Thursday, October 31, 2019
Management philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management philosophy - Essay Example Similarly, when things are done in a good way, I also tend to say exactly that it is done in a good way (Wang, 2011). I have also learnt to take responsibility for what I say, and how I say it. In this light, I have leant to lead by being responsible for both my achievements and failures. I don’t shift blames to my employees whenever there is a failure in the management and only take credit when the team does it right. I’ve always learnt to check my words before saying them, never to leap irresponsibly and run away from them. I’m always keen on what I communicate to my employees since I carry out research to ensure that I talk from an informed perspective. In the management system, listening to others is a great skill. As a manager, I’ve also learnt to listen to others and consider all that are discussed by others, especially the resolutions by the employees. It is through listening that one gets to know the missing point in discussion, or that which someone would like to communicate to them. After listening; however, it is appropriate for a good manager to sieve all the information and take only important points from them and put them into action. I never ignore suggestions from my juniors (ARC, 2013). Whenever I have an issue to discuss with an individual or a department, I like taking it head-on that is to mean, I talk the issue out directly with the involved individual or department. I do not generalize issues on everyone who are not even involved. I, also never use other people to speak my mind to others. I, rather do it alone, and with the individuals directly. To add on, I’ve also learnt that discussing issues should best be done in a meeting room rather than using a hallway as a discussion board. At least, a meeting room provides a well-organized environment where the mind becomes calm to create the equilibrium required for the discussion. Lastly on communication, I like being truthful and not hurtful, rude or sarcastic. This
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Team development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Team development - Essay Example The study used previously tested five-scale standards and a regression model based on team size as a control to test the constructs under the four hypotheses Firstly, the team tested the hypothesis that there is an association between relationship conflicts and team satisfaction is moderated by the extent of virtualness in that conflicts decrease team satisfaction as virtualness increases. The second hypothesis was that familiarity increases team satisfaction while virtualness decreases. The third hypothesis was that goal clarity increases team satisfaction as the extent of team virtualness increases. The last hypothesis was that the preference among team members for group work will increase team satisfaction as virtualness increases (Stark & Bierly, 2009). The results were such that all the four predictors (independent variables) were significantly correlated with team satisfaction. Relationship conflict was negatively correlated with team satisfaction while familiarity, goal clarity, and preference for teamwork were all positively correlated with team satisfaction. The study concluded that relationship conflicts negatively affect team satisfaction because member lack the time to resolve their differences. As virtualness increases members tend to prefer working in groups while familiarity and goal clarity also affect team satisfaction. Results from this study may help increase awareness that the levels of virtualness among team may have other cascading effects on team
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Research on Piagets Developmental Psychology Theory
Research on Piagets Developmental Psychology Theory The great contribution of Jean Piaget on developmental psychology is undoubtedly. However, in the past 30 years, there are a number of study criticism his suggestion, which the infant younger than six months do not have the permanent object concept. What follows is a discussion of examining when infant would acquire object concept. First, it will explain the proposition of Piaget on this topic. Then, it will examine Bower’s study which challenges and questions Piaget’s claim of the object concept. After that, it will focus on Baillargeon’s study and found out the flaw and weakness of her study by different recent research. Finally, it will draw a conclusion on the topic. In 60s, Jean Piaget suggested the theory of cognitive development. In Piaget (1963), he started to investigate the age when the infants acquire object permanence. He considers object permanence as the most vital accomplishments. This concept makes human can separate different objects and know permanent existence of an object (Piaget, 1963). Which mean under the object concept human could understand each object is unitary entities and exist independently of third party actions (Piaget, 1963). Piaget suggested that infant younger than 8 month still did not acquire the object permanence concept (Piaget, 1963). In these infant’s mind, an object out of sight is out of mind. Piaget thought that 4–8 months infant start to develop a object concept slowly and gradually on this stage. Also, during this stage they are having a transition from egocentric (just using self-to-object view) to allocentric (could use object-to-object view) (Piaget, 1963). The main changes in this transi tion is that the infant start to use a viewpoint of a third person or object and seen themselves as an independent object. In Piaget’s Blanket and Ball Study, he put a toy under a blanket, meanwhile the infant can watch the whole process (Piaget, 1977). Then observe infant searched for the hidden toy or not. This experiment, Piaget define that if the infant succeeds to discover the hidden toy, then it was an evidence of object permanence (Piaget, 1977). Since he assumed that only the infant had a mental representation can search for a hidden toy. In the result, he found that infant around 8-months-old succeeds to search for the hidden toy (Piaget, 1977). Finally, he concludes that infant around 8 months acquired object permanence, due to they can form a mental representation of the object in their brain. Although Piaget‘s research got a high level of reliability (Harris, 1987), there is a lack of explanation for why the rest of infant (before 8 month) fails in the experiment (Mehler Dupoux, 1994). Diamond (1988) found that the prefrontal cortex of human is related to holding representation in memory and motor response. Base on this finding, Mehler Dupoux (1994) suggested that the infants who fail to search imply rather than the absence of an object concept. They may have an inability to coordinate the movements. Which mean if the research constructs a task that without complex motor demands, it may examine object permanence in the infant who younger than 8 months more accurately. In the study of Bower (1966; 1967), he has used a violation of expectation (VOE) paradigm to examine it. Bower gave object occlusion and reveal events in infant to watch. Some of them were possible (object slowly hidden by another) and some impossible (object slowly dissolving) (Bower, 1966). Bower t hrough measure the changes in heart rate of infant to indicate the differences of their reaction to two events. Then through the response to infer a degree of object permanence in eight weeks old infant. However, there had a confounding effect of novelty in infant which the researcher was not noticed before the experiment (Bower, 1967). As the result, infant just interest in the possible event not impossible event. Whereas the confounding factor, it could not draw any interpretation from the data but it construct a VOE experimental framework to the latter study. After that Bower, Broughton and Moore (1971) kept investigating the topic by using tracking tasks to 20 week-old infants. They leaded the infant track a moving object and recorded the result as it approached and passed behind a blocker. They found that the gaze of infants were disrupted when after the object pass through the blocker and switch to a different one. It implied that infants have an expectation of the original object would emerge again but disrupts by the experiment. In the other word, a 20 week-old infants may also have ability of object permanence and persistent internal representation. Their finding totally contradicted to Piaget theory. After on, Bower and Wishart (1972) used 20 week-old infants again to take part in the experiment which leaded the infants track the object and it will occlude, darkening the room. The result showed the infants continued to track for the object on the trajectory. It supported the result of Bower et al (1971) and continues challenging Piaget’s belief. In 80s, a researcher Baillargeon done a series of studies and experiment to criticize Piaget’s theory. Baillargeon, Spelke and Wasserman (1985) utilize VOE within a habituation method to examine infant’s mental ability. Habituation is assumed to count as the infants start looking away due to loss of interest. Two equivalent test events are shown to them based on the first habituation event. One was consistent with object properties (the possible event), and the other one was not (the impossible event) (Baillargeon et al, 1985). It is vital to note that they also assumed different degrees of dishabituation were indicated by the length of looking time between the test events. Then, of degrees of dishabituation to infer about infants’ object concept. Baillargeon et al (1985) constructed a ‘drawbridge study’ to test the 5 months old infants. For the habituation event, the drawbridge rotated through 180 ° itself. In the test event, a coloured block was placed behind the drawbridge, then, the drawbridge rotated backward to the block. For the possible event, the drawbridge normally stopped at a place which the block supported it. For the impossible event, the drawbridge continue to rotate and pass through the space that occupied by the block. For these events, the drawbridge finally rotate reversed to its original position. In their finding, a youngest 14 week infants had a longer looking time at the impossible event (Baillargeon et al, 1985). Furthermore, the result had appeared several times in the latter study and confirmed by using a variety of stimuli (Baillargeon 1986; Baillargeon Graber, 1987; Baillargeon DeVos, 1991). As above explain. Baillargeon using the dishabituation result on the impossible event to int erpret infants were surprised by the event and imply infants have an expectations about the normal rule of objects. Then, Baillargeon drew a conclusion that these inferences proved infants have a permanent object concept which substantially earlier than 8 month (Piaget’s claim). However, there also lots of study found some flaw of Baillargeon’s study and criticise it. On the research of Bogartz, Shinskey and Speaker (1997), they found a confounding factor on Baillargeon Graber (1987) study, indicated there could have some missed stimulus features on infant’s gaze when habituating. As the consequence, it would increase the attraction of an impossible event and confound to the experimental result (Bogartz et al, 1997). Other criticisms about Baillargeon’s study suggest by Rivera, Wakeley and Langer (1999). They discovered that the habituation event and the impossible event of the Baillargeon’s ‘drawbridge’ studies, both event were scored longer gazing time. They interpreted that infants just prefer the event which involveed more movement and that would gain more attention of infants (remark: impossible event has 180 ° rotation and possible event only has 112 °) (Rivera et al, 1999). Also, Bogartz et al and Rivera et al both found the incompleteness of some VOE experimental designs which were replicating the VOE findings of (Wang, Baillargeon and Brueckner’s, 2004) were without habituation trials. They argued that it is important to complete a habituating events before testing event to produce transient preferences. Furthermore, in the recent Baillargeon’s study, she acknowledged that her interpretation of her own VOE researches were having some flaw and may be plausible. Due to the development of science was progressing quickly, the method of measuring cognitive thinking also progressed which bring a severe challenge to Baillargeon’s inference. Schà ¶ner and Thelen (2006) constructed the habituation and VOE task base on a dynamic field model. By their method, did not need to invoke any kind of symbolic mental representation. They just utilized the dynamic field model on modelling Baillargeon’s drawbridge’ studies and VOE tasks and treated it as â€Å"a series of perceptual events subject to basic habituation dynamicsâ€Å"(Schà ¶ner Thelen, 2006; p.289). They suggested that assumptions of Baillargeon’s VOE paradigms were misleading and oversimplify the dynamics of habituation in significant which mean there were many interactions of variables were not accounted. Such as they found an order effect on VOE experiment (done by Baillargeon, 1987) when presented the impossible stimulus in order of the second. Therefore it w as unable to use Baillargeon’s study to interpret about infant’s object concept and acquire it at which stage. Although Schà ¶ner and Thelen’s model seemto overturn the result of all pervious VOE studies, some point should be pay attention. First, at the very beginning the dynamic field model is just a mathematical abstraction and it originally was designed for measuring cognitive thinking. Second, when Schà ¶ner and Thelen (2006) model Baillargeon’s study, they had assumed that the impossible event was more similar to the habituation event. Finally, they did not solve the problem of stimulus equivalence in VOE experiment. In this paper, it has explained how Piaget interprets infant cognitive thinking and how they perceive the world and how they process the visual information. Then, it examined the view of different developmental psychologist research, mainly from Bower and Baillargeon. Finally, through a modern perceptive of Schà ¶ner Thelen criticise Baillargeon’s study. However, in the last this paper still cannot draw a conclusion about at what age the infant would acquire object concept. Since scientists still do not have a method that could directly read infant’s or humans mind. If the researcher continues using some indirect method such as habituation VOE and interpretation of infant’s object concept. There are usually having some flaw because in the process of interpreting, it may involve certain extend of guessing (e.g in Baillargeon’s drawbridge’ studies, she observed dishabituation, then she guessed the infant was surprised, then guessed infant might have object concept.) Therefore, in this paper cannot find an exact answer to the topic question. References Baillargeon, R, Graber, M. (1987). Where’s the Rabbit? 5.5-Month-Old Infants’ Representations of the Height of a Hidden Object. Cognitive Development, 2, 375-392. Baillargeon, R. DeVos, J. (1991). Object Permanence in Young Infants: Further Evidence. ChildDevelopment, 62, 1227-1246. Baillargeon, R. (1986). Representing the Existence and the Location of Hidden Objects: Object Permanence in 6- and 8-Month-Old Infants. Cognition, 23, 21-41. Baillargeon, R., Spelke, E.S. Wasserman, S. (1985). Object Permanence in Five-Month-Old Infants. Cognition, 20, 191-208. Bogartz, R.S., Shinskey, J.L. Speaker, C.J. (1997). Interpreting Infant Looking: The Event Set x Event Set Design. Developmental Psychology, 33, 408-422. Bower, T.G.R. Wishart, J.G. (1972). The Effects of Motor Skill on Object Permanence. Cognition, 1, 165-172. Bower, T.G.R. (1966). The Visual World of Infants. Scientific American, 215, 80-92. Bower, T.G.R. (1967). The Development of Object Permanence: Some Studies of Existence Constancy. Perception Psychophysics, 2, 411-418. Bower, T.G.R., Broughton, J.M. Moore, M.K. (1971). Development of the Object Concept as Manifested in the Tracking Behaviour of Infants Between 7 and 20 Weeks of Age. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11, 182-193.Developmental Science, 12, 670-679. Diamond, A. (1988). Abilities and neural mechanisms underlying AB performance. Child Development, 523-527.Evidence from Violation of Expectation Tasks with Test Trials Only. Cognition, 23, 167-198. Harris, P.L. (1987). The Development of Search. In P.Salapatek L.B.Cohen (Eds.) â€Å"Handbook ofInfant Perception. Vol. 2†. New York NY, Academic Press. Jackson, I. Sirois, S. (2009). Infant Cognition: Going Full Factorial with Pupil Dilation. Mehler, J. Dupoux, E. (1994). What Infants Know: The New Cognitive Science of Early Development. Oxford, Blackwell. Piaget, J. (1963). The Psychology of Intelligence. Totowa, New Jersey: Littlefield Adams. Piaget, J. (1977). The role of action in the development of thinking (pp. 17-42). Springer US. Rivera, S.M., Wakeley, A. Langer, J. (1999). The Drawbridge Phenomenon: Representational Reasoning or Perceptual Preference? Developmental Psychology, 35, 427-435. Schà ¶ner, G. Thelen, E. (2006). Using Dynamic Field Theory to Rethink Infant Habituation. Psychological Review, 113, 273-299. Wang, S-h., Baillargeon, R. Brueckner, L. (2004). Young Infants’ Reasoning About Hidden Objects:
Friday, October 25, 2019
Images and Imagery in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays
Imagery in Macbeth  The Bard of Avon considers imagery one of many elements in his tragedy Macbeth which give underpinning to the theme of the drama. The imagery might be said to be not a goal in itself but a means to an end. In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye shows how the playwright uses imagery to reinforce the theme: This theme is at its clearest where we are most in sympathy with the nemesis. Thus at the end of Macbeth, after the proclamation "the time is free," and of promises to make reparations of Macbeth's tyranny "Which would be planted newly with the time," there will be a renewal not only of time but of the whole rhythm of nature symbolized by the word "measure," which includes both the music of the spheres and the dispensing of human justice [. . .]. (94-95) In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson interprets the imagery of Macbeth: Macbeth is a play in which the poetic atmosphere is very important; so important, indeed, that some recent commentators give the impression that this atmosphere, as created by the imagery of the play, is its determining quality. For those who pay most attention to these powerful atmospheric suggestions, this is doubtless true. Mr. Kenneth Muir, in his introduction to the play - which does not, by the way, interpret it simply from this point of view - aptly describes the cumulative effect of the imagery: "The contrast between light and darkness is part of a general antithesis between good and evil, devils and angels, evil and grace, hell and heaven . . . and the disease images of IV, iii and in the last act clearly reflect both the evil which is a disease, and Macbeth himself who is the disease from which his country suffe... ...e's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1970. Frye, Northrop. Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1967. Kermode, Frank. "Macbeth." The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972. Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin. Warren, Roger. Shakespeare Survey 30. N.p.: n.p., 1977. Pp. 177-78. Rpt. in Shakespeare in the Theatre: An Anthology of Criticism. Stanley Wells, ed. England: Oxford University Press, 2000. Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice (CYP 3. 1. 2. 3) Jean Piaget is the most widely known of all educational theorists and perhaps the main contributor to current practice of education. Piaget made vast contributions to the direction, meaning and understanding of contemporary constructivism. Examples of Piaget's contributions include his ideas that knowledge should be actively constructed by a child and learning activities should match the level of the development stage of each child. Also, several major approaches to the national curriculum and instruction are based on Piaget’s theory. For instance, Piaget influenced many teaching techniques such as the focus on the process of the child's thinking and the active role of the learner. Piaget's focus on the process of the child thinking promoted the development of the stages of cognitive development. Teachers use the stages in today's classroom as a way to gauge a child's cognitive functioning. This permits the development of activities and learning experiences that are at the correct cognitive development stage for the child's ability to learn. Piaget recognised that children must be self-initiated and actively involved in learning activities. A current application of this concept today can be found, many of the national curriculum material include interactive activities and even educational software for the child to engage in self-controlled learning. Another well known, and perhaps one of the most controversial theorists to date, is Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic theories of development began with the work of Freud, who believed that early childhood experiences had a lasting effect on further development of the individual thus having a lasting influence over the way children are educated today and the psychology behind the way this is executed. For example, early education through play, making it both an enjoyable and positive experience for children. Abraham Maslow developed a humanistic theory that has influenced education. This wide influence is due in part to the high level of practicality of Maslow's theory, many people find they can understand what Maslow says and they can relate to some features of their experience or behaviour which they have never put into words. Humanists do not believe that human beings are pushed and pulled by mechanical forces, either of stimuli and reinforcements (behaviorism) or of unconscious instinctual impulses (psychoanalysis). Humanists focus upon potentials, they believe that individuals strive for an upper level of capabilities and seek the frontiers of creativity, the highest reaches of consciousness and wisdom. Maslow calls this level â€Å"self-actualisation†within his ‘hierarchy of needs’. Maslow believes that the only reason that an individual would not move well in the direction of self-actualisation is because of hindrances placed in their way by society. He states that education is one of these hindrances, he recommends ways education can switch from its usual person-stunting tactics to person-growing approaches. JOANNE CORBETT Maslow states that educators should respond to the potential an individual has for growing into a self-actualising person and this has had great influence over the way education is now taught. Teachers are striving for holistic individual learning experiences rather than mass class lead approaches, current practice includes ability grouping and resources put in place for ‘gifted and talented’ children. The frameworks for current practice are mainly based around an holistic approach. Social pedagogy supports development and assumes a holistic approach to children’s needs – health, schooling, leisure, family life, spiritual life and so on – the whole child. It collaborates education with all other areas involved in how a child develops. Albert Bandura plays a major part in holistic development today; he is thought to be one of the most influential theorists of current education, with his social learning theory which believes people learn new behaviour through observational learning of the social factors in their environment. For example, if people observe positive, desired outcomes, then they are more likely to model, imitate and adopt the behaviour themselves. Teachers now understand the importance of providing a professional, positive role model for children to look up to. Burrhus Frederic Skinner is the American theorist behind operant conditioning which deals with the modification of â€Å"voluntary†(operant) behaviour. Operant conditioning is maintained by its consequences of reinforcement and punishment, both positive and negative. One of the distinctive aspects of Skinner's theory is that it attempted to provide behavioural explanations for a broad range of cognitive phenomena. For example, Skinner explained motivation in terms of deprivation and reinforcement schedules therefore perant conditioning has been widely applied within teaching with the use of positive reinforcement particularly for motivation and classroom management. Which bring us to our final theorist, John Watson who developed behaviourism with classical conditioning, most controversially with â€Å"Little Albert†a 9 month old boy he (along with Rayner) conditioned to be afraid of a white rat, where the stimuli was moderated (as oppose to Skinner, who moderates the response). Teachers are able to apply classical conditioning in the class by creating a positive classroom environment to help children overcome anxiety or fear. Pairing an anxiety-provoking situation, such as performing in front of a group, with pleasant surroundings helps the child learn new associations. Instead of feeling anxious and tense in these situations, the child will learn to stay relaxed and calm. This essay is not exhaustive of the many theories which have enriched education and the way it is currently practiced but merely gives an overview of some of the leading theorists that are utilised within schools today. 901 WordsJOANNE CORBETT
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Business and Technical Writing Essay
Phoenix Advertising as a whole has always put our clients first and is well known for our excellent work. As you know, the Roanoke branch had been experiencing difficulties since January of 2015 with regards to overworked and underpaid employees and a loss of clients. Productivity had declined by 20 percent over the course of the past few months, and we lost a few key members of our team. In response to our current crisis, I have developed a proposal in order to return Phoenix Advertising to the standard of excellence we have always maintained. Background Throughout 2014, the Roanoke branch of Phoenix Advertising had excellent feedback from both clients and employees. In December of 2014, the branch had taken a turn for the worse. By January of 2015, productivity had declined and an art director and account executive had resigned. The resignations left the remainder of the employees reconsidering their positions at Phoenix Advertising. Earlier this month, I conducted an investigation at the Roanoke Branch and found there to be a few issues that need to be resolved. The first issue brought to my attention was the current employees working overtime and not being properly compensated for their time. There were an influx of new clients and new projects being accepted without taking into consideration the number of projects currently assigned to the team, as well as the number of employees at the time. As the vice president of human resources, I also wondered why the employees had not contacted the human resources department before their sudden resignation. Company policy was not being strictly adhered to and the department directors were not properly trained to deal with a situation like this. Employees need to be compensated for their time, and as policy states, they should not exceed 20 hours of overtime monthly with exception of certain circumstances which would need to be approved by headquarters. There were not enough employees to keep up with the workloads, and both the employees and the quality of work had suffered. Our clients who had been with us for quite some time had noted a change in the work they received. In order to properly address the current situation and bring the branch back to our high standards, I suggest the following changes: The Roanoke branch needs to hire additional part time and seasonal help in order to evenly distribute the workload accordingly. The process of accepting new clients as well as projects will need to be revised and should adjust to the number of employees available. There needs to be an open line of communication between employees and their superiors. There is no reason that an employee should feel uncomfortable speaking to anyone within the company. Employees shall be rewarded with bonuses after excellent feedback from clients, as well as an employee of the month program. Proposal In order to return the Roanoke branch to its former level of excellence, I propose the following plan. Additional help: In order to properly manage time and increase productivity, the Roanoke branch needs to hire additional help for part time and seasonal positions for the busiest parts of the year. We also need to adhere strictly to the overtime policy and ensure that the employees are being properly compensated for their time. The additional help will also allow us to have more creative ideas and will allow the team to devise a customer loyalty program in order to retain current clients as well as gain new clients. Weekly meetings: Weekly meetings shall be held in order to maximize productivity and give the employees a chance to freely speak to their superiors. In each meeting, there will be a status report for the prior week from both the employees and superiors. The team will use the weekly reports to work together to come up with a solution to any problems, or to reward employees for excellent work. This will provide an open line of communication, as well as survey the current situation and see if there is a need for additional help to any and all team members. Training: Both managers as well as employees will need to complete a series of training courses to ensure that everyone is well versed in company policy, as well as have knowledge of what to do in case of an event such as the current crisis at the Roanoke branch. One such course would be on the importance of communication between employees and superiors. All employees will learn when it is necessary to hire additional help, when they really need to speak up, and that human resources is here to help and they should not be shy when they need guidance. It is important for all team members to be knowledgeable about the company and policy. Employees will be scheduled for two meetings a week – on days that best fit their schedule – for four weeks, followed by an evaluation to see if the course material was thorough. If more training is necessary, it will be rescheduled accordingly. Schedule Manager training: When to hire additional help; Project Approval: April 6- April 10 Employee training: Your rights as employees; YOU matter:April 13- April 17 All team members: Importance of open communication: April 20-April 24 Company policies:April 27- May 1 Staffing Kevin O’Hara, the director of employment services, has been with the company for 6 years and prior to working with our company, has worked with very prestigious companies in the industry. Mr. O’Hara is very well versed in company policy and will be in charge of conducting the training for when to hire additional staff members. I have great faith in Mr. O’Hara, as he has been a great help in this process. The director of customer relations, Paul Clemens has been with Phoenix Advertising for a total of 8 years. Mr. Clemens has exceeded our expectations in every aspect, and he will be conducting the project approval training process. The final three training seminars will be conducted by me, as well as the department directors. Together, we need to remind all team members that they are very important to the company, and their work is what gets us our reputation. We will thoroughly discuss open lines of communication, policies, and the importance of working together as a team. I am very confident in the department directors at the Roanoke Branch, and I feel that we can all present a very important matter in a way that gets the point across.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
History of the Plymouth Colony
History of the Plymouth Colony Established in December 1620 in what is now the U.S. State of Massachusetts, the Plymouth Colony was the first permanent settlement of Europeans in New England and the second in North America, coming just 13 years after the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. While perhaps best known as the source of the tradition of Thanksgiving, the Plymouth Colony introduced the concept of self-government into America and serves as the source of important clues to what being an â€Å"American†really means. The Pilgrims Flee Religious Persecution In 1609, during the reign of King James I, members of the English Separatist Church - the Puritans - emigrated from the England to the town of Leiden in the Netherlands in a futile attempt to escape religious persecution. While they were accepted by the Dutch people and authorities, the Puritans continued to be persecuted by the British Crown. In 1618, English authorities came to Leiden to arrest congregation elder William Brewster for distributing flyers critical of King James and the Anglican Church. While Brewster escaped arrest, the Puritans decided to place the Atlantic Ocean between them and England. In 1619, the Puritans obtained a land patent to establish a settlement in North America near the mouth of the Hudson River. Using money loaned to them by the Dutch Merchant Adventurers, the Puritans - soon to be Pilgrims - obtained provisions and passage on two ships: the Mayflower and the Speedwell. The Voyage of the Mayflower to Plymouth Rock After the Speedwell was found to be unseaworthy, 102 Pilgrims, led by William Bradford, crowded aboard the 106-foot-long Mayflower and set sail for America on September 6, 1620. After two difficult months at sea, land was sighted on November 9 off the coast of Cape Cod. Prevented from reaching its initial Hudson River destination by storms, strong currents, and shallow seas, the Mayflower finally anchored off Cape Cod on November 21. After sending exploratory party ashore, the Mayflower docked near Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts on December 18, 1620. Having sailed from the port of Plymouth in England, the Pilgrims decided to name their settlement Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims Form a Government While still aboard the Mayflower, all of the adult male Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact. Similar to the U.S. Constitution ratified 169 years later, the Mayflower Compact described the form and function of Plymouth Colony’s government. Under the Compact, the Puritan Separatists, although a minority in the group, were to have total control over the colony’s government during its first 40 years of existence. As leader of the Puritans congregation, William Bradford was chosen to serve as Plymouth’s governor for 30 years after its founding. As governor, Bradford also kept a fascinating, detailed journal known as â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation†chronicling the voyage of the Mayflower and the daily struggles of the settlers of the Plymouth Colony. A Grim First Year in the Plymouth Colony Over the next two storms forced many of the Pilgrims to stay aboard the Mayflower, ferrying back and forth to shore while building shelters to house their new settlement. In March 1621, they abandoned the safety of the ship and moved ashore permanently. During their first winter, more than half of the settlers died of a disease that afflicted the colony. In his journal, William Bradford referred to the first winter as the â€Å"Starving Time.†â€Å" †¦ being the depth of the winter, and wanting houses and other comforts; being infected with the scurvy and other diseases which this long voyage and their inaccommodate condition had brought upon them. So there died some times two or three of a day in the foresaid time, that of 100 and odd persons, scarce fifty remained.†In stark contrast to the tragic relationships that were to come during America’s western expansion, the Plymouth colonists benefited from a friendly alliance with local Native Americans. Shortly after coming ashore, the Pilgrims encountered a Native American man named Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe, who would come to live as a trusted member of the colony. Early explorer John Smith had kidnapped Squanto and taken him back to England where he was forced into slavery. He learned English before escaping and sailing back to his native land. Along with teaching the colonists how to grow the vitally-needed native food crop of maize, or corn, Squanto acted as an interpreter and peacekeeper between Plymouth’s leaders and local Native American leaders, including Chief Massasoit of the neighboring Pokanoket tribe. With the help of Squanto, William Bradford negotiated a peace treaty with Chief Massasoit which helped ensure the Plymouth Colony’s survival. Under the treaty, the colonists agreed to help protect the Pokanoket from invasion by warring tribes in return for the Pokanoket’s help â€Å"to grow food and catch enough fish to feed the colony. And help the Pilgrims grow and catch the Pokanoket did, to the point that in the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims and the Pokanoket famously shared the first harvest feast now observed as the Thanksgiving holiday. The Legacy of the Pilgrims After playing a major role in King Philip’s War of 1675, one of several Indian Wars fought by Britain in North America, the Plymouth Colony and its residents prospered. In 1691, just 71 years after the Pilgrims first set foot on Plymouth Rock, the colony was merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and other territories to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Unlike the settlers of Jamestown who had come to North America seeking financial profit, most of the Plymouth colonists had come seeking the freedom of religion denied to them by England. Indeed, the first cherished right ensured to Americans by the Bill of Rights is the â€Å"free exercise†of every individual’s chosen religion. Since its founding in 1897, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants has confirmed more than 82,000 descendants of the Plymouth Pilgrims, including nine U.S. presidents and dozens of notable statespersons and celebrities. Besides Thanksgiving, the legacy of the relatively short-lived Plymouth Colony lies in the Pilgrims’ spirit of independence, self-government, volunteerism, and resistance to authority that have stood as the foundation of American culture throughout history.
Monday, October 21, 2019
4 Tips for Writing a Stellar Boston College Essay
4 Tips for Writing a Stellar Boston College Essay SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Ranked among the top 50 colleges nationwide, Boston College is an excellent choice for college, especially if you're hoping to attend a Jesuit institution.As part of the application process, you'll need to submit a Boston College essay. So what should you write about in your essay to raise your chances of getting admitted here? In this guide, we closely analyze all Boston College essay prompts, providing you with our best tips and advice.We then take a look at real Boston College essay examples to give you an idea of what a successful Boston College essay can look like. What Is the Boston College Essay? In addition to the statement you must write for the Common Application, Boston College requires all first-yearapplicants to submit a separate essay as part of the Boston College Supplement (on the Common App under the heading "Writing Supplement"). With this writing supplement, you have four possible essay prompts to choose from: 1. Great art evokes a sense of wonder. It nourishes the mind and spirit. Is there a particular song, poem, speech, or novel from which you have drawn insight or inspiration? 2. When you choose a college, you will join a new community of people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and stories. What is it about your background, your experiences, or your story, that will enrich Boston College’s community? 3. Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts, quality teaching, personal formation, and engagement of critical issues. If you had the opportunity to create your own college course, what enduring question or contemporary problem would you address and why? 4. Jesuit education considers the liberal arts a pathway to intellectual growth and character formation. What beliefs and values inform your decisions and actions today, and how will Boston College assist you in becoming a person who thinks and acts for the common good? Each essay prompt expects you to give specific details and a unique, compelling story of who you are, how you came to be this way, and what you hope to do with your education at BC. Regardless of the essay prompt you choose, your Boston College essay must be no longer than 400 words, making it a little shorter than a typical college essay, which is 500-600 words long. But how can you choose the best essay prompt for you? Read on as we examine all the Boston College essay prompts, one by one. All Boston College Essay Prompts, Analyzed In order to submit a great Boston College essay, you’ll need to know what each prompt is asking you to do and which one will work best based on your personality, experiences, and/or interests. Below, we offer a close analysis of all four Boston College essay prompts. Boston College Essay Prompt 1 Great art evokes a sense of wonder. It nourishes the mind and spirit. Is there a particular song, poem, speech, or novel from which you have drawn insight or inspiration? This first Boston College essay prompt is all about art, specifically a piece of art that's had a major impact on you. Although this essay prompt lists just four types of art- songs, poems, speeches, and novels- you may write about, if you were inspired by a different form of art, such as a painting, sculpture, dance, or piece of architecture, you will most likely be fine writing about that instead. If possible, though, it's best to try to stick with the four options in the prompt; this way you can rest assured you’re correctly answering it. You also want to avoid rattling on and on about the art piece and why it’s so great. Instead,focus on why this piece of art has affected you to such a degree and how this impact has manifested in your life. Should You Choose This Prompt? This essay prompt is ideal for applicants who intend to major in a creative field, such as music or creative writing, due to its emphasis on inspiration and what kind of art has impacted your own approach to creativity. Even if you don’t plan to major in a creative field or have no idea what you want to major in, this is a good prompt to respond to if you can easily think of a piece of art that has changed you in some critical way.If you can’t, another prompt would probably be better suited for you. Tips for Answering This Prompt Avoid writing about a super famous piece of art. While it's OK to focus on something you read for school, don't go with extremely famous and cliched works, such as The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter. Focus on you more than the piece of art. The point of this essay is to explain what creative work has greatly inspired or impacted you, not why this work is so great, famous, or valuable in general. Think about the qualities or goals you now have because of your exposure to this piece, and concentrate on those and how you developed them in your essay. Be clear about how this artwork has affected you. For example, perhaps the first time you listened to the English medieval song "Bryd One Brere," which is thought to be the oldest love song on record, you felt so moved by its lyrics that you decided to learn more about medieval England; now, you’re thinking of majoring in history. Boston College Essay Prompt 2 When you choose a college, you will join a new community of people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and stories. What is it about your background, your experiences, or your story, that will enrich Boston College’s community? This second Boston College essay prompt is a diversity essay prompt: it wants to know what kinds of qualities, experiences, and/or perspectives you personally will bring to the Boston College community.In short, what makes you special? For this essay, you’ll want to focus on one specific trait, experience, or quality you have, ideally one that's an integral part of your identity. For example, if you come from an ethnic group that historically was forced to conceal its traditions and customs, you could discuss in your Boston College essay how being able to freely express and embrace your cultural roots has made you want to encourage others to do the same. Should You Choose This Prompt? There are many categories of diversity that, if you fall under, you may choose to write about for this prompt. Here are just some examples: Your cultural group, race, or ethnicity Your religion Your socioeconomic background Your sex or gender/gender identity Your sexual orientation Your values or opinions A club, group, or organization you're part of Your local community Your hometown or home country A unique experience, struggle, or moment from your life You don’t need to fall under a strictly defined category of people. For example, you could write about a unique circumstance in your life or a specific event that was particularly meaningful to you and significantly affected your perspective on something. Tips for Answering This Prompt Try to avoid trite topics that can apply to many applicants. If you come from a family of immigrants, for instance, you could certainly write about this; however, this topic isn’t super unique, so be sure you’re focusing on something specific and impactful from your life, such as the time someone accused you of being an illegal immigrant. Focus on one defining quality. Even if you fit into multiple categories above, it’s best to stick with just one unique quality, as this will help keep your essay tight and focused. Be clear about how your experience will enrich Boston College’s community. It should be obvious how your perspective will positively affect those around you. Maybe you plan to start a club or promote a volunteering effort, for example. Don’t write about something that isn’t meaningful to you. If your experience didn’t have much of an effect on you when it happened and doesn’t matter much to you now, definitely choose something else to write about. Don’t exaggerate the significance of anything, or else you’ll risk coming across insincere and inauthentic. Boston College Essay Prompt 3 Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts, quality teaching, personal formation, and engagement of critical issues. If you had the opportunity to create your own college course, what enduring question or contemporary problem would you address and why? With this prompt, you’re essentially being asked what kinds of academic fields or social issues you’re interested in and why you’d like to study them. This essay is a great opportunity for you to delve into a specific idea or problem you want to learn more about in college.The topic you choose for your essay can be pretty much anything, from an ancient philosophical theory to the modern-day phenomenon of cell phones. In short, what excites, interests, or captivates you intellectually? And why? Take time to considerwhat you’re passionate about, whether this is a question in an academic field you want to study or a contemporary social issue. Should You Choose This Prompt? Most applicants have an idea of what they want to study in college.Therefore, if there’s a particular field you’re interested in, you can use this as a jumping-off point to narrow your topic so you’ll be discussing a specific interest, question, or idea. For example, ifyou plan to major in psychology, you could think of questions you have regarding a specific idea or theory in the field. You can also approach this prompt from a more social perspective.Are there any problems in contemporary society that you believe need to be addressed more or in a new way? For example, perhaps you’re not a fan of the way women of color are represented in schools' history textbooks and you'd like to look for fair and effective ways to remedy this problem. Other possible issues you could talk about include the following: Environmental issues or climate change Political/economic instability or other problems in a country/area Discrimination, stigmas, or other issues relating to inequality Potential challenges facing technology, science, the arts, specific industries, etc. Tips for Answering This Prompt Explain why you are so invested in this problem. Have you had any direct experience with the issue you’re focusing on? How did (or does) it make you feel? Maybe you’re curious about how we could improve public access for people with physical disabilities, and the reason you developed an interest in solving this problem is that, as a kid, you often watched your friend struggle to find alternative entryways besides stairs. Include a (creative) title for your course. While there’s no need to get overly creative, make sure your class's name is concise and accurately reflects the proposed content. If you were writing about the topic described above, you could title your course something like "Public Access for People with Disabilities: Barriers and Solutions." Boston College Essay Prompt 4 Jesuit education considers the liberal arts a pathway to intellectual growth and character formation. What beliefs and values inform your decisions and actions today, and how will Boston College assist you in becoming a person who thinks and acts for the common good? Boston College is a highly ranked Jesuit institution, so it’s not surprising that the school is curious about applicants' values.The purpose of this prompt is for Boston College to see how your own values will fit with and further promote the key Jesuit principles of ethics and community service. This essay prompt can be broken down into two basic questions: What are your beliefs and values regarding your role in your community? How will Boston College fit with these values and allow you to grow as a person? Should You Choose This Prompt? If you’re applying to Boston College, you likely already know that it’s a Jesuit institution, meaning it strongly values qualities such as morality, service, and interdisciplinary learning. If you have strong values that align with these Jesuit principles, have a clear reason for wanting to attend a Jesuit institution, and can readily envision how you plan to use your BC education for the "common good," this would be a great prompt for you to choose. Some values you could write about in your essay include the following: Honesty Morality/ethics Empathy/compassion for others Selflessness Tips for Answering This Prompt Focus on one specific value/quality you have. For instance, if honesty is important to you, you could discuss a time you had to decide between telling the truth or telling a lie, and how this choice impacted how you perceive honesty and its significance in everyday life. Explain how Boston College will help you develop this value you have. You could talk about specific classes, extracurricular activities, clubs, volunteering opportunities, etc. For example, maybe you’re thinking of making a club to help local disadvantaged families. Boston College Essay Examples Now, let's take a look at two real Boston College essay examples, written by admitted applicants. Note that since the Boston College essay prompts change every year or so, these essays might not correspond directly to one of the four prompts listed above. Boston College Essay Example 1 This first Boston College essay we’ll look at could have easily been written for the second prompt described above (the diversity essay prompt) as it focuses on the applicant’s unique multicultural background. Note that this sample essay is more than 550 words, whereas the current Boston College essay requirements state that essays may not exceed 400 words. Here is the essay: "Happy birthday!" "Feliz cumpleanos!" "Kol sana wa enta tayyab!" After my family sings me happy birthday in English, Spanish, and Arabic, I blow out the candles on my cake amidst thunderous cheers that reverberate throughout the five boroughs of New York City. My birthday celebrations, likened by my friends to United Nations assemblies, feature my one, cohesive, yet ever so dissimilar, family, stepping out of their respective Ecuadorian and Egyptian roles to further thrust upon me their expectations. Some would fold under this pressure, but I embrace this trust. While they have not always been able to put me in optimal positions, it has all congregated to a driving force in my cultured and diverse mind. My never ending quest to achieve success for my family began at a young age, through my trips to Ecuador and Egypt. I not only grew fond of their eloquent languages, but of their modest values. On my first trip to Ecuador as a toddler, my Uncle Guillermo was found dead in an alley one morning, no cause, no explanation. Instead of shielding me from the forlorn passing of one of my heroes, my relatives used this as an opportunity to develop my value for awareness. They told me that Guillermo's death was linked to his severe alcoholism. He had been afflicted for decades, all while selling away the family's possessions to fuel his addiction. He, like many from the impoverished, drug ridden country, knew no better. Some would view a traumatizing event like this as an excuse to end up along a similar path, but it immediately ingrained in me the farsighted principles that I maintain to this day. There are no excuses for me to approach education halfheartedly, for I have witnessed the malevo lent effects of ignorance. When my grandma, Anisa Saad, told me that she views my future with the same reverence that she views the Egyptian Revolution of 20, I finally realized how delicate my actions are. I knew that making something out of myself meant just as much to my family as it did to me. The Egyptian Revolution was the first time since 1981 that Egyptians had a voice. As they overthrew President Hosni Mubarak, they created an irrevocable identity. They proved that regardless what comprises your past or your background, your impact on the world is only what you make of it. My grandma told me that all she could think about as she cast her vote in the first ever democratic election was that she was changing the world. She said that if a 78-year-old widow living with three of her children and a bad back could change the world, a prioritized pupil with a keen understanding of different societies has boundless potential. In New York City, the quintessential hub of culture, I found it easier to expand on my expectations and values. I am most people's culturally passionate friend rather than the kid whose ethnicity is indeterminable. I am a New Yorker's idea of a New Yorker; an assiduous product of the "melting pot." No idea is too farfetched to believe, no goal too unattainable. With my grandma's words in mind, I face any problem that the Concrete Jungle throws at me. I seek to make sure the Salazar's of Ecuador and the Badran's of Egypt finally have significant names in the world. I want to blow out my birthday candles with a family proud that I made it, not hoping that I do. Source Here's what makes this Boston College essay work: It has a compelling hook. The first few sentences about the applicant's multicultural and multilingual family immediately draw us in. It makes you want to learn more about why this applicant gets told happy birthday in three languages, and what this means for their values. It’s highly specific and detailed.We're given people's actual names, from Uncle Guillermo to Anisa Saad. These concrete details ground us readers in the story while highlighting clear connections between the applicant's life experiences and values. Zoom in on the details for your Boston College essay. Boston College Essay Example 2 This next real Boston College essay example is less focused on diversity and more on community service, a major Jesuit value that Boston College would be more than happy to read about in your essay! Atjust under 400 words,this essay should help give you an idea of about how long your Boston College essay can be. "Can you teach me how to tie my shoes?" I looked down. There was Miguel. He pointed at his untied shoelaces. "Come sit down over here," I said as I pulled over a chair. "Just remember this: Loop, Swoop, and Pull." I tied his shoelace. "Now you try on the other." He bent down. "Loop ... Swoop, and ... Pull." He completed a perfect bow. Later on in that day, Thomas came over to me. "Can you help me tie my sneaker?" Miguel was next to me. I was helping him learn the letters of the alphabet. "I think Miguel can help you." I looked down at him and he nodded. He brought Thomas to the side. "Just remember, Loop, Swoop, and Pull." In-between studying for the SATs and preparing for my varsity basketball season, I volunteered in a local preschool for Head Start and Special Needs Children in the summer before my junior year. I worked with students who were attending their first year of the school during that year. I was invited back to volunteer again the next summer. I was with the second-year students and Miguel and Thomas were again in my class. "Do you want to see me write my name?" Miguel asked the first day of my second summer at the school. He used a purple marker and a blank piece of white paper and clearly wrote "Miguel." Thomas approached me. "Look, I can tie my shoes now." He bent down. "Loop, Swoop, and Pull," he whispered as he completed a perfect bow. "It’s great to see you guys again. I’ll be here the whole summer." The goal of the program is to prepare the students for success in kindergarten. The best thing about going to the school for two years was to see the progress Miguel, Thomas, and the other kids made. I saw the children walk on the stage at the graduation ceremony at the end of the summer term. I know they will be able to excel in kindergarten. I began to visualize Thomas and Miguel being at the top of their class in kindergarten next year. I am proud of the work the school does for the children and the progress the children make in the school. I look forward to returning to volunteer next summer. Source Here’s what makes this Boston College essay work: It tells a detailed, interesting story. Many students have volunteered at schools or helped out younger children, but this Boston College essay lets readers really see the uniqueness of the applicant's experience. We learn about two children, Thomas and Miguel, and how the experience of helping them positively impacted the applicant. It’s highly focused. No part of this essay feels extraneous or as if it doesn't belong. It uses a well-organized structure that’s easy to follow. We also learn through small details that the applicant successfully maintains other commitments, too, such as varsity basketball. It focuses on a key Jesuit value: giving back to others. If you plan to respond to Prompt 4, this is a great essay to look to for tips. It’s all about helping the common good and highlights, especially with its last line, the applicant’s desire to continue helping the community. How to Write a Great Boston College Essay: 4 Tips Before we wrap up, here are four general tips to help you write a great Boston College essay. #1: Be Clear and Specific Your Boston College essay should be clear, with specific, concrete details that tell a compelling narrative about you and what you value.Your essay will have more personal impact if you can incorporate critical details, such as the names of people, your reactions/emotions to events or actions, etc. In addition, make sure your story is focused and doesn't meander onto less relevant, less interesting, or less significant topics. For instance, if you’re writing about how you enjoy volunteering at retirement homes, there's no point in elaborating on other values you have or other service projects you’re involved in since doing so will take away from the main focus of your essay. #2: Use an Honest Voice While Embracing Jesuit Values As with any college essay, try to channel an authentic voice.Exaggerations in your emotions or reactions are generally pretty easy for admissions committees to detect, so don't bother trying to make a particular experience in your life seem more significant than it really was. Be honest with yourself: what is important to you?What do you believe Boston College must know about you?And what do you feel defines who you are and what you want to do? Remember that Boston College is a Jesuit school that strongly values specific qualities, including morality, honesty, and community service. If you have a strong passion for any Jesuit values and often exercise them in your life, make sure you’re clearly touching on these in your essay so you can further emphasize how Boston College is an ideal fit for you. #3: Don’t Repeat What You Wrote for the Common App Essay All Boston College applicants must write, in addition to the essay we’ve talked about in this article, a separate personal statement that responds to one of the Common App prompts. Since many of these prompts are similar to the Boston College essay prompts listed above, it’s critical that you do not repeat any major themes or topics in your two essays. Each essay is meant to showcase a different side of you, and if you’re simply repeating yourself in both essays, you won’t be revealing anything unique or interesting about yourself- which will not impress the Boston College admissions committee at all! #4: Edit and Proofread a Lot You’ll want to spend a good amount of time editing and proofreading your Boston College essay. The best way to do this is to write a rough draft and then put it away for a few days.After some time has passed, take out your essay so you can look it over with a fresh perspective.Note any areas that are irrelevant, awkward, or grammatically incorrect. Once you’ve done this a few times, give your essay to someone else to read, such as a teacher, parent, or older sibling.Ask for feedback on what you can improve in terms of flow, organization, and overall story. You should now have an excellent Boston College essay ready to submit! What’s Next? If you're applying to Boston College, you're likely applying to other colleges on the East Coast, too. Check out our expert guides to the Duke essay, the Tufts essays, and the Harvard essay. Need help writing your Common App essay? Our tips will show you how to write a Common App essay guaranteed to make you stand out from other applicants! To learn more about Boston College, including what GPA and SAT/ACT scores you'll need to get in, check out our Boston College admission requirements page. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. 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Sunday, October 20, 2019
APA Style Term Paper
APA Style Term Paper APA Style Term Paper APA Style Term Paper APA style term paper is one of the widely used format for term paper writing. Before writing term paper, you are welcome to examine the following term paper writing tips: One of the main term paper requirements is that the term paper should be typed. While typing your academic term paper in Microsoft Word, use a default setting of the computer. If you don't know the length of your academic term paper you should ask your tutor about this. The title of the English term paper should be centered but not underline. Use 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font. In the bottom corner of the term paper write personal data (your name, course, date, etc.) The layout should be general. Do not include too many quotations; it certainly will not improve your academic term paper. Every page should have centered title at the top of the term paper. Use double spacing format. Using in-text citation requires a reference page at the end of the term paper. In-text citations may be both direct quotations and paraphrases. Both must be cited on the reference page, otherwise, you will be accused in plagiarism. Quotations may be short as well as long. Quotation should be less than 40 words. The direct quotation should be enclosed in brackets ( ) and reference information should be placed close to it, for example (Andrew, 1999). Keep in mind that different methods of citation make your work more interesting to read. Paraphrases usually go at the end of the line of your work. APA does not require page numbers, but your tutor probably does. Author/Year of work is the general format, if author is not known than following this format Title/Year of work. If you do not know the date of publication, you use (n.d. - no date. You should note down references as you conduct your research. Remember, references should be double spaced. The reference page should be alphabetized by author's name and the title of the work. Don't write 'The' when compiling a reference list. If you used Internet sources while writing term paper, give a complete URL address and the date of access. While writing term paper, avoid repetition of the words. The academic term paper will look thoughtless with the same words within several sentences. You should also avoid repetition of the ideas. If this was noticed the tutor would conclude that you have a lack of clarity of thought. Avoid these mistakes. Custom Written Term Paper Not all students have time and skills to write a great term paper. We are here to help these students with term paper writing. We offer only custom service - it means that your term paper is not copy/pasted from internet, it is written in accordance to your instructions. No late deliveries at .com! No plagiarism!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Diplomatic truth Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diplomatic truth - Coursework Example job of a diplomat is to deliver a message across without saying it directly; hence, the origin of the term diplomatese or the lingo and jargon of diplomacy. A non-diplomat untrained in an art that hides its message in plain language may have difficulty deciphering its actual message. In todays globalized environment, diplomacy acquires greater significance to impose order and avoid conflicts among various competing national interests along strategic issues like in trade or military considerations or in the scramble for scarce and declining resources. One baffling question is whether there is such a thing as â€Å"diplomatic truth†when the art of diplomacy requires and dictates that diplomats avoid harsh or direct language but still in diplomatic parlance deliver the message as intended that is well understood by the recipients. If we realize that truth can sometimes be a relative concept (true to one person but false to the other person sitting opposite the negotiating table), then diplomatic truth is indeed an idea that can acquire various shades. This can be discerned in the way and what language is used in the art of diplomatic exchanges, ranging from the mild (indirect) to the harsh (direct), in degrees. Diplomacy is like a room full of mirrors; one has to discern correctly what was being said in order to avoid gross misinterpretations and costly mistakes amid all the double talk. In this regard, it can be said that there is really no real diplomatic truth in the literal sense. Truth is a mirage in diplomatic circles and in high places during policy-making discussions. The use of diplomatic truth, if ever it exists, is to refine the language to deliver several meanings but at the same time, perhaps a strong message. It is contained in the old phrase â€Å"suaviter in modo, fortiter in re†or translated roughly as, resolute in execution but gentle in manners. Ambiguity in diplomacy is intentional and forms part of the polite language in the art of
Friday, October 18, 2019
EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY - Assignment Example What impression do you think Diaz had of Aztec civilization? How does he make his feelings clear? Diaz and company were all astonished having found a great size of Aztec population who had been fond of merchandising goods of various kinds. At a point, he appeared to gain a remarkable impression of the market’s orderliness which maintained goods in appropriate arrangements. Despite his testimonial of the Aztec people’s culture of giving significance to excrements, Diaz attempted to clear his little amount of shame for New Spain by stating how he sensed similarities and connection with his own homeland district where market stalls and fairs with this scenario were a common sight as well. What can we learn regarding Aztec culture, economics, and science from this? Based on such findings, one may readily claim that Aztec culture was rich in its own way since the people of Aztec civilization managed to identify advantages among diverse resources. This way, the economy may be thought to acquire flexibility in which everyone had a job to do that matched specific individual potentials.
Contemporary World Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Contemporary World Economy - Essay Example In order to come up with the understanding of the economic changes that happen in the current world, there are different things that determine the way people will conduct their business according to their relations. Evaluation of the different perspectives of the economy makes the issues of economic differentiation very substantial. This will be an evaluation of the different economic systems in the world economy, with a perspective of the old economic relations. The themes that were discussed in class in the past term such like the economic markets liberalism, market systems, modernisms and development of economics, employment, globalization among other and are indicators of the transition that is happening in the world economy today. Some of these themes are reflective of the different economic systems in the world and focus on the difficulties that are predominant when a state or a nation adopt some of them and show the struggle that is in the world to ensure that people are set f ree from the unnecessary restriction. As a result, different scholars have written some materials in support or in criticism of some of these themes so that evaluation of the works of various scholars offers a great academic discourse that exposes the pros and con of different economic systems. In the evaluation, the study of the term, the most repeated themes are the economic systems and globalization which have been influenced by the differences in argument and the evaluation of each of them i.e. socialism, communism, and capitalism. As well, the issue of employment and its impact on the economy is a theme that has been repeated as seen in the discussion of the work of John Maynard Keynes who has elaborated the issue. This has influenced the discussion of the contribution of different people to the economy of a specific place and which have an impact on the development and retrogression of an area (Keynes 13-19). Through evaluation of the various consumption and investment habits of the people, Keynes has based his explanation for development or retrogression of a place in that where if the latter is greater than the former, development is realized (Campbell 212). Francis Fukuyama argues that there are transitions in the economy from the general state of restriction through which different people went so that they become the current liberals.Â
ED Clinical Pathways Improvement Evaluation in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal
ED Clinical Pathways Improvement Evaluation in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example t the medical field in equal measures as the field of information communication and technology, as it continually undertakes research studies and development in order to improve service delivery that is aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with chronic illnesses and shorten the healing process of patients with treatable diseases and injuries. One such example that demonstrates how practitioners in the medical field work towards improving their service delivery is the through the clinical pathways, which is described by Poirrier and Oberleitner (1999) as â€Å"one of the main tools that are normally used in the healthcare sector to manage the quality of service delivery through standardization of medical care procedure and/ or processes.†With reference to the writings by Sorensen and Iedema (2011), clinical pathways have been referred to as medical guidelines of which when there are implemented in healthcare set-ups they normally lead to a reduction in the level of variability in clinical practices and they are capable of improving the quality of health, and hence the outcomes on patients’ recovery process. Snyder and Gauthier (2008) wrote that considering these pathways are developed and agreed upon by medical practitioners it means that they are able to promote organized and efficient healthcare practices that are based on evidence and validated outcomes. Lastly, Howick (2011) wrote that clinical pathways have been lauded for the fact that they optimize the outcomes in home care settings and even in acute care. It is important to note that normally these clinical pathways normally undergo periodic improvements or updates which most of the time reflect the advancements in the ICT sector, and they are normall y designed to improve the quality of healthcare and the outcomes of the recovery process. This present paper seeks to propose a study that is focused on investigating the extent to which physicians and nurses who have been trained on the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime Assignment
Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime - Assignment Example An action initiated by the government or by the court of law to renounce people from indulging in activities or behaviours that harm them may be termed as prohibition. On the face of it, this prohibition should prove beneficial and should serve the intended purpose. However the outcome may not be the same as desired. There can no better example of prohibition going awry and turning out to be a problem for the society than the Volstead Act of 1920 which banned the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol in the United States from 1920 through 1933. In response to prohibition human beings do not abstain from the substance or refrain from the action so prohibited, rather they contrive to indulge in it, a situation that perpetuates organized crime. Simply put, the urge is so overwhelming that it does not permit any rational thinking. To serve the individual black-markets thrive. The positive correlation between prohibition and organized crime makes sense from the economics standpoint. Proscription will invariably lead to a demand supply mismatch of the product so prohibited. This is where the organized crime creeps in to cash in on the sparse supply. Analogous to competing firms in an industry, it is the gang wars in the dominion of the underworld which hold the society to ransom as different. In order to stamp their authority and maximize their illegal cash inflows these gangs indulge in organized crime. The menace spreads as government and law enforcement agencies are bribed to enable the cause of the gangsters. The aforesaid discussion leaves beyond doubt that prohibition perpetuates organized crime.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Corporate Governance & Social Responsibility Essay
Corporate Governance & Social Responsibility - Essay Example Business organizations should not be interested only on the shareholders (tutor2u, 2011, para.4). The employees as well as the users of these products need to be considered in the development of the operational strategies of the organization. The concern addressed here should reflect on the type and quality of product offered to the consumers. While some products have no adverse effect on the social life of the users, others like alcohol drinks and bhang are often associated with serious social issues. Excessive drinking and drug abuse contribute significantly to other social issues like domestic violence, sexual abuse, or even manslaughter. Product advertisement After developing a product, a business company would always want to let its product be known in the market. This is achieved through extensive promotion and advertisement of the product. The advertisements often appeal to the consumers on the benefits of the product. The contents of the advert will influence its effectivenes s (Gunter, Oates, & Blades, 2005, p.123). The adverts explain why the product ranks well above the other products in the market and provide a direction on how to use the product (eHow, 2011, para.1). Largely, the advertisements have significant impacts on the usage of the products. Researches have shown that exposure to some advert increases the consumption of the advertised product (Gunter, Oates, & Blades, 2005, p.123). Ideally, this objective of advertisement (appealing to the public to buy the product) should apply to those products not associated with social problems. However, for products that influence the society, especially the underage, the advertisements only need to be informative. The adverts should indicate prices of the product as well as where they could be obtained. For the alcoholic drinks in particular, the advertisements should stress on the targeted age group and emphasis that they should not be sold to underage. The associated health problems also need to be in dicated in the adverts and containers of the products. Spykes and the company’ decision to stop its sales It is not appropriate to rule out that Spykes was a bad product. The company studied the market trend that had been recorded in the past. Its development acme about after the company had observed that taste was moving from their traditional domestic brands like Budweiser (Case study, p.497). The product was not developed to attract underage drinkers as per the criticisms. Instead, it was targeting the drinkers in the age bracket of 21-30 (Case study, p.497). Besides, the product had caffeine additive to improve on its energy content. It also had lower alcohol content than the wine; it had 12% alcohol content. The only mistake that the company did was that they did not emphasize on the age bracket that was targeted by the product. Even though the product was developed to attract the young adults, its sweetest taste was criticized to attract the teenagers. It is assumed tha t alcoholic drinks with high-energy content are popular among the teenagers (Case study, p.498). The decorations at the website were also seen as appealing more to the teenagers than adults. After all the criticism that was launched on the product and its advertisement, the company did the right thing to withdraw the product. The so-called â€Å"self-appointed†civil activists are very significant influential in the market as
Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime Assignment
Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime - Assignment Example An action initiated by the government or by the court of law to renounce people from indulging in activities or behaviours that harm them may be termed as prohibition. On the face of it, this prohibition should prove beneficial and should serve the intended purpose. However the outcome may not be the same as desired. There can no better example of prohibition going awry and turning out to be a problem for the society than the Volstead Act of 1920 which banned the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol in the United States from 1920 through 1933. In response to prohibition human beings do not abstain from the substance or refrain from the action so prohibited, rather they contrive to indulge in it, a situation that perpetuates organized crime. Simply put, the urge is so overwhelming that it does not permit any rational thinking. To serve the individual black-markets thrive. The positive correlation between prohibition and organized crime makes sense from the economics standpoint. Proscription will invariably lead to a demand supply mismatch of the product so prohibited. This is where the organized crime creeps in to cash in on the sparse supply. Analogous to competing firms in an industry, it is the gang wars in the dominion of the underworld which hold the society to ransom as different. In order to stamp their authority and maximize their illegal cash inflows these gangs indulge in organized crime. The menace spreads as government and law enforcement agencies are bribed to enable the cause of the gangsters. The aforesaid discussion leaves beyond doubt that prohibition perpetuates organized crime.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Catoon Obama Essay Example for Free
Catoon Obama Essay The cartoon shows President Barack Obama who is walking towards the White House. In the foreground there are two African-American which are hiding between the trees and bushes in the garden. Obama stops his march into the White House to look back to the black people and waves. One of them is retuning the gesture. In the garden are three sings. On one of them is the name â€Å"JIM CROW†written, which is a symbol of the race discrimination. He symbolizes the stereotype of a singing, dancing black man, who is satisfied with himself and the world around him, although his intelligence is below the average. On the other sings is â€Å"SEGREGATION†and â€Å"SLAVERY†written. These two words also refer to the history and discrimination of the African-American in the United States. In the left hand corner is a kind of headline which says â€Å"THE FINAL DESTINATION ON THE FREEDOM ROAD †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The cartoon is an exaggerated view on the events which are related to Obama’s presidency and his status as the first African-American President. The White House, which is located in the center of the picture and it’s painted in bright colours. Alpha This results a huge contrast to the dark forest on both edges of the picture. Obama is walking in the opposite way of the direction. This means, that he has overcome the discrimination and has become the first black president. But on his half way he pauses and looks back to the other black people and raises his hand, so that they know that he still knows, that he hadn’t forget them. He symbolizes the opportunities of the black people, and how much they have changed in the past fifty years, so even an African-American man can be in the nation’s highest office and be respected by the most of the American citizens. Obama’s still very popular so he was reelected although he isn’t that superhero figure. He has reached the final destination on the road of the freedom and the equality of the black.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Pointer Computer Science Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Pointer Computer Science Essay Write advantages and disadvantages of using pointer. How the concept of pointers is useful in the implementation of data structures? A pointer allows a function or a program to access a variable outside the preview function or a program ,using pointer program can access any memory location in the computers memory. 2)since using return statement a function can only pass back a single value to the calling function, pointers allows a function to pass back more than one value by writing them into memory locations that are accessible to calling function. 3)Use of pointer increases makes the program execution faster 4)using pointers, arrays and structures can be handled in more efficient way. 5) without pointers it will be impossible to create complex data structures such as linked list , trees, and graphs. Disadvantages of pointers:- 1)we can access the restricted memory area. 2) Pointers require one additional dereference, meaning that the final code must read the variables pointer from memory, then read the variable from the pointed-to memory. This is slower than reading the value directly from memory. 3). If sufficient memory is not available during runtime for the storage of pointers, the program may crash When setting up data ststructures like lists, queues and trees, it is necessary to have pointers to help manage how the structure is implemented and controlled.Pointers and Structures can be used to build data structures that expand and shrink during execution examples stack queues,trees etc.While pointer has been used to store the address of a variable,it more properly applies to data structures whose interface explicitly allows the pointer to be manipulated as a memory address.Because pointers allow largely unprotected access to memory addresses. 2). Elaborate the concept of Fixed block storage allocation and Buddy system in dynamic memory management. Sol. Fixed block storage allocation:- This is the simplest storage maintenance method. Here each block is of the same size. The size is determined by the system manager. Here the memory manager maintain a pointer AVAIL which points a list of non contiguous memory blocks. A user program communicate with the memory manager by means of two function GETNODE(NODE) and RETURNNODE(PTR).The procedure GETNODE is to get a memory block to store data of type NODE. This procedure when invoked by a program returns a pointer to first block in the pool of restorage. The AVAIL then points to the next block.If avail=NULL it indicates no more memory is available for allocation. Similarly whenever a memory block is no more required it can be returned to the memory bank through a procedure RETURN NODE(). Buddy system:- It is the another storage management system which restricts the size of blocks to some fixed set of sizes. These blocks of restricted sizes are maintained in a linked list. Whenever a request for a block of size N comes, the number M the smallest of the fixed sizes but equal to or largest than N, is determined and a block of size M is allocated if available on the list. If not available then a larger block if available is split into two sub-blocks known a s buddies. Each of them are also of fixed sizes and the process is repeated until a block of size M is produced. for example , if k=1 and Fo=8, then the block sizes are 8,16,32,64,128,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. THAT is ,the block sizes are successive powers of 2; and the buddy system based on such fixed sizes is called binary buddy system. 3.)Differentiate between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation. Illustrate various memory management functions Sol. In case of static storage management scheme , the net amount of memory required for various data for a program is allocated before the starting of the execution of a program once memory is allocated, it neither can be extended nor can be returned to the memory bank for the use of other programs at the same time. On the other hand dynamic storage management schemes allows user to allocate and deallocate as per necessity during the execution of programs. The static storage allocation is easy to implement and efficient from execution point of view .Here all variables those are required for a program is allocated during compile time this is why static storage allocation is a compile time phenomena. In this each subprogram/subroutine of a program is compiled separately and the space required for them is reserved till the execution of the program. On the other hand dynamic memory allocation , space for memory variables is allocated dynamically that is as per the current demand during the execution. When a subprogram is invoked space for it is allocated and space is returned when the subprogram completes its execution. Thus , the space required to run a program is not fixed as in static allocation, rather it varies as program execute. Various memory management functions:- 1)malloc():-The malloc function dynamically allocates memory from heap.The prototype for malloc() function is Void *malloc(size_t size); 2)calloc():- The calloc() function dynamically allocates memory automatically initializes the memory to zeroes. The prototype for calloc() function is Void *calloc(size_t nitems , size_t size); It takes two arguments . The first argument is the number of elements and the second argument is the size of each element. 3) realloc():- The realloc() function changes the size of previously dynamically allocated memory with malloc(), calloc(), realloc() functions.The prototype for realloc() function is Void *realloc(void *block, size_t size); It takes two argument . the first argument is the pointer to the original object and the second argument is the new size of the object. 4.)Write different ways to manage records in memory Sol.) Since records may contain non homogeneous data, the elements of a record cannot be stored in an array . Some programming languages such as PASCAL and COBOL do have record structures built into the language. Suppose a programming language does not have available the hierarchical structures that are available in PASCAL and COBOL . Assuming the record contains non homogeneous data , the record may have to be stored in individual variables , one for each of its elementary data items. On the other hand one wants to store an entire file of records, such a file may be stored in memory as a collection of arrays that is, where elements in different arrays with the same subscript belonging to the same record. Part-B 1.)Illustrate the use of array of pointers and pointers to an array Sol.) An array of pointers is that for eg if we have array of 10 int pointers ie int *a[10] then each element that which is stored in array are pointed by pointers. here we will have ten pointers. In pointer to an array for eg int(*a)[10] here all the elements that is all the ten elements are pointed by a single pointer. int *a[10]:-array of pointers. consider one array int b[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};so elements will be stored in addresses .now this address are stored in array of pointers.thats int *a[10]={b+0,b+1,b+2,b+3,b+4,b+5,b+6,b+7,b+8,b+9};means a+0=address of value 1 is the first element of int *a[](first element of int b[10])and so on. while int(*a)[10]:-here a is an pointer to an array containing 10 integers. suppose int b[10]; then a=b[10]; this will give element of int b[10] array thats b[0];and so on but in case of two dimensional array first we have to allocate base address of respective one dimensional array and base address of element of one dimensional array then only we can use pointer to an array. Give example to show the use of far pointer and dangling pointer problems Sol.) A far pointer uses both the segment and the offset address to point to a location in memory  The far pointer can point to any location in memory. . Far pointers have a size of 4 bytes . They store both the segment and the offset of the address the pointer is referencing. A far pointer has an address range of 0 1M bytes. A far pointer can be incremented and or decremented Only the offset of the pointer is actually incremented or decremented. The segment is never incremented by the arithmetic operators.On the other hand Dangling pointers are the pointers that do not point tao a valid object of the appropriate type. These pointers arise when an object is deleted or deallocated,without modifting the value of the pointer so that pointer stll points to the memory location of deallocated memory .As the system may reallocate the previously freed memory to another process ,if the original program then derefrences the dangling pointer,results in bugs or errors as the memory may contain com pletely different data. Consider the following example { char *cp = NULL; { char c; cp = &c; }  /* cp is now a dangling pointer */ } Solution to dangling pointer: char *cp = malloc ( A_CONST ); free ( cp ); /* cp now becomes a dangling pointer */ cp = NULL; /* cp is no longer dangling */ Differentiate between linked list and arrays in terms of representations, traversal and searching. Sol.) 1)In case of array traversing is used visiting all elements in an array while to traverse a single linked list we mean to visit every node in the list starting from first node to last node. 2).Searching operation in an array is applied to search an element interest in an array.It is a process of finding the location of given element in an array.The search is said to be successful if the given element is found.there are two types of search operation : Linear search Binary search If the array elements are in random order then one have to use linear search technique and if the array elements are sorted then it is preferable to choose binary search technique.While in case of linked list only linear searching is possible.This is one of the limitation of linked lists as there is no way to find the location of the middle element of the list. can we perform binary search in linked list ,if no then illustrate the reason. Sol.) No, we cannot perform binary search in linked list because there is no way Of indexing the middle element in the list. With a sorted linear array we can apply a binary search whose running time is proportional to log2n. On the other hand a binary search algorithm cannot be applied to a sorted linked list, since there is no way of indexing the middle element in the list. This property is one of the main drawbacks in using a linked list as a data structure.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay examples --
Location and layout: A physical location is important to our firm but a website will make our services more accessible to more customers located in different regions. Physical location will have to be offices that include small offices for our human resources, website designer and finally rooms and conference room for the training. The address should be in a neighborhood where there are a lot of offices and businesses. Such a location will be effective because it will put us in proximity to businesses that we can easily reach and in their turn will spread the word about us quicker. Also being located near other known businesses makes locating us easier by referring to their offices or location to be near us. We won’t buy the property but have a lease, preferably to have landlord who will be responsible for property taxes, insurance and maintenance. . The office should have a room for the main training and a space for open offices where employees will have different tasks to do. The total square meter should be between 50 and 60 to meters squares. We found offices with similar criteri...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Arthur Millers A View From the Bridge Essay -- Arthur Miller View Br
Arthur Miller's A View From the Bridge Today hostility is viewed upon as wrong, when "A View From the Bridge" was written, hostility made up part of the day-to-day running of people in this era. Today women are treated as equals and any discrimination is taken incredibly seriously, in the time the play written, women had very few rights and were constantly stereotyped and abused. Manliness, hostility and aggression play an important role in the play, 'A View From the Bridge'. Each character has a different view on what it means to be manly and what manliness is. Eddie, the main character around which the play revolves, has a very specific view of what manliness exactly is. When other character's views clash with his own ideals, he reacts, violently in most cases. Another character, Marco, demonstrates masculine characteristics and makes Eddie feel threatened, these connect the ideas of manliness, hostility and aggression. I will look at this particular area, and others later in the essay. The play, itself, is set in the Red Hook, slum area of Brooklyn, New York during the 1950s. It focuses around the immigration of Italian people, searching for the American Dream, however many if these 'dreams' were shattered with the tragedy and poverty that befell the people of that area. The area of Red Hook is also renowned for its infamous gangsters such as Al Capone, John Torrio and Frankie Yale. Another character in the play, Alfieri, plays a similar part to a chorus, similar to ones in Greek plays, narrating the play and commenting on events; he also plays a part in the play as a lawyer and a family friend. He is essential to the structure of the play as he opens and closes it and at other times moves th... ...get it, Catherine." Women in this era, were forced into these roles, they had few rights and were treated poorly. I believe that the play is well written and it was a success. The author had spent a number of years in these conditions and knew what it felt like for these people. The characters in the play were well formed and each person was totally independent from the others. However at the end of the play, just before Marco stabs Eddie, there is little suspension, leaving much to be desired for the ending. The play does also relate to many of today's issues. People are still quite homophobic (however homosexuals are becoming more and more integrated into today's society) and due to large amounts of immigrants coming into the country people of Britain are becoming more xenophobic towards those societies. Much in the same way as the era Eddie lived in.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Lady Macbeth is not the main driving force behind King Duncan’s murder Essay
In my opinion, Lady Macbeth is not the main driving force behind King Duncan’s murder. The onus for this heinous deed rests with Macbeth himself, as he would have committed this treacherous act even if Lady Macbeth had not goaded him on. When the witches make their predictions, they told Macbeth that he would be Thane of Cawdor and then later King. I firmly believe that these predictions caused Macbeth to start thinking, and thus started a chain of events that ended up with Duncan being murdered. Macbeth’s reaction to the witches’ prophecy was one of fear and agitation. â€Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear things that do sound so fair?†says Banquo. I feel that Macbeth fears the prophecy because he had been thinking about becoming King before. Deep inside him, Macbeth had the ambition to become King, and this is exactly what the witches prophesized and it was as if they had read his mind. This must be the reason the witches had chosen Macbeth, and not Banquo or any other Thane in Scotland. The witches’ prophecy ignited his deep dark ambition, and he starts to think about how he will become King. However, the witches cannot be held responsible for Duncan’s murder because Macbeth already did have the thought of being King before. The thought was already in Macbeth’s head, all the witches did was to act as a catalyst in making him pursue his ambition. Macbeth then becomes â€Å"rapt withal†because, I feel, he starts thinking about the different ways he can become King. One of them was to murder Duncan himself, and this must have been the â€Å"horrid image†Macbeth thinks about. Although this image scares him, it stills raises the question of whether Macbeth really is as noble and loyal a Thane as people say he is. If he were such a noble Thane, why would he think about killing his own King? One important point to mention here is that he is already thinking about killing King Duncan without any intervention of Lady Macbeth, who has not even been introduced into the play. However, Macbeth then decides that since he was made Thane of Cawdor without doing anything, he might become King without having to do much either (â€Å"without my stir†). Macbeth decides that if he becomes King it will be because of sheer good luck, not because he did something to try becoming King. I feel that this decision might have been made because he knows that he is one of the most powerful Thane in Scotland and so expects to be made Duncan’s heir to the throne. However, King Duncan names the heir of his throne to be Malcolm, his elder son, who shall be known as the Prince of Cumberland. It is then that Macbeth decides that he must take some action if he ever hopes to be King. â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland-that is a step, on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap For in my way it lies. Stars hide your fires, Let no light see my black and deep desires,†says Macbeth. This is very much a contrast to the decision he had made of doing nothing against Duncan in the previous scene. His loyalty to his King looses out to his ambition. Lady Macbeth is then introduced into the play when Macbeth sends a letter to her, telling her about the strange events that happened that day, perhaps because he knew that his wife would be there to give him the strength he needed to do anything against the King. Lady Macbeth’s first reaction after reading the letter is that Macbeth is too kind and noble to do anything bad to become King. She knows that Macbeth has the ambition, but she also knows that he would be hesitant to do the evil things to achieve his ambitions. â€Å"Art not without ambition, but without the illness that should attend it,†she says. From the first meeting between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, I can conclude that Lady Macbeth wants to be Queen more than Macbeth wants to be King. Such was her desperation to be Queen that Lady Macbeth was even prepared to call on the evil spirits to make her strong, and she wants to assume masculine qualities â€Å"unsex me here†so that she will not have any womanly weaknesses. She had spoken of pouring her â€Å"valour†into â€Å"Macbeth’s ear, and valour (according to Shakespearean audiences’) is a masculine quality. This would have shocked the audience in the Elizabethan era, because at that time they believed that the universe, the natural world and human society were ordered in one great chain or hierarchy. According to the great chain, women should be weak, and their husbands should rule all wives. However, in this scene, Lady Macbeth is shown to have a lot of mettle, and has a power over her husband. She tells him that people can see right through him. â€Å"Your face, my Thane, is a book where men May read strange matters†. She then tells him to disguise his real thoughts and deceive people into believing something. â€Å"Look like th’ innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t.†Macbeth’s will to murder Duncan wavers because he starts to list the reasons for why he should not stray onto the path of evil. He fears judgment from God and his conscience will haunt him for his entire life. â€Å"Bloody instructions, which being taught return To plague th’ inventor†. He then says that he is Duncan’s â€Å"kinsman and his subject†and should protect Duncan since he is his host, and not â€Å"bear the knife myself.†He says that Duncan is a good, kind and virtuous King and the only thing driving him towards Duncan’s murder is his â€Å"vaulting ambition.†(Macbeth is shown here as being a tragic hero, an otherwise noble and virtuous character who falls due to one particular flaw, ambition. There are many other Shakespearean plays with tragic heroes, such as Othello, which tells a story of a man destroyed by jealousy.) When his wife arrives Macbeth tells her that he will not murder Duncan. (â€Å"We will proceed no further in this business†) This depicts Macbeth’s confused state of mind and his vacillation whether or not to assassinate Duncan. Here, Lady Macbeth shows her deep resolve and when she persuades and manipulates Macbeth into killing Duncan. She accuses him of cowardice and lack of love for her. â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem.†She claims that he was drunk when he promised her he would kill Duncan (although nowhere has the audience actually seen Macbeth promise this). She even says that she would dash the brains of her very own child if she had promised to, and so Macbeth should also be loyal to his promise. â€Å"Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, And dashed the brains out, had I sworn as you Have done this†These words from Lady Macbeth suggest that she is less moral than Macbeth and even evil. While she sees nothing wrong in Duncan’s murder, Macbeth, despite his deep ambition, fears the consequences of his immoral deeds. Another reason for not killing Duncan was because he was afraid of getting caught, and not because he wished to remain loyal. Getting caught would jeopardize his chances of becoming King forever. â€Å"If we should fail?†is what he asks Lady Macbeth. After Lady Macbeth formulates a plan, which impresses Macbeth and he says â€Å"Bring forth men-children only.†Macbeth is convinced that this plan was foolproof, and he succumbs to his ambition and proceeds to murder Duncan. This reveals that he wanted to kill Duncan all along, and was just waiting for the right opportunity to present itself. The moment Lady Macbeth came up with a plan, he readily agreed. Lady Macbeth believed that this was the time to murder Duncan without getting caught, and this is what she made Macbeth believe. If Lady Macbeth had not been there Macbeth would has probably stuck to his decision of not killing Duncan at that time but he would have killed Duncan later. He says this in the end of the scene- â€Å"I am settled and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat.†He even starts making plans of what to do with the daggers after he murders Duncan- â€Å"When we mark with blood those sleepy two.†Fate was also playing its hand at making Macbeth feel that it was his destiny to kill Duncan when Macbeth starts hallucinating and sees a dagger, leading him to Duncan’s room. (â€Å"Is this dagger which I see before me?†) It shows that fate also played its role in trying to push Macbeth into murdering his King. Later, Act Two Scene Two we see Lady Macbeth waiting for Macbeth, who has left to murder Duncan. It is then when she says that she would have killed Duncan herself if he hadn’t looked like her father sleeping. Lady Macbeth did not have the courage to kill someone who looked like her father. â€Å"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t,†says Lady Macbeth. This tells us that she is not as brave and courageous as she made herself sound before, and still had some womanly weaknesses. This would have made Elizabethan audiences feel that although Lady Macbeth is evil and is stronger than her husband in some aspects, she is still the dutiful daughter she should be. This father-daughter relationship was considered very important at that time, and they were also very important in Shakespearean plays. There are many other examples of father daughter relationships in other plays written by Shakespeare, such as Othello and King Lear. When Macbeth arrives after killing Duncan he starts wavering again, he was worried about the consequences of him murdering murder. He was afraid of being judged by God for the evil he had done. Macbeth deeply regrets killing Duncan, and this was his immediate reaction, so he probably never wanted to. This is shown when Macbeth hears the Thanes knocking on Duncan’s bedroom door- â€Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst.†There is also a marked contrast between the reaction of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth once they both have Duncan’s blood on their hands. Macbeth starts going mad with guilt from the sight of the blood, while Lady Macbeth just tells him to wash it off, as if nothing happened. She said that â€Å"My hands are of your colour; but I shame To wear a heart so white.†From the murder onwards all the devious plots and plans were made by Macbeth and not Lady Macbeth. He is the one who kills Banquo, because he knows that Banquo suspects him of foul play. (â€Å"To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus.†). This shows that Macbeth is also quite evil and black hearted and will do anything to be King. From the murder onwards Macbeth is the real driving force and not Lady Macbeth. In conclusion the final responsibility for his actions rests with Macbeth himself. The witches’ predictions did stroke his ambition and Lady Macbeth egged him on to commit acts of perfidy. However Macbeth always had a choice. Witches had predicted that Banquo’s sons would be Kings. Banquo chose to do nothing- leaving matters to fate. Macbeth became Thane of Cawdor by being a loyal subject and he could have chosen to remain so until his destiny ordained him King. He could have easily said that since he was destined to be King it would somehow happen anyway. Instead he chose to murder his King and arranged to kill his best friend. His ambition drives him to rule as a tyrant, and he chose to abandon his former path of duty and honour – which ultimately leads to his downfall and tragic end. Â
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