Monday, September 30, 2019
Beauty and the Beast Essay
The very popular children’s movie â€Å"Beauty and the Beast†was originally a fairy tale written by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont. While the movie holds true to many of the themes displayed in the fairy tale, it falls short in other aspects. In the original fairy tale, the deal between the merchant and Beast is that one of the merchants daughter die in place of the merchant. However in the Disney movie the deal that takes place between Belle and Beast is only that Belle stays in the castle as his prisoner instead of her father. I feel that this takes away from the overall drama of the fairy tale as death seems a much harsher fate than being held prisoner in a mansion. This is of course excluding the fact that Beast never actually intended on killing Belle, although we don’t know what fate would have had in store for the merchant if Belle didn’t volunteer to die in her father’s place. In the original fairy tale, Belle is portrayed as a sort of hero by volunteering to die in her father’s place, but in the movie is portrayed as just a normal woman. In a book written by Betsy Hearne, she wrote â€Å"Structurally, we’ve lost Beauty as hero†¦she who almost killed the Beast with her lack of perception but instead saved him by developing perception becomes an observer of two guys fighting over a girl.†In the original fairy tale, Belle has control over almost everything she does and throughout the story changes how she perceives the Beast. Essentially since Belle controls her emotions and actions, most readers look at her as a type of hero. In the Disney classic there are a lot of situations that Belle does not have control over such as the fight at the end when Gaston and Beast are fighting outside the mansion. Instead of a hero controlling the situation and the outcome of the story, Belle is just left outside watching helplessly. This is also what Hearne believes is happening in society as chauvinism plays a role in day to day life.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Native Son Book Analysis
The Native Son by Richard Wright centers on the character of Bigger Thomas and the violent acts that he commits out of discontentment with his position in society. Throughout the novel, he rapes, murders and fights his way through life. His thoughts are constantly consumed with violent and sadistic imagery. It is the author’s intent to portray Bigger as a mere product of the ghetto. Although there is some development as a character later in the novel for Bigger, he is still a failed human being. His actions and decisions are ghastly and his lack of options ultimately leads to a life of crime. Society is responsible for the criminal behavior of Bigger Thomas. Violence and cruelty are two characteristics that apply to Bigger and support his role as an unsympathetic character. An early scene introduces us to the cruelty that Bigger is capable of. Bigger violently chases a rat and kills the animal with an iron skillet. He terrorizes his sister with the dark body and she faints out of fear. The violence escalates as the narrative continues on. Although Jan and Mary attempt to relate to him, he reacts with violence. While Mary’s murder is not planned, the gruesomeness in the disposal of her body is indisputable. â€Å"The head hung limply on the newspapers, the curly black hair dragging about in blood. He whacked harder, but the head would not come off†¦He saw a hatchet. Yes! That would do it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Wright 70). His brutality continues on after Mary’s death and his most vicious act occurs when he later flees with his girlfriend Bessie. Sensing her fear, he rapes and kills her in an abandon ed building. Not only is his behavior violent, but the allusions to his thoughts are sadistic as well. â€Å"He felt suddenly as though he wanted something solid and heavy in his hand: his gun, a knife, a brick†(Wright 154). The setting of the novel is crucial in understanding the reasons that society is to blame for his violence. The urban areas of the United States during the Great Depression are a place where success is possible for only those who are white and rich; a category that Bigger does not fit into. The novel particularly focuses on the feelings of social unrest that were occurring during this time period. This focus allows the reader to understand how naturalism plays a primary role in the creation of Bigger. Naturalism can be defined as the way a character’s environment influences the character and his actions. Naturalism sets forth the notion that a character is formed and makes choices in response to the environment in which he lives. Bigger has been predestined to become the criminal that he becomes over the course of the novel. Yet he does not embrace this destiny, he is fearful of it. â€Å"The moment a situation became so that it excited somethi ng in him, he rebelled. That was the way he lived; he passed his days trying to defeat or gratify powerful impulses in a world he feared†(Wright 44). In this particular scene, Bigger realizes that he has picked a fight with his friend Gus out of fear of robbing the white shopkeeper. Bigger is angry at his position in society and incensed by the helplessness that he feels. â€Å"I'd soon as go to jail than take that damn relief job†(Wright 32). He is intimidated by whites and reacts with anger when he is forced to deal with them. He does not know how to behave in front of the Daltons and he is unsettled by their manner of speaking. They attempt to be kind to him, but this just fuels his anger and adds to his discomfort. His fury with his family is also apparent. He hates them because they suffer and there is no hope for an improvement in their situation. His hatred derives from the fact that he has the inability to make a better life for them. Bigger allows the crimes that he has committed to give meaning to his life. â€Å"For a little while I was free. I was doing something. It was wrong, but I was feeling all right†¦I killed ’em ’cause I was scared and mad but I been scared and mad all my life and after I killed that first woman, I wasn’t scared no more for a little while†(Wright 185). The reason that Bigger kills is out of fear. After putting a drunken Mary Dalton to bed, he is about to be discovered in a very bad situation: alone with a helpless white girl in her bedroom. Bigger is so afraid of the consequences of being alone with Mary that he kills her. After the murder, he discovers he has finally accomplished something and he is in a way proud of the murder.  â€Å"He felt that he had his destiny in his grasp. He was more alive then he could ever remember having been: his attention and mind were pointed, focused toward the goal†(Wright 141). Symbolism is a device that Wright uses to depict the relationship between blacks and whites in Native Son. The novel opens with the scene of Bigger killing a rat that he has found in his apartment. This act is a summary for the rest of the novel. Bigger and his family are the cornered animals, forced into a situation by the whites of the society. The rat and Bigger are violent with each other as are blacks and whites. Bigger is a mere by product of this relationship that had been the standard in this society. Racism and hatred have caused him to act out in a violent manner. The last section is especially pertinent to the idea that society is responsible for Bigger Thomas. The lawyer Max's effort is not to deny Bigger has killed, but is instead to clarify his own vision of how Bigger became who he is and of how he therefore did what he did. Max tries to explain to whites, the judge and jury, why Bigger is the way that he is. Max tries to make it clear the reasons that society is to blame for Bigger’s actions. The jury proves his point because they will have no part of Max's argument and decides to execute Bigger rather than imprison him. This sentence is virtually anticlimactic in its predictability. â€Å"Although he could not put it into words, he knew not only had they resolved to put him to death, but they were determined to make his death mean more than a mere punishment; that they regarded him as a figment of that black world which they feared and were anxious to keep under control†(Wright 257).  This scene when Bigger realizes that everyone is against him, merely reinforce his awareness of the way that blacks and whites are split within American society. The Native Son is undoubtedly a powerful work that depicts the relationship between blacks and whites in society. This static relationship that is constantly repressing black people is the cause of the criminal actions that those who are reticent commit. Bigger Thomas is an example of the effect of this relationship. He can not be blamed for his actions because he felt cornered and reacted the only way that he knew how. Unfortunately, the novel ends on a pessimistic note. The whites of the jury do not realize their part in the making of Bigger Thomas and decide to sentence him to death. BIBLIOGRAPHY George, Stephen K. â€Å"The Horror of Bigger Thomas: The Perception of Form without Face in Richard Wright's ‘Native Son.'.†African American Review 31.3 (1997): 497+. Hamilton, Sharon. â€Å"Wright's Native Son.†Explicator 55.4 (1997): 227-229. Tuhkanen, Miko Juhani. â€Å"†A (B)igger's Place†: Lynching and Specularity in Richard Wright's â€Å"Fire and Cloud†and ‘Native Son.'.†African American Review 33.1 (1999): 125+. Wright, Richard. Native Son. New York: Harper and Row, 1940.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
There are two topicschoose one of them Coursework - 1
There are two topicschoose one of them - Coursework Example The authors, Carter and Usry (2002), define cost drivers as factors that cause the expense to happen or any factor that is identified with the event of an expense. Examples of cost drivers include machine hours, direct material hours, direct labor hours and so forth. The process of selecting the system most suitable for a business depends on having a clear comprehension of the benefits and limitations of the two primary costing systems. Also known as the conventional method, the traditional costing framework assigns manufacturing overhead costs to the manufactured products. This method assigns a factory’s indirect costs to the manufactured items on the basis of the volume of units produced, the direct labor hours, or the production machine hours. Therefore, with a traditional costing system the implication is that factory overhead costs are dependent on a given cost driver. The application of this assumption was applicable in the past decades because the listed cost drivers were the biggest contributors to manufacturing costs of products. However, in modern times manufacturing overheads have been driven by numerous factors hence the traditional costing system may be misleading in making effective management decisions (Cokins, 1998). Traditional costing systems apply indirect costs to the products by considering a predetermined overhead rate. The process of traditional costing begins with the identification and selection of the indirect costs and estimation of the expenses for the suitable period. The expense period can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly. The cost drivers that relate to the selected costs are then chosen. Similar to the expenses, the amount of the cost driver is evaluated for the suitable period. The estimated cost drivers and estimated expenses are then used to calculate an overhead rate that is then applied to the products using the figured rate. The conventional
Friday, September 27, 2019
Improving a Corporate Tool That Shifts Workload from UK Employees to Essay
Improving a Corporate Tool That Shifts Workload from UK Employees to Sourcing Centers in Emerging Economies - Essay Example Another of its many uses is to help with the investigating of existing third party agreements for internal and customer engagements. Most commonly they are used to source third party contracts& agreements (Great Britain, 40, 2006). Methodology The current problem is discussed below. Hewlett-Packard is one of the leading IT firms worldwide, founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard. HP operates many markets within the technology sector including: PC, Laptops, Personal Printers, Industrial Printers, Storage, Networking, etc. HP has been recognized as a leading IT firm since its early days, however in recent times it has become scandal prone through various CEO changes and bad acquisitions. Since January 2010 until now HP has undergone 4 CEO changes from Mark Hurd (April 2005- August 2010) to Meg Whitman (September 2011 – Present), along with the 4 CEO changes came two major failed acquisitions for HP: Palm Inc. (2010) a struggling mobile phone provider was purchased for $1.2billion, 1 year later Palms Smart phones, tablets &webOS devises where discontinued by HP (Information Resources Management Association, & Khosrowpour, 55, 1997). About the Company and the problem Autonomy acquired for $11.1billion quickly turned out to be overvalued by ?8.8billion and this debt was written off by HP during the last fiscal year 2012.Following these changes HP has been seen as unstable and risky by investors and shareholders, this has reflected in HPs share price by plummeting over %50 in the last 5 years (Hewlett-Packard). Through these struggling times our Voice of the Workforce (VOW) a questionnaire about employees job satisfaction held annually by HP was better than expected but still left room for improvement. The latest VOW from July 2011 –... This essay approves that the benefits of the tool are far much more than the weakness. Therefore, as discussed above, the new tool will increase the efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the turnaround times. This will happen through the following four critical Sourcecon successes; one, the request pipeline will be managed by the GC’s Delivery Assurance team. Two, the BP’s and stakeholders will receive automated notification in case there are any changes in status. This will enable them to timely correct the forms in case of any mistakes. Three, the requests will be automatically directed to the solution owners This report makes a conclusion that to implement Sourcecon, one must first access the GP followed by BUs access. Through the procurement central home page, one will be able to access Sourcecon. Here, there will be detailed interface showing the key roles of the SourceCon requester, recipient assigning manager, recipient solution, GP Strategic Business, Partners/Go to market. In addition, one will be able to access the roles of the CDA. Thus, depending with the interest of the user, he/she will choose the most suitable role. After which, one will be able to access the SourceCon request form. It is this form that must be filled in. after submitting the request form; it is possible to see the submission response. In addition, one will receive any updates and notifications. Usually these are received through the request life cycle. The SourceCon information’s are confidential and cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person. This means that, there is no fear or call for alarm, un like the NRTs.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Review - Essay Example First, we can see a lot of characters in this movie like Captain Jack Sparrow, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Sao Feng, Hector Barbossa, and Davy Jones. Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of the Black Pearl ship and the most notorious pirate on the ocean. Captain Jack Sparrow has the sense of humor that none of the other pirates have. Also, the Black Pearl is the most famous ship on the ocean, and all of the pirates, as well as many in the Royal Navy, know about this ship because it has the most dangerous pirates in the whole world aboard it. The second main character in the movie was William Turner, the brave blacksmith-turned-pirate in town, who always helped the weak and the poor people when he can. William Turner was the hero in this movie. The third character is Elizabeth Swann, the beautiful governor’s daughter, who ends up marrying William Turner by the end of this film. Elizabeth has helped William out of a lot of situations, and she also saves him from death many times. However, her love for him causes him to die at the end of this film, though a sudden plot twist brings him back. The fourth character is Captain Sao Feng. Sao Feng was the Pirate Lord of the South China Sea until his death during the third film. He was bold man, albeit a bit immoral. He has a very weird body and a scary face that makes you scream when you first see it. The fifth character is Captain Hector Barbossa, who is the Pirate Lord of the Sea. He seemed to have an apple addiction, which was an interesting characteristic for a rum-soaked pirate. Barbossa has a monkey named Jack; this monkey travels with him all the time and seemed to have taken the place of a potential son. The last important character is Davy Jones. Davy Jones was born in Scotland; very little else is known about his youth and childhood. He fell in love with Calypso, the Goddess of the sea, many years ago. It was Calypso
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Operational Risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Operational Risk management - Essay Example For chemical agents, hazard is distinct by biologic activity possible - cell obliteration, change or metabolic interference (Teneyuca, D, 2001, pp. 54-59). Exposure is the quantity of the substance available for uptake into the life form. For a physical agent, the danger is defined by the scale of the agent's aptitude to release or broadcast energy to the life form. Exposure is the incidence to which the life form is exposed to the manager. Become a documented business advisor to management by thinking deliberately. Focus on how EHS initiatives and savings contribute to better employee physical condition and safety, and at the similar occasion, add to business procedure improvements, client satisfaction, and productivity, manufactured goods quality, commerce growth and, in the end, enhanced financial presentation. In this piece of writing, we desire to focus on the part of a plan that eliminates operational risk. Operational risk and improved security performance are two sides of the similar coin. Risk, risk receipt and risk management are issues decision-making management can appreciate because it is akin to commerce risk, which they contract with routinely. Business risk is a multiplicative association flanked by the value of assets and the exposure of those assets to business and monetary markets. Risk Assessment and Management According to the expert analysis Wharton (1992) concludes that risk appraisal is the articulation of risks in terms of their probability and seriousness. Risks should be concentrating on from the create of a project, at theoretical stages and then watched intimately as scheme go on. Insight in to early project factors probable to threaten project success determination help project mangers and other stakeholders to better forecast the probability of their projects achievement (Proccaccino, 2002). Many organisations approximately the world enumerate risks of new IT infrastructures based on risk organization techniques quite that just happening on a scheme. This is due to the disaster cause by IT failures in the past (Yourdon, E and Constantine, L, 2005). A typical instance would be the London Ambulance armed forces effort to mechanize ambulances at dangerous periods around London, which misshapen when brought online, no risk appraisal or unforeseen event was developed to run and resol ve risks. Poor supplies are involved in most scheme failures (Verner, 2002). The requirements require to be addressed by risk assessment and organization techniques. Risk organization, the process of commerce with the recognized and assessed risks (Wharton 1992). Risk organization techniques and methodologies can be put into practice inside organisations to battle risks at the early stage of the lifecycle, for instance at the start and assortment stages, risk analysis identifies risks and then at the assessment stages of IT project, risks organization can be criticised and better for the prospect. Proactive and Reactive Approaches to Risk Management Risk assessment and danger evaluation at the start stages can take shape in two dissimilar ways. Firstly risks can be recognized by the organization in a reactive way, this is at what time risks are merely combated
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Performance and Risks Management Study of Cobham plc 2312 Essay
Performance and Risks Management Study of Cobham plc 2312 - Essay Example Each of the four division offer range of products and service to the three different categories of end markets. Cobham’s US Defence/ security market, non-US Defence/ security Markets and commercial markets with 47%, 28% and 35% of the total market share as depicted from the image below (Cobham Plc. 2014): The consistent growth is acquired with its strategy of continuous improvement, transformation of business through Excellence in Delivery (EiD); and maintaining focus on the core market of second and third tiers of the defense, security market, commercial aerospace, land and marine market etc; and finally and divesting non-core businesses (Cobham Plc, 2015d; Cobham Plc, 2012). Global market share is presented below: The industry of the Cobham is highly complex in its characteristics. At one end, it is highly fragmented, facing high level of consolidation, strategic interdependency (ECORYS, 2009) and impact of loaming budgets (ATKearney, 2013). While on the other hand, the company defines opportunities and its respective position in the industry as follows: According to the annual report 2013, the company offers technologies that are technically diverse and are innovated to facilitate the diverse needs of the customers (Cobham Plc, 2012). Five years’ revenue trends is as follows: As graph above shows that the company has increased its sales except the CDS due to the slippage in the defense and security programs in USA (Cobham Plc, 2010). However, increasing margins from transformation under EiD program, acquisitions, and redefining scope and renaming of Aerospace and Security as Communications and Connectivity; from CAS; offset impact (Cobham Plc, 2013). Also anticipated decline in the defense sector by 2.5% while appreciation in the demand from the commercial sector by 25% in future years (Deloitte, 2015); has played its role. Cobham’s ranks
Monday, September 23, 2019
Controls for Outflows Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Controls for Outflows - Essay Example This will ensure that the employees are paid according to the amount of work done and will prevent payment for hours not worked for. The employees must sign the time card every day and a supervisor must subsequently approve the card. After approving the time card, the supervisor should then forward the records to the payroll department for preparation of the salaries. Secondly, the Apollo limited must ensure that their personnel department records all the information regarding the new employees, removal of names of employees whose contracts have been terminated, and adjustment of all variations in the employee pay rate. A supervisor must also approve these changes before the information is taken to the payroll department. Third, the payroll department must maintain all deductions that are made on employees’ remuneration for example loan repayment, taxation and any other deductions that are made. A different employee must be give the mandate to recomputed the deductions and make any corrections or anomalies. The employees should the sign the payroll form for all the deductions made on their salaries. After all the deductions are calculated, the payroll department prepares a multicopy payroll register with information from the time card and information on payroll record where all deductions are indicated on employees pay (Romney & Steinbart, 2006). Another form is then prepared indicating gross pay, all deduction, net pay, and the employees take this form home as pay slip. A different employee then recomputes the gross pay and deductions to make any correction reacquired before the employees are paid. The payroll department sends the payroll register to the accounts payable department where a voucher is prepared on each pay slip received. The department then prepares the required cheques, which are sent to the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Executed Activity Plan with detailed Evaluation Essay
Executed Activity Plan with detailed Evaluation - Essay Example The behavior of Tina as to tend to avoid or ignore rules as well as the ability to participate more freely in the activity was the main guiding factor, when this was mapped on the EYFS, to develop a short term plan for her activity since her case was one of little details of ignoring rules. Tina’s age, developmental needs as well as other interests were also factored in. The plan developed for Tina, as earlier defined, was a short term. Short term plan is one that is frequently drawn and changed on a regular basis and is aimed and identify development in a specific concept or perspective (Department for Children, School and Families 2008). The short term plan can be done on a daily or weekly basis and will strive to assess the rate of integration of newly learnt concepts by a child. In designing and developing an ideal childhood development plan, that is effective, it was important that it follows a specific guideline which would ensure all the objectives therein, were achieve d. The system or plan so developed was able to continuously monitor the improvements, stagnation or decline in the development of the child. A better plan is that which provides checks or screening modalities which will be able to identify any abnormalities as soon as they occur (Education, E. C, 2010). Therefore, the system should be comprehensive enough, and be able to use information or observations noted, in making instructional decisions directed towards improving the child’s development curve. Consequently, the plan used in activated child development should be one that is consistent across settings, though, may be adapted to contain specific needs and demands of a given child. The progress of the child should not be specific but should include all the parameters of development as well. During observation of the children taking part in the foot painting activity, various critical points developed to incorporate in the plan. In the course of the play, Tina had shown an i nterest in working with the paints and manipulating colors which was actually a child’s own initiative. It was therefore important to keep the interest of the child while guiding the child to follow instructions and rules of the activities (Moyles 1998). The rules and instructions are the duty of adults in the development of the child since they give and ensure the rules are followed. The reason the instructions were not followed was probably because there was no keen listening or the message of the instructions were not decoded correctly. The role of the adults in the playing activity was to set the physical environment and prevent injuries from occurring. They also had to ensure the playing rules were followed. Children try to discover their abilities as they strive to be better than each other. In this activity, adult’s role was to explain the rules and instructions to be followed to the children. The tables were set with everything the children required and in the right sequence, so that they would obtain them without much difficult. The children were guided by answering their questions (McLachlan & Fleer, 2010). Parts of the rules were also explained to the children who did not understand while allowing them to work on their own. Demonstrations were conducted to show the children, especially in the case of Tina, to help in achieving certain details in their modeling which they did not know. Instructions were given at each
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Force Increases, As Will The Acceleration Essay Example for Free
The Force Increases, As Will The Acceleration Essay Prediction: In this experiment, I predict that as the force increases, as will the acceleration. Therefore, as the force decreases the acceleration decreases. I can also predict that the force and acceleration of an object are directly proportional, meaning that if the force was to be doubled, then the acceleration would also double. I can predict this using Newtons second law of motion. Newtons second Law of motion: Force = Mass x Acceleration (N) (kg) m/s (variable) (measurement) In simple terms, this means that if the force is to increase then the acceleration must also increase because the mass multiplied by the acceleration must equal the force. The equation, like many others can be re-arranged in order to show a possible prediction for the value in m/s that the acceleration will be the subject of the equation. Acceleration = Force (Mass / 0.400kg) Mass Weight is a force. Weight is quite oftenly confused with mass, however each one differs to the other. Mass is measured in kilograms (kg). The weight of an object only concerns the amount of matter an object is made up of. In contrast to the mass of an object, the weight of an object regards how much it is being pulled down to the centre of the earth through gravity. Weight is a force and is measured in Newtons (N). Diagram of apparatus: The experiment that was carried out occurs when a slider is pulled through two light gates via a weighted pulley upon a soft bed of air to minimalise friction powered by a vacuum connected to the air track. When the rider breaks the beam produced from Light gate 1, a recording is began by a computer linked up to both light gates. Once the rider cuts through the second light gate, then the timer on the computer steps automatically as the light gates can relay a signal to the computer. A computer is used rather than the naked eye because the computer can be precise to 2 decimal places (d.p). Once the slide has passed through both light gates, it is moved around both light gates and the experiment is repeated. The variable for this investigation is force, that is controlled through the weights used n the pulley. The weights are changed at five separate times, at each time a different weight is used. My variables are as follows: 0.02 N , 0.03 N , 0.07 N , 0.08 N , 0.12 N ( N = Newtons) The values I chose are all the smallest possible values that I am able to create. In relation to safety, there are no specific safety issues that come to into play during this particular investigation, however behavior around the apparatus and the laboratory is always considered a safety issue. The factors that are necessary to maintain as constants throughout the experiment in order to keep a high degree of accuracy are: * Straight light gates (equidistant 40cm apart) * Same starting point of the rider ( 5cm before the initial light gate) * Mass of the rider (0.400kg) The light gates are required to be equidistant (40cm apart) and level in order to keep the test so accurate readings can be recorded. The mass of the rider must also be mentained at exactly 0.400 kg because a slight chance in the weight will cause a change in the acceleration of the rider can result in widespread and inconsistent results. It is also important to mention the starting point of the rider that must remain constant in order for the rider to pass through each light gate at the same speed during each repeat reading recorded. In addition to these points of accuracy, there are others, which have sufficient relevance to the experiment. The level at which the air track is must be kept horizontal so that the rider has neither too longer, or too shorter acceleration value that is recorded due to the slider being against or along the gradient of the air track. This can be simply modified by adjusting the track then leaving the rider without a weight and switch on the air track, if the rider remains stationary then the air track is horizontal. The experiment will be measured on 3 occasions for each variable, these repeat readings will be averaged out into a single figure to gain an accurate set of results. To prepare for the investigation, a preliminary test was carried out in order to discover which mass of the rider produced the most accurate results. To do this, the lightest mass of the rider was used with the lightest and heaviest weights (0.020N lightest) and (0.170N heaviest). The masses of the rider were the largest possible (0.400 kg) and the smallest possible ( 0.200kg). The results showed me that the lighter the mass of the rider, the wider the range of results that I recorded. In contrast, the heavier the mass of the rider was, the more reliable my results were because they provided the smallest range. This meant that I chose the heaviest possible weight of the rider possible, which was 0.400kg. Skill area O (Obtaining The Results): FORCE (N) MASS (KG) Acceleration ( m / s ) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average 0.02 0.400 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.400 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.400 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.08 0.400 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.12 0.400 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 Skill area E : Evaluation: My results throughout my investigation, were very accurate. The spread of my repeat readings were very small, each reading for each strength of force were close together shown a high level of accuracy throughout the investigation. All my average points that I recorded are close to the best-fit line that I have drawn, which suggests that all my results have been accurately recorded and displayed in my analysis and obtaining evidence sections. The procedures to which I applied my investigation were suitable because I was able to produce an accurate set of results with relative ease. In my opinion, my evidence can support a sufficient conclusion that as that the force upon on object is directly proportional to its acceleration produced. My results were tested over a reasonable range and are considered accurate as they fit in with my initial theory and also they fit in with my initial predictions that I was able to produce. I was able to produce these predictions by re-arranging Newtons second law to show me what the acceleration of an object can b equal to in terms of its force and mass. (Old equation) Force = Mass x Acceleration (N) (kg) m/s (variable) (measurement) (New, Re-arranged equation) Acceleration = Force (mass / 0.400kg) Mass I have a range of values for my force, I inputted each one of these values to gain predicted results. (When force = 0.02) : 0.02 = 0.05 (Actual average = 0.05) 0.400 (When force = 0.03) : 0.03 = 0.075 (Actual average = 0.07) 0.400 (When force = 0.07) : 0.07 = 0.175 (Actual average = 0.08) 0.400 (When force = 0.08) : 0.08 = 0.20 (Actual average = 0.20) 0.400 (When force = 0.12) : 0.12 = 0.30 (Actual average = 0.31) 0.400 As the above figures display clearly, my results are all highly accurate and sufficiently support my prediction and theory. All that remains is to discuss how I can extend my investigation. The obvious point that springs to mind is to gather further results to obtain an exceptionally high level of accuracy. However, I can also look to change my variable from the force to the mass of the rider. I can do this by investigating the relationship between the mass and force on a rider to give me additional information. I can carry out these tests in the same manner as I have discussed for this particular investigation, but changing the variables used. I will use a range of variables that will aid me complete my investigation reaching sufficient conclusions.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Importance of Risk Management
The Importance of Risk Management Risk management is an important part of decision making process in a construction company. Risk can affect productivity, performance, quality, and budget of a construction project. This chapter gives an overview of construction project risks. Meanwhile, risks in construction project will be recognized and classified into several groups. Furthermore, the current trend in risk management researches will also be discussed in this chapter. It is very important to elaborate risks in construction projects for the purpose of this project paper as to fulfil the first objective of this research, which is to identify and classify the risks in construction projects. Risk is defined as the chance of an adverse event depending on the circumstances (Butler, 1982). Risk is perceived as the potential for unwanted or negative consequences of an event or activity'(Rowe, 1977 ), a combination of hazard and exposure (Chicken and Posner, 1998). Recent research tends to emphasize the two-edged nature of risks, such as a threat and a challenge'(Flanagan and Norman, 1993), the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives; may have a positive or negative impact'(AS/NZS, 2004), combination of the probability or frequency of occurrence of a defined threat or opportunity and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence. This study examines mainly the negative impacts of risks inherent in construction projects through a combined consideration of the likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of consequence. Risk management is a system which aims to identify and quantify all risks to which the business or project is exposed so that a conscious decision can be taken on how to manage the risks'(Flanagan and Norman, 1993). PMBOK included risk management as one of the nine focuses in project management and described it as the processes concerned with conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, responses, and monitoring and control on a project. Recently, AS/NZS defined risk management as the culture, processes and structures that are directed towards realizing potential opportunities whilst managing adverse effects'(AS/NZS, 2004). In line with these definitions, risk management in the construction project management context is a systematic way of identifying, analysing and dealing with risks associated with a project in an aim to achieve the project objectives (Zou et al., 2007). Owing to its increasing importance, risk management has been recognized as a necessity in toda ys construction industry, and a set of techniques and strategies have been developed to control the influences brought by potential risks (Zou et al., 2007). A variety of risk and risk-related definitions are applied to construction projects, and no standard definitions or procedures exist for what constitutes a risk assessment. In the construction industry, risk is often referred to as the presence of potential or actual treats or opportunities that influence the objectives of a project during construction, commissioning, or at time of use (RAMP, 1998). Risk is also defined as the exposure to the chance of occurrences of events adversely or favourably affecting project objectives as a consequence of uncertainty (Al-Bahar and Crandall, 1990). According to (Walewski and Gibson, 2003) as mentioned by Dias and Ioannou (1995) , there are two types of risk: 1) pure risk when there is the possibility of financial loss but no possibility of financial gain, and 2) speculative risk that involves the possibility of both gains and losses. CIIs definitive work on construction risks (Diekmann et al., 1998) uses classic operations research literature t o distinguish the concepts of risk, certainty, and uncertainty, and is consistent with the literature (ASCE, 1979; CIRA, 1994; Kangari, 1995; Hastak and Shaked, 2000; PMI, 2001; Smith, 2001) on what is considered as the sequential procedures for construction risk management: 1) identification, 2) assessment, 3) analysis of impact, and 4) management response. Increased concerns about project risk have given rise to various attempts to develop risk management methodologies. An example of such is the Risk Analysis and Management of Projects (RAMP) method produced by the Institute of Civil Engineers and the Institute of Actuaries in the United Kingdom (RAMP, 1998) . This method uses a project framework to identify and mitigate risk by using the accepted framework of risk identification and project controls by focusing on risks as they occur during the project life cycle. It requires users to follow a rational series of procedures and to undertake this analysis at scheduled intervals during the life cycle of a project. Traditional risk assessment for construction has been synonymous with probabilistic analysis (Liftson and Shaifer, 1992, Al-Bahar and Crandall, 1990). Such approaches require events to be mutually exclusive, exhaustive, and conditionally independent. However, construction involves many variables, and it is often difficult to determine causality, dependence and correlations. As a result, subjective analytical methods that rely on historical information and the experiences of individuals and companies have been used to assess the impact of construction risk and uncertainty (Bajaj et al., 1997). Project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality (i.e., where the project time objective is to deliver in accordance with the agreed-upon schedule; where the project cost objective is to deliver within the agreed-upon cost; etc.). A risk may have one or more causes and, if it occurs, one or more impacts. For example, a cause may be requiring an environmental permit to do work, or having limited personnel assigned to design the project. The risk event is that the permitting agency may take longer than planned to issue a permit, or the design personnel available and assigned may not be adequate for the activity. If either of these uncertain events occurs, there may be an impact on the project cost, schedule, or performance. Risk conditions could include aspects of the projects or organizations environment that may contribute to project risk, such as poor proje ct management practices, lack of integrated management systems, concurrent multiple projects, or dependency on external participants who cannot be controlled. Successful project management requires the identification of the factors impacting project scope definition, cost, schedule, contracting strategy and work execution plan. However much of the research related to risk identification, assessment and management for constructed facilities is focused on specifics such as location, categories of risks aspects, or types of projects. For example lists of relevant construction project risks have been developed (Kangari, 1995, RAMP, 1998, Smith, 1999, Hastak and Shaked, 2000, Diekmann et al., 1998) as well as political risk are available (Ashley and Bonner, 1987, Howell, 2001) . The value of systematic risk management of project activity is not fully recognized by the construction industry (Walewski et al., 2002) . Since no common view of risk exists, owners, investors, designers, and constructors have differing objectives and adverse relationships between the parties are common. Attempts at coordinating risk analysis management between all of the project participants have not been formalized and this is especially true between contractors and owners. (Hayes et al., 1987) defined three phases for risk management process (RMP), namely: risk identification; risk analysis and risk response. (Uher and Toakley, 1999) indicated that out of three phases involved in risk management, the concept of risk identification appears to be the most known and practiced. (Lam, 1999), in his paper which discussed risks associated with major infrastructure projects, and defined risk identification as listing of most, if not all, the potential areas where an undesired outcome may result. Such listing should be done at the earliest possible stage of the project. Furthermore, the author listed some techniques that could be used in risk identification such as brain storming, prompt lists, structured interviews and hindsight reviewers. Another useful method is to simulate events and relationships using a hypothetical project life cycle so that the relevant risk factors are made apparent. Risk identification is normally done in a group.(Chapman, 1997) introduced three methods for risk identification, namely: brain storming; Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and Delphi. These are ways to collect judgments from the project team. However, brainstorming was the most commonly cited technique. (Tummala and Burchett, 1999) defined Risk Management Process (RMP) as a logically, consistent and structured approach to enumerate and understand possible risk factors and to assess their consequences and uncertainties.(Chapman, 1997) stated that a formal (RMP) should be applied at all stages in the project lifecycle by project owners and contractors. Alternatively, the process is referred to by many authors as (PRAM) Project Risk Analysis and Management. However, it is the authors opinion that (PRAM) and (RMP) are similar terms for the same concept and can be used interchangeably. (Uher and Toakley, 1999) resented a paper discussing the use of risk management in the conceptual phase of the construction project development cycle where uncertainty is at its peak. Furthermore, (Cano and Cruz, 2002) explained a generic risk management process to be undertaken by organizations with the highest level of risk management maturity in the largest and most complex construction projects. As a final validation, Delphi analysis was applied to assess the risk management methodology. (Fang et al., 2004) presented a risk assessment model for tendering of Chinese building projects on the basis of identification and evaluation of the major risk events in the Chinese construction market. The findings showed that the risk of a project can be assessed through analysis of factors such as: owner type; source of project financing; existence or lack of cooperation between contractors and the owner; the intensity of competition for tendering and the reasonableness of the bid price. (Charoenngam and Yeh, 1999) stipulated the importance of a proper contractual foundation to ensure successful project execution, especially in case of projects involving multidisciplinary teams.(Thompson and Perry, 1992) addressed the necessity of model or standard sets of conditions of contracts where risk is allocated to different contract parties, but the principals behind this allocation have not been stated . Construction contracts are one of the primary vehicles of risk allocation and management, Ibbs et al. (1986). Furthermore, (Bubshait and Almohawis, 1994) stated that when a contractor is working in an unfamiliar construction environment, one source of risk is the contract conditions. There is significant evidence in the literature that checklists are the most commonly used methods of risks identification.(Uher and Toakley, 1999, Akintoye and MacLeod, 1997, Simister, 1998), all stated that checklists recorded the highest use among practitioners of risk management as compared to other techniques. (Uher and Toakley, 1999) stated that the most commonly applied risk identification techniques were checklists, brainstorming and flowcharts. Other techniques such as questionnaires, scenarios building and case based approaches were less popular, while techniques such as influence diagrams and Hazop were largely unknown. (Akintoye and MacLeod, 1997) on the basis of the results of a survey of risk management techniques conducted on general contractors and project management firms, stated that checklists based on intuition, judgment and experience recorded the highest formality with the respondents. The authors also stated that checklists could not be considered as a formal technique. (Simister, 1998) indicated that traditional methods are still favored in the UK, even though the level of awareness of other formal and more complex techniques is high. The study listed 12 techniques and indicated a percentage of the current/past use as well as the level of awareness for each technique. Checklists were the most popular technique, followed by Monte Carlo Simulation, Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT), Sensitivity Analysis and Decision Trees. (Hassanein and Afify, 2007) in their study about Risk management practices of contractors: a case study of power station projects in Egypt identified a marked lack of consistency in the contractors risk identification effort. Contractors possessing past experience in Egypt were far better able to identify the relevant risks. On the other hand, local Egyptian contractors with vast experience in Egypt but limited project management experience were shown to lack the necessary expertise to properly identify risks and to take the appropriate exceptions. Furthermore, the results revealed that bidders do not include in their proposals their true lists of exceptions which represent genuine risks to them.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Personal Narrative- Improved Writing Essay -- Personal Narrative
My first real writing experience happened my junior year at HHS. It was the second to last day of school of my sophomore year, and I happened to be flipping through the course descriptions book, and was thinking of an English class to take next year. Well, I sat there and sat there thumbing through the pages, and finally, one particular class appealed to me. I thought, "WOW, this is a class I should take!" "Yeah right," but I still decided to register for American Lit.anyway. Well, the school year finally ended, and I wasn’t too happy for next year’s school year to begin. "I mean, American Lit. was going to be boring with all the reading, not to mention all the writing, too." But I didn’t consider the writing to be a big problem, because I had gotten to be pretty good at it by my junior year, or so I thought. To move on, the summer didn’t last long enough for me. I had tons of fun being at the cabin, fishing and stuff. But the thought of going back to school bothered me, so that kind of ruined my summer. And before I knew it, I was lying in bed the night before my first day of "hell" tossing and turning all night because I knew I was doomed for the next nine months of my life. "Finally," I said as I woke up after two hours of sleep, "let’s get this over with." I ran out the door without breakfast, and I was already fifteen minutes late by the time I got to school. I walked into my first class. It sucked. I walked into my second class, and that also sucked! American Lit. was next. "I don’t even know why I registered for this," I thought as I strolled into the classroom and took my seat way in the back. The teacher then walked in and said her name was Ms.Schmidt. "Man, she looks pretty damn old," I said under my bre... ...o work through this nasty theme habit. "Now that we have gone over pretty much everything I know about writing a good paper," my teacher said after six months of afterschool sessions, "I want you to write one paper for me, one that will show me my time wasn’t wasted with you." So I went back to my very first paper on Hester Prynne, and rewrote it. I came back the next day, turned it in, and anxiously awaited her comments. "What is takin’ so long for her to read my frickin’ paper?" I asked myself. Fifteen minutes later she was finally done. "My time wasn’t wasted with you. This paper shows me your creativeness as a writer. How you related Hester Prynne’s character to someone you know was really interesting. This paper held my attention throughout its’ entirety. I can’t say enough about your dramatic improvement in writing. I am really proud of you, Alex." Personal Narrative- Improved Writing Essay -- Personal Narrative My first real writing experience happened my junior year at HHS. It was the second to last day of school of my sophomore year, and I happened to be flipping through the course descriptions book, and was thinking of an English class to take next year. Well, I sat there and sat there thumbing through the pages, and finally, one particular class appealed to me. I thought, "WOW, this is a class I should take!" "Yeah right," but I still decided to register for American Lit.anyway. Well, the school year finally ended, and I wasn’t too happy for next year’s school year to begin. "I mean, American Lit. was going to be boring with all the reading, not to mention all the writing, too." But I didn’t consider the writing to be a big problem, because I had gotten to be pretty good at it by my junior year, or so I thought. To move on, the summer didn’t last long enough for me. I had tons of fun being at the cabin, fishing and stuff. But the thought of going back to school bothered me, so that kind of ruined my summer. And before I knew it, I was lying in bed the night before my first day of "hell" tossing and turning all night because I knew I was doomed for the next nine months of my life. "Finally," I said as I woke up after two hours of sleep, "let’s get this over with." I ran out the door without breakfast, and I was already fifteen minutes late by the time I got to school. I walked into my first class. It sucked. I walked into my second class, and that also sucked! American Lit. was next. "I don’t even know why I registered for this," I thought as I strolled into the classroom and took my seat way in the back. The teacher then walked in and said her name was Ms.Schmidt. "Man, she looks pretty damn old," I said under my bre... ...o work through this nasty theme habit. "Now that we have gone over pretty much everything I know about writing a good paper," my teacher said after six months of afterschool sessions, "I want you to write one paper for me, one that will show me my time wasn’t wasted with you." So I went back to my very first paper on Hester Prynne, and rewrote it. I came back the next day, turned it in, and anxiously awaited her comments. "What is takin’ so long for her to read my frickin’ paper?" I asked myself. Fifteen minutes later she was finally done. "My time wasn’t wasted with you. This paper shows me your creativeness as a writer. How you related Hester Prynne’s character to someone you know was really interesting. This paper held my attention throughout its’ entirety. I can’t say enough about your dramatic improvement in writing. I am really proud of you, Alex."
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Computer-Based Training :: Technology Essays
Computer-Based Training What is CBT? CBT or Computer Based Training is a difficult term to adequately define because it encompasses various modes of instruction and has evolved from the simplest definition, "The use of computers and multimedia technology for training"( The best definition for CBT is from a 1995 text called Making CBT Happen by Gloria Gery. An interactive learning experience between the learner and computer in which the computer provides the majority of the stimulus, the learner must respond, and the computer analyzes the response and provides feedback to the learner (1995). Although this definition is quite dated, and CBT has evolved considerably since 1995, it adequately describes the key roles the computer and the learner have in the process. CBT (Computer Based Training) can encompass any type of training that involves a learner interacting with a computer. This means that Web Based Training, Interactive Distance Learning, and Intranet can also fall under the CBT definition. For brevity of this paper, we will only look at the CBT modules used on CD-ROM and LAN (Local Area Network). To expound on this definition, one must accurately define Interactive Learning Experience as it relates to training. There are many forms of interactive learning experiences in training. These would include: Interactive practice exercises to incorporate a skill Interactive case studies simulating situations in which the learner applies previously acquired knowledge Interactive role plays in which people can practice new behaviors, approaches, techniques Interactive drills in which learners can prove mastery levels and move along the learning continuum from familiarization to automatic operation and fluency Interactive tests in which the learner can interactively assess their own progress to demonstrate competence or achieve confidence in their own knowledge and skill (Gery, 1995). I would also add that along with the interactive learning experience CBT modules also have administrative qualities. Most CBT programs can register learners based on their status through particular career learning paths, as well as, store the learner's progress of the modules within a database. "There is a record keeping feature that can save time, maintain accurate training records, and diagnose training deficiencies" (Congram, 1995). CBT Advantages and Disadvantages Computer-Based Training modules have many advantages. First, there is the cost issue. For companies who have facilities on a national or even international scale, CBT is the most cost- effective way to train.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Kines Final Review
What are the 3 functions of the Menisci? 10. Which menisci Is shaped Like an â€Å"O†and which one Is shaped Like a â€Å"C†? 11. What are the 3 different zones of the menisci and what is the difference between each of these zones? 12. What are the two Excruciate ligaments? 13. Where does the PC attach on the femur? Where does the PC attach on the Tibia? 14. Where does the CAL attach on the femur? Where does the CAL attach on the tibia? 15. During non-weight bearing, what does the CAL prevent? During weight bearing, what does the CAL prevent? 16. During non-wealth bearing, what does the PC revert?During weight bearing. What does the PC prevent? 17. What force does the MAC prevent? What force does the LLC prevent? 18. Which muscles are our main hip fellers? 19. What does it mean for a muscle to be a 2-Joint muscle? 20. What are the names of our four quad muscles? Which ones affect both the hip and the knee? 21 . What are the names of the 3 hamstring muscles? 22. How do we manage or treat a quadriceps contusion? 23. For a hip dislocation, the leg will be In a position. 24. How do we manage a femur fracture? 25. Why are females more prone to CAL tears? 6.What is another name for a PC sprain? And 27. What are the common signs and symptoms of a maniacal lesion? 28. What is the difference between Osgood-Clatterers and Larsen-Johansson Disease? 29. What Is Patella Altar? What Is Patella Baja? 30. What are other names for Gene Vulgar and Gene Vary? Chapter 19- The Ankle and Lower Leg 1 . What are the four bones that make up the ankle? Ligaments are on the medial side of the ankle? 4. What are the names of the tarsal bones? 5. What are the four compartments of the lower leg and what muscles are in each compartment? 6.What two motions make up the actions probation and suppuration of the ankle? 7. Describe what pees caves and pees planks are. 8. What are the two phases of the gait cycle and what motions make up these two phases? 9. What is a more common nam e for hall values? 10. How do we manage hall values? 11. What Joints are involved in a Hammer Toe? 12. What Joints are involved in Mallet toe? 13. What Joints are involved in claw toe? 14. What is the etiology for turf toe? 15. How do we manage or treat an ingrown toenail? 16. What are the three different types of compartment syndrome? 7. What type of ankle sprain is the most common? 18. What are the signs and symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Rupture? 19. What is a more common name for Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome? 20. Define a Jones Fracture. Chapters 20-24 and 26-27- General Medical Conditions 1 . What is another name for syncope? 2. What are some signs and symptoms of syncope? 3. What is another name for Sudden Cardiac Death? 4. What are some red flags for Sudden Cardiac Death? 5. What is Commotion Cord's and how does it occur? 6. Compare and Contrast a Generalized Seizure and a Partial or Focal Seizure. 7.How do we manage or treat seizures? . What are some things that can trigger an Asthma Attack? 9. What are signs and symptoms of Asthma? 10. Compare and Contrast Type I and Type II Diabetes Mellitus. 11. What are some signs and symptoms of Diabetes? 12. What is Hyperglycemia? What are some signs and symptoms? 13. What is Hypoglycemia? What are some signs and symptoms? 14. What is the difference between food poisoning and the Flu? 15. What is normal body temperature? What is a low-grade fever? What is a high-grade fever? 16. What is the difference between a bacterial infection and a viral infection? 7. What is mononucleosis? How do we get it? 18. What are the signs and symptoms of Mononucleosis? 19. What is Seer's Sign? 20. What does OSHA stand for? 21 . What are some of our personal precautions for bloodstone pathogens? 22. What are two different types of Menstrual Irregularities? 23. What is the female athlete triad? 1 . What is triangulation? 2. What gland controls triangulation? 3. What are the five different types of heat exchange or production? 4. When should we begin hydrating for activities? 5. How do we check hydration levels? 6. What are the recommendations for hydration? 7.What are common signs and symptoms of dehydration? 8. How do we manage dehydration? 9. Why do we need to replace our fluid and electrolytes? 10. What is acclimatization? 1 1 . Who are more susceptible to heat illnesses? 12. What is hyperthermia? What is hypothermia? 13. What is heat rash? 14. What is heat syncope? 15. What causes exertion heat cramps? 16. What are common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion? How do we treat it? 17. What are common signs and symptoms of heat stroke? How do we treat it? 18. What is exertion hypothermia? 19. What is frost nip? 20. What are signs and symptoms of frostbite? . How do we treat cold injuries? 22. What do we do if there is lightning? 23. What is the flash to bang theory? Chapter 29- Dermatology 1 . What three things can cause skin infections? 2. What four things does the skin do for us? 3. What are signs and sympto ms of bacterial infections? 4. What is follicles? 5. What is MRS.? What are the dangers of not treating MRS.? 6. How do we manage bacterial infections? 7. How do we prevent fungal infections? 8. What is tinge piped? 9. What is tinge capitals? 10. What causes fungal infections and how do we treat fungal infections?
Monday, September 16, 2019
Darkness from Within: Analyzing Hawthorne’s Essay
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is a chilling exploration of how a man could project upon others his own darkness. Through a pact with the Devil, Goodman Brown becomes obsessed with the supposed sins of the townspeople. Hawthorne utilized many symbolisms to depict how Goodman Brown transformed into â€Å"a stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man did he become†(91). To use a word descriptive of many people today, Goodman Brown became a cynic. So when he died, the townspeople â€Å"carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone, for his dying hour was gloom†(92). At the start of the story, Goodman Brown was a naive young man who has just been married. He has a dream in which he sees all the best people in the village, including his wife. Presumably, in his experience with sex in his newly-married state, the sexuality  the human quality  of everyone, including his wife, his parents, his minister, and his teachers, dawns on him in a traumatic way in that he has always been taught by his Puritan teachers that the flesh is sinful. However, Goodman Brown had seen both the best and the worst in human nature. In this process, Goodman loses his â€Å"faith†and his love and chooses to believe the worst. The story did not tell everything as easy because readers are enjoined to assume that Goodman Brown’s former innocence had been derived from ignorance, as knowledge comes to him with so much intensity that he is not able to excuse himself for the ignorance that he had. And he blames everyone else because none of them told him these things before. In short, he wants to have had divine knowledge, and he thus challenges the way of things in every respect. Just by being human, people he sees through his loveless eyes transform into witches. Those who have this loveless view of others have already, ironically, partaken of the devil’s baptism. Like Brown, they forever after will be â€Å"more conscious of the secret guilt of others, both in deed and thought, than they could now be of their own†(91). Reading â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is a good motivation for examining point of view  the way we see other people. The result is a reversal of roles between good and evil, which is like the reversal that occurred after the hysteria of 1692 whereby the â€Å"witches†were perceived as martyrs and the accusers and condemners were seen as persecutors. Hawthorne is interested in what people’s points of view and judgment tell us about them, so the focus in the discussion of witchcraft is primarily on those who see witchcraft in others. The story is rich in symbolisms thst make up what it lacks in physical descriptions, which contributes to its reader’s puzzlement that more often becomes fear. In the story, we only know that Faith has a â€Å"pretty head†(83); that Goodman Brown is young; that Goody Cloyse is â€Å"a female figure†(85) who cackles; that Martha Carrier is â€Å"a rampant hag†(90); that the crowd in the forest is â€Å"a grave and dark-clad company†(89). The reason why Hawthorne avoids particulars in this story is because the unreality and vagueness increase the nightmarish atmosphere of the story. For instance, why is Faith’s â€Å"pink ribbons†is mentioned five times in all? What is the meaning of the appearance of the ribbons in the woods? It would seem to be a concrete evidence that something bad occurred to her. Fogle (1964, p. 18) suggested otherwise: â€Å"If Goodman Brown is dreaming the ribbon may be taken as part and parcel of his dream. . . This pink ribbon appears in his wife’s hair once more as she meets his on his return to Salem the next morning†. For me, what’s more frightening in Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is not the devil, the witchcraft or even Brown’s solitary walk through the forest at dusk, but it is the contrast between Brown’s innocence and the evil that he comes to learn is hidden in his very own community. Works Cited Fogle, Robert Harter. Hawthorne’s Fiction: The Light and Dark (Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1964). Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Young Goodman Brownâ€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Impact of Mother-Son Relationship Essay
In the advent of single-parenthood within the nation and along with the controversial emergence of the reproductive health bill as a major feature of the year 2008, an attempt to look into the increasing concern on the population increase serves as the starting point for this study. The researches felt the need to conduct further study on the said domain, specifically focusing on the development of the sons who were raised by single mothers. The general objective of the current study is to find out the impact of mother-son relationship in the formation of social-psychological attributes by males raised by single mothers. Respondents of the study were composed of 30 males coming from the provinces of Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Bukidnon, and Bacolod City, whose age ranged from 13-36, and those who were raised by single mothers. Results rendered that males raised by single mothers perceived an ideal mother as someone who is caring, understanding, and loving, and an ideal father as someone who is responsible or a good provider, wise, and loving and caring. Being raised in an atypical family type, males coming from single-parent family viewed an ideal family as intact, happy, full of love and care. The advantages of being raised by single mothers included being well taken-cared of, maturing early, and learning to be independent, while the lack of a male figure, financial deficiency, and the feeling of insecurity were on top of the list for the disadvantages of being in a single-parent family. Asking help from friends and relatives, doing nothing about the situation and self-reflection were some of the coping mechanisms of these males. Attitude toward marriage (x=3. 48) and levels of self-esteem (x=3. 95) were positively correlated to the level of self-disclosure of males raised by single mothers. This means that males who feel comfortable to disclose any information about themselves towards their mothers are most likely to have a positive outlook toward marriage and are more likely to develop a higher level of self-esteem compared to those who keep their thoughts to themselves.
Of mice and men-Discuss the importance of the American dream Essay
Dictionary: the American dream An American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire: â€Å"In the deepening gloom of the Depression, the American Dream represented a reaffirmation of traditional American hopes†‘ Dictionary: dream a cherished desire The American Dream is a dream of success, fame and wealth achieved in the United States of America. It’s thought to be achievable by â€Å"hard work, courage, and determination†, or by â€Å"getting rich quick†. The concept often involves moving upward in the social classes, and may involve icons such as car, house, partner and pet. This definition of the American dream is universal, but it can have a different meaning for different classes of people. People have dreams The novel of mice and men, written by John Steinbeck, is set in 1930’s California during the Great Depression. The two main characters called George and Lennie are migrant workers travelling from ranch to ranch just to get by and make a little money so that one day they can live their own American dream. Throughout the book, Lennie always asks George to tell him and re-tell him their dream of someday owning their own land. ‘Someday we’re gonna get our jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs.’ The use of the word someday shows a sense of longing and uncertainty; he doesn’t know if it will happen soon or even at all. Because of the time the book is set or George and Lennie’s lifestyle, their dream is not the exact definition of the ‘American dream’. It is more to do with freedom and the amount of land owned which equals a higher status in society the more land you owned. George and Lennie’s dream is motivated by the fact that they have no stability in where they live or work. Being migrant workers, they have a very unsettled lifestyle because they don’t know how long they will be needed to work there. After they aren’t needed or if they get fired, it could take a long time to find another job. Their dream of owning a rural house on their own in the Salinas valley is a comforting thought of stability and not having to worry about nowhere to live. The Salinas valley is not a typical rural setting of America, but as George and Lennie have not traveled far, it is their idea of perfect. There are no comfortable houses, but vast orchards, vineyards, and ranched thoroughly tended. In the book, the Californian countryside is described in vast detail at the beginning and end of every chapter. Steinbeck uses description of the surroundings as he, like Lennie developed a close bond with nature. In my opinion, this is Steinnbeck’s dream Other characters living on the ranch also have similar dreams. The migrant worker candy for example is afraid of being alone and dreams of living out the rest of his life with company. When he hears about George and Lennie’s dream asks them if he can join them so he wont be lonely. ‘S’pose I went in with you guys. How’d that be? When they can me I wont have no place else to go an’ I can’t get no more jobs.’ He is desperate so he pleads with them even though he hasn’t known them very long. Another person on the ranch with a dream is Curley’s wife. Her dream is of fame and fortune †Nother time I met a guy-he was in the pitchers. He said he’d put me in the movies. Said I was a natural. Soon’s he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it. I never got that letter. I always thought my ol’ lady stole it.’ She has this dream as an escape from her husband who is very sexist and discriminatory against women. At the time the book is set, women were treated poorly and only thought of as housewives for bringing up children and were used commonly for sex purposes. Curley treats ‘Curley’s wife’ poorly so she dreams about being rich and famous being a movie star. Ironically, this is the dream of many American people nowadays; to be rich and famous as they aspire to be the everyday celebrities we see today. Another dream of hers is also not to be lonely. She explains to Lennie ‘ I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.’ This shows that she is lonely because she confides in him about her problem and she doesn’t know him at all. Crooks is the Negro stable buck. He has a separate room away from the white people living and working on the ranch. This also shows the amount of racism at the time the story is set. It seems his dream is to not be treated differently because of his skin colour. He says ‘ I ain’t wanted ’cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They say I stink.’ It is obvious that he doesn’t agree with these comments by the way he speaks. He ‘speaks sharply’ showing he is angry about these comments. He talks about everyone else except for him playing cards implying that he would like to play cards too, along with everyone else. In conclusion, I think that the American dream is important to different characters in different ways and different interpretations.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay
As the world moves into the second decade of the 21 st century, one of the major markers of this era is the rise and use of online communities. In particular, a paradigm called Web 2.0 describes recent technologies that focus on networking mass numbers of individuals into distinct communities over the Internet (O’Reilly, 2007). Social networking sites (SNS) are online communities designed to connect individuals to wider networks of relationships, and are one major example of Web 2.0 applications. Sites such as Facebook have exploded in membership. In a short period of 2007 – 2010, Facebook estimates that its membership has grown from 50 million to over 400 million users (Facebook, n.d.). Online social networks are now an integrated part of daily life and compel questions of how these media platforms affect human development, relationships, and interaction. Teenagers are among the most avid users of technology in general and social network sites in particular (Lenhart, Madden, Macgill, & Smith, 2007b). Recent reports find that youth spend nearly 10 hours per day using some form of technology, with socially networked media playing a large role in their daily lives (Rideout, Foehr, & Roberts, 2010). New technologies are deeply intertwined with adult perceptions about teenage life. Mimi Ito and colleagues observe that, â€Å"Although today’s questions about ‘kids these days’ have a familiar ring to them, the contemporary version is somewhat unusual in how strongly it equates generational identity with technology identity†The clear finding is that today’s youth are increasingly connected to the world through socially networked media. While teenagers are engaged with technology, they are ever more disengaged from another major component of their lives – school. Read more: The Effects of Social Media on College Students National analyses find that nearly 30% of high school students do not obtain their diploma on time (Cataldi, Laird, KewalRamani, 2009). High school completion rates are difficult to measure, but various independent studies also suggest that nearly one-third of students ultimately drop out of school (Barton, 2005). When one compares these competing aspects of teenage life – technology versus education – a simple strategy clearly emerges. Perhaps if educators begin to integrate social technologies into learning, they will increase student engagement and achievement in school. Heeding the call of scholars (i.e. Jenkins, 2006; Ito et al. n.d.) recent policy and research efforts are now racing to develop new social media platforms and technologies for learning. For example, the Federal Department of Education and organizations such as the MacArthur Foundation have invested millions of dollars to build social media platforms, video games, and other digital tools for learni ng (Whitehouse, n.d.). Despite the optimism that social media tools might improve student engagement and learning, the stark reality is that these new technologies often conflict with the practices of K-12 schools. Surveys find that the vast majority of school district leaders believe social technology can improve student learning. However, these same district administrators typically block student access to online resources like social network sites (Lemke & Coughlin, 2009). The decision to ban students from accessing social network sites underscores a major conundrum for educators. Online social networks widen a students’ access to resources and social support and may have beneficial effects on their development. Conversely, as student access to the world widens they are inevitably exposed to potentially negative material and interactions. The simplest strategy to limit liability and safeguard school districts is to ban access to these new digital tools. However, such policies neglect the potentially large benefits of using social media in the classroom. To alleviate this dilemma, educators and policymakers need a deeper understanding of social media and youth. Several questions are critical in the area of youth learning with social technologies, including: †¢ Which youth are using particular social technologies? †¢ How do they use these technologies to communicate, develop relationships, socialize, and learn? †¢ What are the effects of these technologies on youth development? †¢ What are the effects of these technologies when applied in educational contexts such as the classroom? In this dissertation, I explore these questions by examining a particular technology: the social network site. Communities such as Facebook and MySpace mediate teenage life, affecting how youth communicate and learn from one another. In addition, social networks are intertwined into just about every major online community today (Livingstone, 2008). These factors make SNS a particularly salient focus for evaluation. Throughout the following chapters I examine different questions surrounding the phenomena of social network sites and teenage youth. In Chapter 2, I review the extant research literature that examines SNS. I consider several controversies around SNS and youth: (a) What kinds of youth are using social networking sites? (b) Does student participation in these online communities affect their privacy and social relationships? (c) Do student activities in SNS influence their personal development in terms of self-esteem and psychological well-being? (d) Does SNS use affect student grades and learning? The review highlights how research in this field is only just emerging. The few stud ies that examine social network sites are mainly exploratory. However, media researchers have a rich history of scholarship from which to draw new insights. I integrate previous thought on Digital Divides, Psychological Well-being, Social Capital Theory, and Cognitive and Social Learning theories to guide SNS researchers in future studies. In Chapter 3, I present an empirical analysis using a national dataset of teenagers from the Pew Internet & American Life Project (Lenhart et al., 2007b; Pew Internet & American Life Project, n.d.). In this study, I ask whether demographic variables such as education, socioeconomic status, and access to the Internet are significantly related to whether teenagers participate in social network sites. This line of analysis is typical of digital divide studies that examine whether particular populations have less access to new technologies. If new technologies do have positive benefits for individuals, but under- represented populations do not have access to such tools, there are tremendous issues of equity and access yet to be addressed (Jenkins, 2006). Most studies of digital divide and SNS examine adult and college-age populations. I present an analysis of teenage populations to examine their usage patterns. The results of this paper highlight how the association between demographic indicators and social media use are weaker in 2007 than seen in earlier studies. Teenage youth of all backgrounds increasingly find ways to connect with others using social network sites. In Chapter 4, I consider a question of particular importance to teachers and education leaders. Through a large-scale experiment, I examine whether using social network sites in urban classrooms has any causal effect on students’ social capital, engagement with school, or academic achievement. I build an experimental social network site that approximates the functionality seen in sites such as Facebook and MySpace. The key difference in this experimental condition is that the site is private to two urban, school districts and explicitly for use to exchange educational information. Working with 50 classrooms and nearly 1,400 students, I utilize a cluster-randomized trial, where class periods are randomly assigned to use the experimental site. Employing this randomized trial design, I find that an academic social network site does not necessarily improve student engagement with their peers, their classes, or increase student achievement. However, I find exploratory evidence that existing social network sites such as Facebook and MySpace improve students’ feelings of connection with their school community. The study offers evidence for one compelling idea: Perhaps schools should attempt to leverage students existing social networks, rather than block access to them or impose their own. In Chapter 5, I outline what is needed in future research about social network sites, and new technologies in general, to better inform the policies and practices of schools, educators, parents, and those interested in youth development. In particular, previous scholarly thought has focused on either a technologically deterministic or social agency perspective. Technological determinism suggests that a media tool itself affects social outcomes such as learning, but a long history of research underscores the fallacy of this philosophy. Scholars who focus instead on social agency, explore how individuals use new technologies in cultural and social contexts. However, this stream of research neglects rigorous evaluation of how new media affect youth. Both perspectives in isolation offer incomplete analyses o f how new media, such as SNS, impact youth. I argue that future researchers must develop and test finer hypotheses that simultaneously consider the technological affordances of social network sites, the social and cultural institutions within which SNS are used, and the actual interactions between individuals that occur in these online communities. The chapters in this dissertation examine the phenomena of social network sites and youth through different but complementary lenses: theoretical, descriptive, and experimental. The summative contribution of these analyses is a deeper picture of how teenage youth use SNS and its effects on their academic and social development. The studies show that youth of all backgrounds are increasingly connected via online social networks. The empirical analyses also show that social network sites are no silver bullet for improving learning in high school classrooms. The technology itself does not improve learning, but social media might help students become more connected and engaged with their school communities. The implications for educators and schools are numerous. Problems such as student disengagement with education are profoundly significant issues, and additional research is needed to better understand how online networks influence youth development and learning. The current tools of teenage communication go by a peculiar set of names. Wall Posts, Status Updates, Activity Feeds, Thumbs Ups, Facebook Quizzes, and Profiles are some of the ways that youth today communicate with one another. These tools are features of social network sites (SNS), such as Facebook and Myspace. SNS are part of a suite of recent web applications, also called social media, which utilize Web 2.0 principles. The term Web 2.0 defines websites that are designed to: (a) rely on the participation of mass groups of users rather than centrally controlled content providers, (b) aggregate and remix content from multiple sources, and (c) more intensely network users and content together (O’Reilly, 2007). People use these web applications to interact in hyper-aware ways and the scale of this mass communication phenomena is significant. As of May 2009, Facebook ranked as the 4 th most trafficked website in the world and Myspace ranked 11 th highest (Alexa, n.d.). That high school youth are connected to these global online communities is both a frightening prospect for parents and educators and an intriguing area for social science research. Educators and parents in the United States face difficult quandaries concerning students and SNS. No one denies that youth use these technologies to communicate with the world, and they do so with high frequency and intensity (Lenhart et al., 2007b). Many scholars suggest that students learn in new ways using social media and that educators should embrace these new platforms (Ito et al., n.d.; Jenkins, 2006). In a recent national survey, the vast majority of school district leaders report that they view social media as a positive development for education (Lemke & Coughlin, 2009). Nevertheless, 70% of districts also report that they banned all access to SNS in their schools. Despite the clear understanding that social media can be vital to student learning and digital literacy, educators currently struggle with how to comply with regulations like the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), as well as overcome general fears about student interactions in social network sites. To inform both the policy concerns of district leaders and the local practices of teachers and parents, research is needed to understand how youth use SNS and what effects it has on their social and academic development. In this chapter, I consider several key controversies around youth usage of SNS, and review relevant research that begins to inform these debates. I first define the media effects framework and outline how this research tradition attempts to understand the effects of new technologies on social outcomes. Second, I define social network sites and describe studies that capture how youth use these technologies to develop relationships, hang out with friends, and learn new skills. Third, the chapter reviews relevant research that informs several controversies concerning SNS and adolescents. I also connect these contemporary debates with previous scholarly thought about students’ out-of-school time (OST) and traditional concerns about the effect of technology on learning. The specific controversies reviewed are: †¢ What kinds of youth are using social networking sites? †¢ Does student participation in these online communities affect their privacy and social relationships? †¢ Do student activities in SNS influence their personal development in terms of self-esteem and psychological well-being? †¢ Does SNS use affect student grades and learning? Finally, I outline the overall condition of research on SNS and youth. The current state of the literature is suggestive of the effects on adolescent social and academic development, and primarily consists of ethnographic and cross-sectional data. I outline the future questions that will be critical for the field and suggest relevant methodological directions to move this emergent research stream forward. What Can We Learn from a Media Effects Framework? Many of the controversial questions concerning social network sites ask what kinds of effects these technologies have on youth development. Given this focus, I work primarily from a media effects tradition of research. Media effects scholars examine the outcomes that arise when people use new technologies. Talking about effects engenders important theoretical discussions that must be laid clear when examining studies. Most significantly, the term implies a focus on causality. Studies in this framework imply that a media form, or the features of the technology, causally influences some outcome (Eveland, 2003). The structure of questions from this perspective is usually in the form of: Does media affect learning? Does television influence student achievement? Or do social net work sites affect the psychological well-being of adolescents? Media effects scholars in a variety of fields have quickly come to realize that the answers to these questions are more complex. Very rarely, if ever, is there a direct causal relationship between a technology and a social outcome such as learning (Clark, 1983; Clark, 1991; Schmidt & Vandewater, 2008). Early media questions often used a technological framework or object-centered approach (Fulk & DeSanctis, 1999; Nass & Mason, 1990). Such a perspective assumes and tests whether a technology itself causally affects a social outcome. For example, in Education a major question of technology research is whether media affects learning. Education researchers now firmly conclude that media does not affect student learning (Clark, Yates, Early, & Moulton, In Press). Numerous studies show that the media tool neither improves nor negatively impacts learning when compared to the same teaching strategy in the classroom (Bernard, Abrami, Lou, Borokhovski, Wade, Wozney et al., 2004; Clark, 1983; Clark, 1991). What matters is not the computer, but the learning behaviors that occur within the software or educational program. T he findings of non-significant media effects on student learning do not mean that technology has no influence. For example, Richard Mayer (2001) shows through a series of experiments that the design of a multimedia presentation affects student learning of a topic. Putting words and pictures closer together on the screen, when they are relevant to each other, helps students retain more knowledge than when the elements are placed further apart on the screen. These results do not validate a technological orientation, where one expects that the computers themselves improve learning. Rather, the pedagogical strategy of placing relevant words and images together in a presentation affects cognition. Media researchers understand that the features of a technology afford certain possibilities for activity. A multimedia video on the computer allows one to design words and images on the screen, while a computer simulation might guide a learner using models of real-world cases. A media tool allows for different possible learning behaviors (Kozma, 1991). This subtle difference in theoretical orientation is what scholars call an emergent perspective (Fulk & DeSanctis, 1999) or a variable-based approach (Nass & Mason, 1990). Scholars using an emergent or variable-based approach view technology as a structuring factor. Features of a technology, not the technology itself, enable and constrain how one uses that tool. Conversely, social forces such as cultural norms and behavioral practices influence how one ultimately uses a technology. William Eveland (2003) offers five characteristics of media effects research that help define how studies take into account both technological and social variables. Media effects studies have: (1) A focus on an audience, (2) Some expectation of influence, (3) A belief that the influence is due to the form or content of the media or technology, (4) An understanding of the variables that may explain the causality, and (5) The creation of empirically testable hypotheses. A focus on audience compels researchers to understand the characteristics of the youth who use SNS. Knowing who uses, or does not use, social network sites is an important sociological question for scholars of digital divide. In addition, Hornik (1981) notes the possible differential effects for disparate populations, â€Å"If communication researchers have learned anything during the previous three decades, it is that communication effects vary with members of the audience†(p. 197). Current media studies also focus on the form or content of a technology, and move away from making black-box comparisons between technologies. Questions that ask whether Facebook is related to lower grades, or if MySpace is unsafe for children, are broad and uninformative directions for future media effects studies. Instead, the pivotal questions explore how the features of SNS enable or constrain behavior. Future media studies about SNS and youth should not frame questions using a technologicall y deterministic perspective where one expects the technology to cause an outcome. Instead, media scholars identify how youth interaction, communication, and information sharing are the critical variables in understanding SNS effects on social and academic outcomes. This understanding of media effects research helps define finer-grained hypotheses of why a tool like SNS might affect student development, under what uses, for whom, and when. What are Social Network Sites and How Do Youth Use Them? When a teenager joins a site like Facebook they first create a personal profile. These profiles display information such as your name, relationship status, occupation, photos, videos, religion, ethnicity, and personal interests. What differentiates SNS from previous media like a personal homepage is the display of one’s friends (boyd & Ellison, 2007). In addition to exhibiting your network of friends, other users can then click on their profiles and traverse ever widening social networks. These three features – profiles, friends, traversing friend lists – represent the core, defining characteristics of social networking sites. One will notice that SNS also include other media tools such as video and photo uploading and many websites now employ social networking features. For example, YouTube is primarily a video sharing service, but users can add others as their friends or subscribe to a member’s collection of videos. Using boyd & Ellison’s (2007) definition, YouTube can be included as a type of social network site. As resear chers examine the effects of SNS on social behaviors, they will undoubtedly come across these blurring of technologies. Sonia Livingstone (2008) notes that SNS invite â€Å"convergence among the hitherto separate activities of email, messaging, website creation, diaries, photo albums and music or video uploading and downloading†(p. 394). This convergence of technologies may complicate what one means by the term social network site. Amidst the sea of what websites can be termed SNS, the technical definition of social network sites still provides a shared conceptual foundation. Comparing across common features – i.e. profiles and friend networks – researchers can begin to understand how various communities co-opt these characteristics to create entirely new cultural and social uses of the technology. Patricia Lange’s (2007) ethnographic study of YouTube shows that users deal with issues concerning public and private sharing of video. Some YouTube users post videos intended for wide audiences, but share very little about their own identities. Their motivations might be to achieve Internet fame and gather viewers. Other members upload videos intended for a small network of friends and may restrict the privacy settings to only allow access to those individuals. The concepts of friend and social networ k for these users are entirely distinct. Dodgeball, an early and now defunct mobile-SNS, is another social network site that has been studied. In Dodgeball, a user broadcasts their location via cell-phone to their network of friends:
Friday, September 13, 2019
Whey protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Whey protein - Essay Example Along this line, whey protein product is marketed as a nutritional dietary supplement, such as for bodybuilding enthusiasts to build muscle mass quickly without any inherent side effects. Actually, whey protein is a general term for variety of proteins found in whey, such as beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, bovine serum albumin, immunoglobulins, lactoperoxidase and other protein enzymes (Ward 9). The presence of these proteins in whey make it an ideal supplement because they are not complex proteins, easily absorbed by ingestion and helps in muscle buildup (Onwulata & Huth 385). There are many intrinsic benefits in taking whey protein supplements, such as amino acids which help promote muscle growth and development, stimulate and promote the bodys resistance to inflammation (which is a cause of many diseases, such as cancer), as alternative supplementary treatment for a wide variety of ailments, promote colon health, improve heart or cardiac function, speed up muscle formation and overall, improve physiological functions. Because of its health-giving properties, whey protein is added to a good number of products like medical food, high-protein beverage, baby food, infant formula, confectionery and meat. Among the various brands out in the market today, Whey Protein by Optimum is the best because it is concentrated to almost pure whey form, in terms of its protein isolates. The protein content of whey in Optimum has been increased from a unique manufacturing process in order to get the best value for money in terms of protein concentration by weight. Whey is available in its three basic forms, which are as whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH). Whey Protein by Optimum is thought by most medical experts and health enthusiasts as the gold standard in whey protein concentrate. Whey is high-quality protein and Optimum is the best brand there is
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Summary Workshop - Research Method Class Coursework
Summary Workshop - Research Method Class - Coursework Example Critical discourse analysis incorporates linguistic and critical theory concepts. The investigation has increasingly been centralized to the task of understanding the society and the human behavior. Discourse analysis has become an essential element in various fields of study due to its feature characterizing post- modern features (Somekh and Lewin 2011). According to Seale (2004a), methods of textual analysis are relevant to a variety of research projects. There has been greater urge for understanding the origin of knowledge, and its presentation mode. Further, with global development, societies and economies become increasing taking a bearing towards global production and incorporation of information, knowledge and human services. Therefore, Social Studies try to understand the changes and projected outcomes in the future by undertaking research studies incorporating discourse analysis. From the researcher’s point of view, using disclosure analysis, a number of compelling po ints can be outlined regarding the kind of practical research devised (Seale 2004b). Disclosure brings out a variety of statements of consideration providing a language for presenting certain mode knowledge. Seale (2004a) explores disclosure analysis in relation to three main stages of the process of the research study. The first one involves data collection, which is a quantitative method of studying textual data. Content analysis incorporates a standard model of research design. Starting with the topic of research formulation, the researcher seeks to establish a given population of interest for a study and outlines a considerable sample from it (Seale 2011a). In this regard, the data to be analyzed is based on a sample of texts, rather than sample of people. Secondly, the research proceeds to coding and analysis of data collected. The relevancy of data coding comes in the sense that it incorporates coming up with data representation to enhance analysis. This eases organization dat a; a large number of data gets organized into a manageable form (Seale 2004a). Data coding is objective in helping to answer unclear queries about the content analysis thus, reinforcing and instilling confidence in the research method (Seale 2004b). Lastly, we have the presentation of analyzed research findings. This involves giving out findings based on researchers’ perspective on the research topic and the outcome of the study analysis. Critical approach to discourse research aims at linking the textual data, with the underlying power structures in the society through discursive practices, from which the text of the study was drawn. The researcher’s aim lies in identifying categories, themes, ideas, roles and views in the text under study. Discourse analysis finds it importance in understanding the social interactions though the objective of the research varies from one investigator to the other. This depends on the aim of investigation with regard to an individual r esearcher. References Seale, C. (ed), 2004a. Social Research Methods: A Reader. (eBook). London: Routledge. pp. 226-228. Somekh, B. and Lewin, C. (Eds), 2011. Theory and Methods in Social Research. (eBook). (2nd ed.) London: Sage. pp. 34-40. Seale, C. (ed), 2004b. Researching Culture and Society. (eBook). London: Sage Publications. pp. 207, 241- 242, 397, 406-407 2. Ethnography According
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