesis Project Proposals - Essay Example As a means of ensuring objective adoption of green energy like biodiesel, education stakeholders have decided to integrate concepts of biofuel in college and university curriculum (Tuohy and Saddler 28). Currently, concepts of biofuel in learning institutions are delivered to students through both theoretical and practical lessons. This means that chemistry students will not only learn about the theoretical construct of biofuel production, but they will also conduct small scale practical projects within a laboratory setting. Therefore, this proposal extrapolates on the necessary aspects of chemical synthesis meant to facilitate actual production of biodiesel within a learning environment. The main objective of this project is to simulate a real production process used in synthesis of market biodiesel. The entire experiment will operate within the boundaries placed by material and equipment constrains. This means that procedures used may fail to totally emulate typical steps employed in commercial production of biodiesel. However, one goal of the project is to synthesize small quantity of a biodiesel from available raw materials, and test whether the final product possesses required characteristics of biodiesel. This experiment will not only enable students to apply theoretical knowledge that they have acquired in class, but will also transform theoretical fantasies and create a sense of realistic accomplishment in chemistry. Apart from establishing a discrete link between theoretical and practical concepts, this experiment also aims at promoting individual participation in group work. In addition, strict adherence to all synthesis steps helps students in learning abo ut procedural execution of laboratory processes. In order to optimize the synthesis process and ensure production of quality biodiesel, this experiment will be conducted in a strategic and procedural manner. The first strategy involves establishing harmony between materials and equipment available
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Critical review of Narratives of Islamic Origins, The beginnings of Essay
Critical review of Narratives of Islamic Origins, The beginnings of Islamic Historical writing, by Fred M Donner. On Introducti - Essay Example Donner succinctly outlines some of the main problems with the early Islamic sources in his introduction: ‘Chronological discrepancies and absurdities abound, as do flat contradictions in the meaning of events, or even, less frequently, on their fundamental course. Many accounts present information that seems clearly anachronistic; others provide ample evidence of embellishment or outright invention to serve the purpose of political or religious apologetic’ (6). The late Albrecht Noth opened the debate which challenged the conventional, almost literal approach to the Islamic source material in 1973, arguing that many of the accounts were merely anecdotes and themes used by the authors in the contexts they thought appropriate. In this latest work, Donner has built heavily on the work of the latter. Wansbrough produced a more radical critique in 1977, which was developed by Crone and Cook. They asserted that many of the established ‘truths’ concerning the Proph et’s lifetime could not be taken for granted. ... Narratives of Islamic Origins, from the introduction to the conclusion, Donner makes clear that he is an opponent of Crone’s Hagarism, which he refers to as the radically ‘skeptical’ approach. Much of the introduction of devoted to this refutation. Even from this summary, it is clear that the history of early Islam is one of the most bitterly-contested fields in modern historiography, and due to the polarisation of the debate, it is unlikely to be smoothed over in the near future. With his contribution, Donner can scarcely have been hoping to categorically resolve any of the issues at stake. However, in a way somewhat similar to the work of Robert Hoyland, Donner is beginning to build a middle ground in the debate, in which the Islamic sources need not be rejected or passionately advocated, but can be included in a careful and scholarly analysis of the period. Donner’s Narratives of Islamic Origins is just that – a comprehensive and thoroughly schola rly analysis to a wide body of primary sources, which adds little new to the overarching debate, but does distil some important issues. We are concerned in this review with the introduction of the book, which offers a basic summary of Donner’s main argument, and the preoccupations which have motivated the study, and with chapter 5, entitled, ‘Themes of Prophecy’. The introduction focuses on the intellectual context of early Islam, and especially on the key issue of establishing the Quran as a text which existed in some form from the earliest period. This is obviously crucial to the way in which we view this document. Those who tended towards Crone’s view argue that the Quran is a later construction, put together from legendary sayings of the Prophet. It is held by this school to be a collection of sayings
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Dispute Settlement between States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Dispute Settlement between States - Essay Example Hence, it is a duty of the members of the United Nations to settle international disputes through peaceful means, which may cover either legal or political character. In the internal legal system of a state, it would be generally perceived that the dispute to be settled is legal. That is, when there is a dispute between individuals on rights, duties, and liabilities in accordance to law or legalization, the settlement of such may be carried out by negotiation or conciliation - that is, bringing the dispute to the consideration of a third party body which may act as an "arbitrator." The arbitrator may be a permanent organization of a state which shall serve as the "court," wherein both the arbitrator and the court shall consider the dispute by the principle of law, which essentially means that the rulings of the arbitrator and the judgment of the court shall legitimately bind the disputing parties. In the international legal system, the meaning and scope of the settlement of international disputes are broader than the settlement of internal legal disputes (Hill 1945). ... r since a state cannot be forced to settle international disputes without its consent, implying that the international legal system does not have any mechanism to force any state to settle disputes (Glahn 1970). It is explicit that in the international law, there is not one state, which, without its consent, shall be forced to propose a compromise, arbitration, or any other peaceful means of settling a dispute with another1. The principle of international law evident in the advice of the Permanent Court of International Justice is still deemed practical and accepted by members of the international community because even the United Nations Charter stipulates that there is not any enforcing measure for its members in the settlement of disputes (Glahn 1970). It is however stipulated as a duty of all members of the United Nations that if a dispute is to be settled, the parties concerned shall settle it through peaceful means2. Since issues of international disputes can be of any character, the settlement of international disputes is therefore not always related directly to international law. For example, an international dispute of a political issue may not require international law in consideration. However, even though international disputes of political nature, or of any other nature, are not related directly to international law, the disputing parties have to settle their dispute by peaceful means as s tipulated in the principles of international law and as evident in Articles 2(3) and 33(1) of the United Nations Charter. The disputing parties may exploit any means of peaceful settlement between each other as long as they have mutually agreed upon a direct negotiation between them, such as establishing a joint working group for inquiry of facts, introduction of a
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Automotive Industry in the 21st Century Essay
The Automotive Industry in the 21st Century - Essay Example This industry is of great economic meaning to various countries that have exploited it largely for trade and employment creation. It is also evident that the industry has largely experienced change and improvement in technology, though to a limited extent. The case note from European Case Clearing House (ECCH) on the automobile industry covers the social and political significance of the automobile industry within the first ten years of the 21st century. It gives information on the challenges faced by the industry in the constant profit making process at each stage. It also gives details on the value chain involved in the industry. Challenges in the introduction and effects of new technology are also given a wide view, including the rigidity in the application and use of particular raw materials. The competition in the industry has been on with different innovations emerging, as a result. More improvements have been seen, which has brought a variety of commodities for consumers to choose from. The major players in the field include the general motors’ company of the United States, Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan, Hyundai motors of South Korea, Renault of France among others. Background Background The development automobile traces its origin late in the twentieth century. Entrepreneurs and engineers dealing in machinery in Europe and the US geared its progress. The countries included Germany producing their first car, France, United States and Japan, which also made their first cars between 1890 and 1914. 1) Scale and economic importance of the industry The industry scale is one that can be termed as large in a general view. This is because it ranges from large-scale manufacture of cars and car parts widely spread in renowned nations such as China, Japan, USA, Germany, UK, among others. It is global since the trade barriers reduction has encouraged wide investments in the emerging markets (Mitchell, Borroni-Bird & Burns, 2007). Most manufacturers export their automobile products and some kept for their domestic markets. There is various economic importance of the industry being exhibited worldwide. To begin with, it provides market for fuel producing industries. Al l automobiles require fuel or energy to propel them. Petroleum is the most widely used fuel by most automobiles. Petroleum refining industries, therefore, market their products to the automobile users. Refined steel has been used constantly used in the bodybuilding, as explained by Constable and Procter (2007). Another sector that has developed is employment creation. For instance, in Germany, the sector provides for not less than 14 percent of people employed in the manufacturing. The world has, to a significant extent, experienced unemployment problems in the 21st century; motor vehicle industry has helped curb the problem through employing engineers, entrepreneurs, and managers, sales personnel among other professionals on permanent and casual basis. The industry is a major source of income. Innovation in the automobile industry has led to an increase in flexibility and mobility of cash inflow to the various countries that deal in the industry. Marketing of the products and their spare parts locally and abroad generates cash. It can be noted that the industry is a major global driver of growth. 2) The static technology of the industry and factors that make it difficult for the industry to change to technology Technological innovations in the automobile sector has been rather static due to various factors including safety, risk of job loss, and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Sony Walkman Essay Example for Free
Sony Walkman Essay Sony is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It ranked 73 on the 2011 list of Fortune Global 500. Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics products for the consumer and professional markets. Walkman is a Sony brand trade name originally used for portable audio cassette players, and now used to market Sony’s portable audio players as well as a line of former Sony Ericsson mobile phone. The original walkman introduces a changed in music listening habits by allowing people to carry music with them and listen to music through lightweight headphone. The device was built in 1978 by audio-division engineer Nobutoshi Kihara for Sony chairman Akio Morita, who wanted to be able to listen to operas during his frequent tans pacific plane trips. The original walkman was marketed in 1979 as the walkman in Japan. Then other countries including the US were attracted by walkman. In the United States, the retail list prices of the walkman models I and ii are about $100 and $180. Sony sold in a variety of retail outlets, because they realize that competitors will come soon so they try to get market as much as possible. And competitive products with a range of feature are sold in essentially the same retail outlets at list prices ranging from $75 to $250. There are many competitors entry the market because the market has low barriers to entry with low cost. But Sony has advantages of the business. Sony has its famous brand name and he is the early bird of the market, what they need do is to emphasis the market.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Essay Example for Free
Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Essay Introduction As we come into the 21st Century, we find Healthcare is at a crisis level. Every agency is working on healthcare reform from policymakers to the public and private sector, as well as federally funded Medicare and Medicaid. The business of Medicine is greatly influenced by the government (federal, state and local levels) and private health sections that initiate policies. Pay for Performance is a reimbursement method where physicians and hospitals can receive a higher reimbursement for duplicate services based on the fact that they deliver better quality care with better results and outcomes. This payment reform offers initiates intended to improve efficiency, value, and quality of health care (Hood, 2007). If all doctors receive the same dollar amount as a doctor with poor outcomes, then the doctor with great outcomes should receive a little more and there will be patients that do not mind paying a higher deductible for better medical services (Mayes, 2006). Definition for Pay for performance Kimmel (2005), Pay for performance is a payment approach used in healthcare that is based on clinical information-driven reform. The fundamental concept is to tie payment to how well providers adhere to practice standards. The practice standards are evidence-based and tied to clinical outcomes. The primary areas of focus are preventive care delivery and disease management for chronic illnesses†. Effects on Reimbursement Pay for performance (P4P) is literally a group of performance indicators that are coupled with an incentive. The performance indicators supports the performance aspect of P4P while the incentive indicator is the pay component. Measuring patient outcomes and understanding the variances that they have, has in part lead to the increasing rise in how pay for performance reimbursement is looked at. This style of reimbursement allows health plans and employers to pay increasing reimbursements to medical providers that have the better outcomes, give average outcome medical providers a chance to improve, and pay those medical providers with the lowest outcomes the least amount of money or not pay them at all (Cromwell, Trisolini, Pope, Mitchell, Greenwald. 2011). In order to have a pay for performance system in place, you must decide what domains or areas you wish to track, measure, and reward. Some areas in this domain are clinical process, quality and patient safety, access to and availability of care, cost efficiency or cost of care, cost-effectiveness, administrative efficiency and compliance, adoption of information technology, and reporting of performance indicators. These can be set up as a single performance tracker or a multi-domain performance tracker and the measure needed for improvement, importance, and cost. Performance indicators should be valid, reliable, and informative (Cromwell, Trisolini, Pope, Mitchell, Greenwald. 2011). The Incentive Schemes reward the performance measures, and is another important part of a pay for performance system. Funding proves to be another important part of this type of a reimbursement system. Types of funding include redistributing existing payments where additional funds will not have to be made and the quality of service is already high; however, medical providers with a lower quality of service will receive lower reimburse ments. Generated Savings and New Money are other sources of funding for performance measures. Generated savings claim that an increased quality of service will generate savings, although there are others who feel that new money should be used to fund the performance system. (Cromwell, Trisolini, Pope, Mitchell, Greenwald. 2011). Impact of System Cost Reductions on the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care The Medicare Physicians Group Practice (PGP) was the first physician pay for performance model used by the federal government. The PGP believes that higher quality and better cost efficiency could be achieved by managing and coordinating patient care and by engaging in wider choices of care management that are able to improve cost efficiency and quality of health care. Interventions include; chronic disease management, high risk and higher cost care management, transitional care management, end-of-life and palliative care programs. If there were a more successful payment and delivery method to increase the value of health care and improve quality of care, the cost would grow at a slower pace. The American people would be more likely to purchase health insurance coverage that is affordable and more valuable. (Kautter, Pope, Trisolini, 2007). More progress toward effective delivery and system reform is one of the key elements to achieving the goals to push expanded coverage. Information technology is one of these key elements and a major part of pay for performance system. Information systems uses electronic medical records and patient registries have been created to improve the efficiency and quality of health care delivery. These type of initiatives that are being tested to see if cost savings are generated by reducing avoidable hospital stays, cutting down on readmissions and emergency room visits, while simultaneously improving quality of care (Kautter, Pope, Trisolini, 2007). Effect of Pay for performance on Health Care Providers and Their Customers Meredith B. Rosenthal states, Pay for performance will not replace the existing payment structure in either system, but it does allow payors to take into account a set of quality indicators, in addition to volume of service (as fee-for-service does now) or the number of covered lives (in the case of capitation). In this view, pay for performance can be viewed as a mechanism to correct some of the distortionary incentives that already exist in the reimbursement system. Physicians in the United States are paid on a fee-for-service basis. This encourages high volumes of services, where there is no regard to the value of services in regards to a patient. When services are reimbursed more generously than others it allows the payment system to influence additional medical services with a heavy emphasis on procedure-based care. Since the physicians pay is not attached to medical services provided, there is really no direct incentive to provide any services (How Will Paying for Performance Affect Patient Care?. (2006, March). Virtual Mentor, 8(3), 162-165). Effects of Pay for performance on the Future of Health Care Goldberg lists three points regarding the most significant implications of the movement toward paying for quality outcomes. These are that the quality and value become real parts of contractual reimbursement, the differences based on quality outcomes will be more evident grouped with provider tiers, and quality metrics evolve to outcome-based and chronic disease management (Goldberg 2006). P4P is an incentive-based reimbursement system that rewards the best players. This pay for performance system is currently active in health systems, managed care settings, and private and group physician’s practices. P4P is likely to impact the entire health care environment and will provide yet another opportunity for pharmacy to become an active role player and leader with improving quality and efficient health care. The focus is not on value but on quality and cost. Pay for performance is not a new program, but in the age of informed choice, evidence based medicine, and patient safety, it can become the solution to our current health care dilemma (Pay for performance (P4P): Evaluating Current and Future Implications). Conclusion These pay for performance systems and programs will lead expansion across the United States health care industry in the near future. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, there has been a great amount of provision made to encourage continued improvement with quality of care. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are groups of providers that agree to coordinate care and to be held accountable for the quality and cost of the services they provide (James, 2012). There needs to be a consensus as to how much of an incentive will have to be given in order to affect the needed change and how should these incentives be paid out monthly, quarterly, or yearly; and how can these improvements be sustained over time. Continued experimentation with the pay for performance model should begin to incorporate monitoring and evaluation in identifying design elements that will also affect outcomes in a positive way. Variations in health care markets should be evaluated and include comparison groups to isolate pay for performance from other types of factors. Pay for performance has some great attributes to it and could definitely be the beginning to improvements in quality of service. If physicians are receiving patients and referrals based on their ability to provide quality of service with reduced readmissions and more satisfied consumers, then the care they take in providing services to patients from admission to discharge will create positive change. References Cromwell, J., Trisolini, M. G., Pope, G. C., Mitchell, J. B., and Greenwald, L. M., Eds. (2011). Pay for Performance in Health Care: Methods and Approaches. RTI Press publication No. BK-0002-1103. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. Retrieved June 15, 2014, from Goldberg, L. (2006). Paying for performance a call for quality health care. Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. Retrieved from Hood, R. (2007). Pay-for-Performance-Financial Health Disparities and the Impact on Healthcare Disparities. Journal of the National Medical Association, 99, 1-6. James, J. (2012). Pay-for-Performance. New payment systems reward doctors and hospitals for improving the quality of care, but studies to date show mixed results.. Health Policy Brief, 1-6, Retrieved June 15, 2014, from Kautter, J., Pope, G., Trisolini, M. (2007, Fall). Medicare physician group practice demonstration design: quality and efficiency pay for performance. Health Care Financing Review, 29(1), 15-29. Retrieved June 15, 2014, from emo_Design.pdf Kimmel, K. (2005). Pay for Performance: An Economic Imperative for Clinical Information Systems. Retrieved June 15, 2014, from Mayes, R. (2006). The Origins of and Economic Momentum Behind Pay for Performance Reimbursement. Health Law Review, 15, 17-22. Pay for performance (P4P): Evaluating Current and Future Implications. Retrieved June 15, 2014, from for performance.aspx Rosenthal, M. (2006). How Will Paying for Performance Affect Patient Care?. Virtual Mentor, 8, 162-165.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Elements of Literature
Elements of Literature Style is the spoken characteristics of a writer, as unique as his or her face or voice. Their styles express their individual ways of seeing humanity. Style is an insignia of independence and distinguishes a good writer from a meager or average writer. This is just one of the elements of literature. There are many elements of literature. When we read or hear poetry, we hear a speakers voice. It is this tone of voice that conveys the poems tone, its indirect mind-set toward its focus. Tone is a concept we make from fine points of a poems language: the use of meter and rhyme (or need of them); the addition of certain kinds of fine points and exclusions of other kinds; exacting choices of words and sentence pattern, of images and symbolic language. When we listen to a poems language and hear the voice of its speaker, we grasp its tone and feeling and eventually its meaning. Poetry is the impulsive runoff of potent feelings: it takes its foundation from emotion recollected in silence: the emotion is a contemplated turn over, by a type of response, the silence steadily disappears, and an emotion, relatives to that which was before the topic of thought, is steadily formed, and does itself in reality be present in the mind. In reading any poetry, it is essential to know what the words mean, but likewise imperative to understand what the words involve or propose. Poets choose exacting words because they advocate what they want to advocate. Its appropriateness is a function of both its denotation and its connotation. Poetry is stuck in the solid and the precise in details that arouse our senses for it is through our senses that we see the world. When such details become visible in poetry, they are called images. An image is a solid symbol of a sense notion, reaction, or thought. Language can be classified as both literal and not literal. When we speak factually, we mean precisely what each word conveys; when we use metaphorical language we mean something other than the real meaning of the words. Figures of speech are language or ways of using words in a non-literal logic. They consist of hyperbole; irony; or use a part to indicate the whole; or substituting an aspect of an object for the object itself; endowing inert objects or conceptual concepts with living distinctiveness or persona. Two that are above all essential for poetry are simile or metaphor. The feeling of both these figures is assessment, which is the building of relations between normally not related things. Metaphor is an insightful view of the resemblance in dissimilar. Simile establishes the similarity clearly with the words like or as. Metaphor, then again, employs no such clear spoken clue. The comparison is indirect in such a way that the symbolic term is substituted for or recognized with the exact one. The simile is more limited in its relative implication than is the metaphor. A symbol is an item or act that represents something further than itself. Correlated to symbolism, allegory, is a type of sequence of events in which people, places and happenings have unknown or representational meaning. Allegory differs from symbolism in establishing a firm system of correspondences linking facts of action and a guide of meaning. Syntax is the display of words in sentences, phrases, or clauses. Poets use syntax as they use images, pronunciation, formation, noise, and tempo to say meaning and suggest feelings. It is an essential component of its tone and a lead to the speakers emotional state. Rhyme is the nearly all recognizable aspect of poetry. It is clear as the corresponding of concluding vowel or consonant sounds in two or more words. When corresponding sounds take place at the ends of lines we have ending rhyme; when they take place inside lines we have inner rhyme. In addition to rhyme, two other forms of sound take part in reign in poetry: alliteration, which is the recurrence of consonant sounds, particularly at the beginning of words, and assonance, which is the recurrence of vowel sounds. Rhythm refers to the standard repetition of the tone of voice or anxiety in poems or songs. It is the pulsation or thrash we feel in a saying of music or a line of poetry. We obtain our logic of tempo from day by day life and from our knowledge with language and music. Meter is the review or ornate reckoning of a poetic line. Meter is a reckoning of the stresses we experience in the poems rhythm. By principle, the component of poetic meter in English is the base, a component of assess consisting of strained and undisturbed syllables. When we explore a poems structure, we center on its patterns of association. Form exists in poems on various levels from patterns of noise and picture to structures of syntax and of thinking; it is as a great deal an issue of phrase and line as of verse and entire poem. Open or free form does not mean fluidity. It suggests, as an alternative, that poets get the most out of on the free will either to make their own forms or to use the conventional fixed forms in more supple ways. Structure regularly provides clues to disposition and achievement. We have in the past defined theme as an inspiration or emotionally apprehensible meaning natural and understood in an effort. When shaping a poems theme we should be cautious neither to generalize the poem nor to misrepresent its meaning. We should also be on familiar terms with the fact that poems can have several themes: poems can be interpreted from more than one point of view and there is more than one way to affirm or clarify a poems meaning. The essential idea of the poem is articulated in its opening line. An announcement of the poems theme has to contain the idea of it. In doing all of my readings for the past few weeks, I have come to realize that a lot of the stories and poems share some of the same themes. For instance, the poem To my Dear and Loving Husband, by: Anne Bradstreet, p.1077 in the text, My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, by: William Shakespeare, p.1187 in the text, and My Papas Waltz, by: Theodore Roethke, p.773 in the text, all have the theme of love. To My Dear and Loving Husband, is the story of a womans unconditional love and honor of her husband. She states in the poem, I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold or all the riches that the East doth hold. My Mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, is the story of a mans love for his mistress. He states in the poem, And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare. My Papas Waltz, is the story of a young man growing up with an alcoholic father. The young man loves his father, but the father loves his alcohol more and the young man is try ing to get the love from his father. I have come to realize that literature reflects community, and persons and the people affect each other. Literature reflects communities by situation of time, culture, settings, attitude, and values at the time. Literature uses language to indicate what it feels like to live during particular surroundings. Literature also helps to create knowledge, not just imitate it. Cultural approaching can be used to give an affluent and enlightening historical context for fictitious work. It uses papers, expressions, and images of the area to assist the reader with a sense of the community described in the story. In the story The Lesson, by Toni Bambara, it uses language to indicate circumstances, culture, and community. The author used language spoken by some African-American citizens in the southern communities to assist readers with what culture and race the citizens are. On page 427, the words nappy hair was used, then on pages 428-429, purdee hot, and punchin were used, and that gives readers a good idea of what race and culture the citizens were. In The Lesson, the story also alerts you on the requirement of education and the consequences of having an education. It illustrates how an education may not be fun or easy to achieve, but it is essential for a constructive change to come about. The story looks at types of self-importance, direction, and ways people can value or disrepute each one in a community. An additional example of a short story that demonstrates how literature reflects the community is A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. Faulkner uses A Rose for Emily to concentrate on theme of alteration and improvement, as it relates to the American South. He was stimulated to write about this because he came from a family that some time ago owned an agricultural estate and he had family narration in the South. Literatures sometimes use people as symbols. An example of how Faulkner used his characters as symbols of the larger issues in the South is in the character of Homer Barron. Homer Barron is the Yankee production foreman who became Emilys first real boyfriend. His association with Emily is well thought-out to be disreputable because he is a Northerner and because it doesnt show as if they will ever be married. An added example is by some of the old men wearing brushed rival uniforms at Emilys funeral which gives the reader an additional clue about the moment in time, values, and setting in the story. In wrapping up, I have specified examples to intricate the various elements of literature and expressed insight of the way literature reflects communities, cultures, individuals, and society in every day life.
Ancient Greek Doctors Essay -- essays research papers
Hippocrates and Galen Comparative study between the best Greek Medical doctors of ancient Times. Introduction As The Greek empire declined, Rome inherited its medical traditions and knowledge. During the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D health standards dropped considerably and outbreaks occurred of life threatening diseases. Galen of Pergamon, a follower of Hippocrates, gathered much of the medical knowledge of the time and added to it his studies of anatomy and physiology (mostly of animals). In Spite of his errors in describing certain anatomical and physiology phenomena, his writing created the foundation for medicine over 1500 years later in Europe. Though Galen created a historical event, he indeed followed and admired one of the greatest doctors of ancient Greece ‘Hippocrates’. A physician and a surgeon he became a leader of a medical school on the ‘Aegean island of Cos’ his works are contained in the ‘Hippocrates corpus’, over 70 volumes of case histories and thoughts on the practice of medicine, role of environmental health and sa cred diseases. Although other non-Hippocrates doctors made diagnosis, the Cos physicians would try and predict the outcome of their patients. Hippocrates adopted a view that Breath is the most necessary component of our bodies and if it flowed freely produces heath if impeded produces disease. Hippocrates says that diseases are caused by the differences in the elemental components of the human organism. Before Hippocrates and Galen Medical practice in Greece centered around religion (Cult), the cult of Askelepios, the Greek god of medicine and the son of Apollo. Mythology tells us that Askelepios was saving so many lives that Pluto, the god of the underworld, asked Zeus to slay him which Zeus did with a thunderbolt. Whether Askelepios was a real man or not ,many temples around Greece have been placed up in his honor. Patients go to theses temples where they spend the night and patients have said that Askelepios has appeared in their dreams. In an age where disease was looked upon as a punishment from the gods, sacrifice was a way of pleasing the gods to prevent them from punishing. This was not the only medicine practice in Greece, there where also men who where more truly doctors they practice the unknown medicine and where still well regarded. Hippocrates What... ... his work nearly all medical thought and shaped not only the theory but practice as well. Galen’s training was not only in biology and medicine, but known as a philosopher and philologist. Philosophy in Galens word is " an essential part of training a doctor". Galens first professional job was a surgeon to the gladiators in Pergamon, here he gained much experience and practical knowledge from the wounds he had to treat. After four years he immigrated to Rome where he attained a brilliant reputation as a practitioner and a public demonstrated of anatomy. Galen for all his mistakes, remained the unchallenged authority for over a thousand years. Main mistakes consisted of the internal organs e.g.: he incorrectly assumed that the rete mirablile, a plexus of blood vessels as the base of the brain of ungulate animals, was also present in humans. He had 20 scribes to write down all his words and dictums, he was not Christian yet his writings reflected only one God an d declared the body to be an instrument of the soul. Galen experimented on animals for physiological purposes. The work On the use of the parts of the human body consisted of seventeen books of this topic.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Pumpin Iron :: essays research papers
     You see them smiling. Standing poised, focused and in a state of jubilation. Some think they are crazy and have little regard for them while others idolize, respect and perhaps even aspire to be one someday. Whether they choose to do it professionally as a career, or simply for recreational purposes; the life of a Bodybuilder can be a very fulfilling and rewarding experience. But not without it’s share of hardships and tribulations.      It was June of 2003, when I decided to train for and compete in the NY State Natural Bodybuilding Competition. I had been a Personal Trainer for close to four years and been training routinely for almost seven years. Up to that point, my lifestyle of living in the gym and learning all I can about nutrition and exercise was strictly a hobby for me. An obsession, but a hobby nonetheless. I had met a group of really nice guys at my gym, some of who had previously competed in competitions, and they convinced me to train with them for the next competition that was eight weeks away. What transpired over those following eight weeks was an experience I will never forget.      We wasted no time preparing. The day immediately following our decision to train together, we devised a bulking diet for ourselves. The purpose of this diet was to eat as much as you can for three to four weeks of relatively clean food, such as; chicken, beef, fish, tuna, potatoes, vegetables and so on. I was consuming anywhere from 4000 to 5000 calories a day during that time. In conjunction to the high calorie diet, I was also drinking close to two gallons of water a day. This left me feeling very bloated, stuffed, and borderline sick. There is not enough time in the day to prepare 5000 calories worth of food, so I had to supplement a lot by drinking high-calorie shakes often throughout the day at work. Taking in 340 grams of Protein a day further required me to keep all kinds of supplements, powders, potions, pills; you name it, at work to be readily availably to me. My office was slowly beginning to resemble a GNC store.      Once I began to cope with the massive amounts of food I was consuming, I soon had another obstacle to overcome; the training. Never before had I trained like this.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Spartan Warriors Essay -- Ancient Greece
OUTLINE I. Introduction. In society today the term â€Å"warrior†is used loosely and sometimes even associated with an athlete training for a specific event. By the fourth century B.C., Sparta designed a culture solely for training soldiers, a warrior culture. The problem with the design of a warrior culture is not in the fighting capabilities of the group, but in the artistic legacy that was lost during the life of a fighting culture. II. Body. 1. Historical Background a.     Prior to the Messenian War b.     After the Messenian War 2. Training a.     Age and Sex b.     Way of life 3. Politics a.     Women in Sparta b.     Constitution c. Lycurgus 4. Significant Battles a.     Battle of Marathon      b. Battle of Thermopylae      c. Battle of Plataea d.     The Peloponnesian War 5. Sparta without a war a. Shortcomings b.     Battle of Leuctra 6. Summary III. Conclusion The training regiments and social structure of the Spartans were geared towards building the strongest men and nation physically, but without the artistic and political training, the warriors or Sparta were unable to bring the Grecian empire together. History remembers so much from the philosophy teachings of Socrates and the Athenian paintings, dishes, and sculptures, but little is remembered about the other superpower in Greece and of the warriors of Sparta. THE SPARTAN WARRIORS In society today the term â€Å"warrior†is used loosely and sometimes even associated with an athlete training for a specific event. By the fifth century B.C., Sparta designed a culture solely for training soldiers, a warrior culture. The problem with the design of a warrior culture is not in the fighting capabilities of the group, but in the lack of an artistic legacy that was lost during the life of a fighting culture.      Prior to the forming of the military community of Sparta there is evidence of a society rich in culture. Archaeologists have found vase paintings depicting fish, snakes, plants, and kings. The illustrations on the dishes of Sparta showed increasing skill in drawing of human dimensions and animal characteristics. The city-state of Sparta had been formed as a cultural center that produced not only pottery but was noted for its festivals of song and dance as well. Other types of craftsmanship included wood, metalworking, weaver, and leather. The Spartan culture would soo... ...cago, Illinois:Rand McNally, 1970) Dryden, John. Translation. Plutarch: The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. (New York, New York:Modern Library, dt unk) Hale, William H. The Horizon Book of Ancient Greece. (New York, New York:American Heritage Co, 1956) Hawkes, Jacquetta. Dawn of the Gods: Minoan and Mycenaean Origins of Greece. (New York, New York:Random House, 1968) National Geographic Society. Greece and Rome: Builders of Our World. (Washington, District of Columbia:National Geographic Society, 1968) Preston, Richard A., Alex Roland, and Sydney F. Wise. Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and its interrelationships with Western Society. (Belmont, California:Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001) Reuben, Gabriel and Sheila Schwartz. How People Lived in Ancient Greece and Rome. (Chicago, Illinois:Benefic Press, 1967) Tomlinson, R.A. Argos and the Argolid: From the End of the Bronze Age to the Roman Occupation. (Ithaca, New York:Cornell University, 1972) Warry, John. Warfare in the Classical World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in Ancient Civilisations of Greece and Rome. (Norman, Oklahoma:University of Oklahoma Press, 1995)
Saturday, August 17, 2019
School Uniforms
Why School Uniforms? School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems.It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Students’ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms. Clothes are an expre ssion of a student’s personality. By suppressing their opportunity to show their unique personalities, schools are teaching that uniformity is more valuable than individuality. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is not†(youdebate. com). Geeks, for example, might express themselves by wearing thick glasses, suspenders and long socks. On the other hand, outgoing students might wear vibrant colors and outlandish fashion. Then, there are shy children, who might choose to wear long clothing and mostly black. These are just a few examples of students dressing according to certain categories with which they might identify themselves.The possibilities of individually expressing oneself through clothes are infinite. However, uniforms stifle these possibilities; they keep students from expressing their personality. Uniforms also can cause an undo financial burden. Parents have to buy uniforms for when students are in school and street clothes for when they are not. Angelfire. com says uniforms ultimately cost more. Students change into street clothes after school, and they wear them on weekends. During summer months, students will revert to traditional street clothes.Additionally, students will prefer designer street clothes when not in school. Therefore, parents purchase two sets of clothing, and many families cannot afford this. It is cheaper for the parents to buy only regular street clothes. Despite claims uniforms are worth a little extra money to eliminate issues such as bullying and social cliques, putting children in uniforms does not resolve social issues in school. It only treats the symptoms. â€Å"Cliques will still form,†and students will still make judgments on each other based on hair styles, height, weight, and odor (www. angelfire. com).The only true way to resolve such problems is to teach tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Instead of forcing students to we ar uniforms, educators should teach students how to respect and accept each other, despite their differences in body type, fashion, hair style, color, or any other thing that might otherwise divide the student body. This would bring an end to many social problems that develop in schools and also make students more productive members of society when they finish school. While schools hail uniforms as making school safer, it could cause a safety problem in the event of a security breech.In an event of an emergency, it will be hard to identify a certain student because they will all be dressed the same. Randy from youdebate. com states the following: â€Å"I am totally against school uniforms! One reason, of many, is safety of the students. For example: During a natural disaster (God Forbid) Earthquake, Tornado, etc,†¦ How would a parent i. d. their child? By the clothes that they are wearing, when they left home. What if a senior decided to attack a 9th or 10th grade student. How would the victim describe the attacker? Let’s see, Khaki Pants- Navy Blue Shirt- Brown Shoes. You get the picture.This was, is and will ALWAYS BE A VERY BAD idea. †No school can prevent 100 percent of security breeches. â€Å"It is impossible to prevent all outside intrusion†(angelfire. com). However, uniforms can make it easier for outsiders to enter a school campus. If an outsider is dressed in the traditional school uniform, teachers and administrators might overlook them as a member of the student body. Uniforms are touted as a solution to security problems when they actually can add to the problem. Schools have no valid reasons to put students in uniforms, and commonly cited reasons for uniforms are invalid.While proponents of uniforms argue they resolve social problems, they can contribute to social problems in that they take away students’ ability to express their individuality through clothing. Encouraging such conformity over individuality duri ng school years is a mistake. Also, parents have to shoulder the financial burden of buying uniforms in addition to street clothes, which they will also have to purchase. School districts may tout uniforms as a safer alternative to students wearing street clothes, but the uniformity can make it easier for outsiders to infiltrate the school and also can cause confusion in the event of an emergency.School districts present an impressive argument for school uniforms, saying they can decrease bullying, save parents money and heighten security. However, when the facts are considered, these arguments do not hold true. Preserving parents’ pocket books and students’ right to self expression by allowing them to wear street clothes to school and teaching tolerance are a much better alternative to the conformity and expense of school uniforms.Works Cited â€Å"School Uniform Debate and Poll. †7 Sept 2010. www. youdebate. com. WEB. â€Å"Arguments about Uniforms. †7 Sept 2010. www. angelfire. com . WEB. School Uniforms Is it better to let things continue in their horrible condition or change them for the better? The issue of school uniforms has been argued for decades with many different ideas and no final conclusion. However, school uniforms would reduce some major problems such as the school district’s budget problem, school bullying, and gang-related violence. The addition of school uniforms would benefit the school of San Jacinto High School. California’s bad economy affects the school district and everyone in it.Hundreds of dollars are wasted, when parents and students buy school clothes, it would be better to buy more affordable school uniform. Many people fall deeply into debt because they overspend on clothes, but if school uniforms were made available, that problem would be eliminated. The uniforms could also be passed down from sibling to sibling if needed. Right now, the school is not even able to give teachers enough paper, it would benefit them to sell school uniforms to make some money.So why not just make school uniforms mandatory and save tons of money? Another problem that school uniforms would eliminate is bullying based on appearance. Every day someone is discriminated due to what clothes they wear. Some people can afford to spend money on nice clothes and some cannot, but people should not be harassed for it. Everyone wearing the same clothes would promote equality, something that schools desperately need at the moment. With fashion out of the way students could better concentrate on their studies.While school uniforms may reduce individuality, in the long run it would benefit those on the receiving end of bullying. Perhaps the best outcomes school uniforms would create is that of gang violence. Gangs usually identify themselves and other gangs by what they wear. However, if everyone happened to be wearing the same thing, it would be harder for gang fights to take place. In 1994, California’s Long Beach Unified School District started requiring the use of school uniforms. In the following decade, gang violence and school crime in that area had dramatically reduced by 76%.To cap it all school attendance had even reached its highest point. More schools should follow their example and end school crime. The school district is now one step away from greatly improving school life for everyone. All in all school uniforms would greatly benefit the school district and everyone in it. Saving money, stopping bullying, and getting rid of gang violence and inappropriate clothing are definitely things the school needs right now. So don’t just stand there, make your voices heard and support school uniforms! School Uniforms â€Å"School uniforms are one step that may help the cycle of violence, truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts is what kind of people they are. †This quote was made by former president Bill Clinton. In the article ‘Should kids wear school uniforms? ’, talks about how school uniforms can benefit students and how some think school uniforms are irrelevant. There are many benefits of wearing school uniforms; they increase students’ self-esteem, improve discipline, and save families time and money.School uniforms can increase a student’s self-esteem, which veers attention upon learning and away from such distractions as fashion competition and gang intimidation. With a student having confidence of what they are wearing improves behavior and increases school attendance. It is also more economical and convenient way to avoid discrimination and teasing within the school for who dress better or worse. A child who is not able to use higher-quality clothing will not feel different or inferior to others. The uniform, as the name says, unifying models and styles and can even encourage self-esteem and help everyone feel equal.Dress affects attitude and behavior. Children generally act the way they are dressed. Children with uniforms come to school to work. School is then seen as a workplace for teaching and learning. It is not seen as a battleground, playground, or fashion stage. On the other hand, some argue and say it violates the right to freedom of expression and does not create diversity. Uniforms restrict learners are that â€Å"without the outlet of expression in their clothes, students may turn to inappropriate hair styles, jewelry, or makeup†(Public School Uniforms).So by restricting students of their clothing choice, they will still find a way to show their personality in their hair, jewelry, and hairstyles. Although a uniform can get boring with the same clothes and same color every d ay, uniforms have proven to lower hostility in many schools. Uniforms have reduced tardiness, skipped classes, suspensions, and discipline referrals. According to the Public School Review, in the Long Beach school district within one year of launching uniforms, fights and muggings had seriously dwindled by fifty percent. While committed sexual offenses were massively diminished as well by a vast seventy-four percent.Uniforms reduce violence is that if an outsider were to enter a school, the intruder would be spotted immediately, as teachers and police would arrive to dispose of the stranger that might be a harm to the students. One may argue and say school uniforms merely put a Band-Aid on the problem of school violence and fail to address the real issues behind it. Also, it won’t matter what you are wearing, people are still going to be judged and bullied. Most bullies believe they can have power over a weaker, smaller, younger, and less confident person.Bullies will be ther e regardless of fashion. School uniforms are a bargain. They are becoming far less expensive than many other clothes. Schools argue that school uniforms are economical, especially compared to designer clothing, and parents agree given school uniform durability. Some say school uniforms last longer because they are made for repeated wash and wear. Many schools capitalize on this by starting used school uniform stores or swap meets. Parents can get used school uniforms at discount prices, or just use them as hand-me-downs between siblings.Many will argue with this. Some will say that uniforms can cost more than regular, everyday clothing. Also, uniforms can be uncomfortable to wear outside of school. Meaning, parents have to buy separate clothes for outside of school. By having to buy two different wardrobes costs families more money and time. All in all, while children believe that the school is trying to control their freedom of speech by enforcing uniforms, a school is not a fashio n show. It is there to educate children and help them get into a college and a worthwhile future career. School Uniforms Why School Uniforms? School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems.It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Students’ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms. Clothes are an expre ssion of a student’s personality. By suppressing their opportunity to show their unique personalities, schools are teaching that uniformity is more valuable than individuality. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is not†(youdebate. com). Geeks, for example, might express themselves by wearing thick glasses, suspenders and long socks. On the other hand, outgoing students might wear vibrant colors and outlandish fashion. Then, there are shy children, who might choose to wear long clothing and mostly black. These are just a few examples of students dressing according to certain categories with which they might identify themselves.The possibilities of individually expressing oneself through clothes are infinite. However, uniforms stifle these possibilities; they keep students from expressing their personality. Uniforms also can cause an undo financial burden. Parents have to buy uniforms for when students are in school and street clothes for when they are not. Angelfire. com says uniforms ultimately cost more. Students change into street clothes after school, and they wear them on weekends. During summer months, students will revert to traditional street clothes.Additionally, students will prefer designer street clothes when not in school. Therefore, parents purchase two sets of clothing, and many families cannot afford this. It is cheaper for the parents to buy only regular street clothes. Despite claims uniforms are worth a little extra money to eliminate issues such as bullying and social cliques, putting children in uniforms does not resolve social issues in school. It only treats the symptoms. â€Å"Cliques will still form,†and students will still make judgments on each other based on hair styles, height, weight, and odor (www. angelfire. com).The only true way to resolve such problems is to teach tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Instead of forcing students to we ar uniforms, educators should teach students how to respect and accept each other, despite their differences in body type, fashion, hair style, color, or any other thing that might otherwise divide the student body. This would bring an end to many social problems that develop in schools and also make students more productive members of society when they finish school. While schools hail uniforms as making school safer, it could cause a safety problem in the event of a security breech.In an event of an emergency, it will be hard to identify a certain student because they will all be dressed the same. Randy from youdebate. com states the following: â€Å"I am totally against school uniforms! One reason, of many, is safety of the students. For example: During a natural disaster (God Forbid) Earthquake, Tornado, etc,†¦ How would a parent i. d. their child? By the clothes that they are wearing, when they left home. What if a senior decided to attack a 9th or 10th grade student. How would the victim describe the attacker? Let’s see, Khaki Pants- Navy Blue Shirt- Brown Shoes. You get the picture.This was, is and will ALWAYS BE A VERY BAD idea. †No school can prevent 100 percent of security breeches. â€Å"It is impossible to prevent all outside intrusion†(angelfire. com). However, uniforms can make it easier for outsiders to enter a school campus. If an outsider is dressed in the traditional school uniform, teachers and administrators might overlook them as a member of the student body. Uniforms are touted as a solution to security problems when they actually can add to the problem. Schools have no valid reasons to put students in uniforms, and commonly cited reasons for uniforms are invalid.While proponents of uniforms argue they resolve social problems, they can contribute to social problems in that they take away students’ ability to express their individuality through clothing. Encouraging such conformity over individuality duri ng school years is a mistake. Also, parents have to shoulder the financial burden of buying uniforms in addition to street clothes, which they will also have to purchase. School districts may tout uniforms as a safer alternative to students wearing street clothes, but the uniformity can make it easier for outsiders to infiltrate the school and also can cause confusion in the event of an emergency.School districts present an impressive argument for school uniforms, saying they can decrease bullying, save parents money and heighten security. However, when the facts are considered, these arguments do not hold true. Preserving parents’ pocket books and students’ right to self expression by allowing them to wear street clothes to school and teaching tolerance are a much better alternative to the conformity and expense of school uniforms.Works Cited â€Å"School Uniform Debate and Poll. †7 Sept 2010. www. youdebate. com. WEB. â€Å"Arguments about Uniforms. †7 Sept 2010. www. angelfire. com . WEB. School Uniforms Is it better to let things continue in their horrible condition or change them for the better? The issue of school uniforms has been argued for decades with many different ideas and no final conclusion. However, school uniforms would reduce some major problems such as the school district’s budget problem, school bullying, and gang-related violence. The addition of school uniforms would benefit the school of San Jacinto High School. California’s bad economy affects the school district and everyone in it.Hundreds of dollars are wasted, when parents and students buy school clothes, it would be better to buy more affordable school uniform. Many people fall deeply into debt because they overspend on clothes, but if school uniforms were made available, that problem would be eliminated. The uniforms could also be passed down from sibling to sibling if needed. Right now, the school is not even able to give teachers enough paper, it would benefit them to sell school uniforms to make some money.So why not just make school uniforms mandatory and save tons of money? Another problem that school uniforms would eliminate is bullying based on appearance. Every day someone is discriminated due to what clothes they wear. Some people can afford to spend money on nice clothes and some cannot, but people should not be harassed for it. Everyone wearing the same clothes would promote equality, something that schools desperately need at the moment. With fashion out of the way students could better concentrate on their studies.While school uniforms may reduce individuality, in the long run it would benefit those on the receiving end of bullying. Perhaps the best outcomes school uniforms would create is that of gang violence. Gangs usually identify themselves and other gangs by what they wear. However, if everyone happened to be wearing the same thing, it would be harder for gang fights to take place. In 1994, California’s Long Beach Unified School District started requiring the use of school uniforms. In the following decade, gang violence and school crime in that area had dramatically reduced by 76%.To cap it all school attendance had even reached its highest point. More schools should follow their example and end school crime. The school district is now one step away from greatly improving school life for everyone. All in all school uniforms would greatly benefit the school district and everyone in it. Saving money, stopping bullying, and getting rid of gang violence and inappropriate clothing are definitely things the school needs right now. So don’t just stand there, make your voices heard and support school uniforms!
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